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Spiders!.  Spiders are not bugs. Spiders have 8 legs….. Bugs have 6 legs Spiders have 2 body segments…. Bugs have 3 segments.

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Presentation on theme: "Spiders!.  Spiders are not bugs. Spiders have 8 legs….. Bugs have 6 legs Spiders have 2 body segments…. Bugs have 3 segments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spiders!

2  Spiders are not bugs. Spiders have 8 legs….. Bugs have 6 legs Spiders have 2 body segments…. Bugs have 3 segments

3 Most spiders have 8 eyes

4  Spiders have no ears. They feel sound by using tiny hairs on their legs to detect sound vibrations.

5  Spiders have two body segments… the head and abdomen. The connection point between the two segments is very small. As a result, spiders can’t swallow large things and therefore just suck the juice out of their prey.

6  Spiders have light blue blood.  The blood fills body cavities and legs which makes the legs able to move. (hydraulic action)

7  Most spiders have venom. Most venom is not harmful to humans.

8  Most spiders only live 1 year.  Some spiders like the tarantula can live up to 25 years in captivity.

9  All spiders eat insects.  Some spiders can eat larger things like birds and lizards.

10 Some cool spiders…

11 Garden Spider  Found in continental U.S.  Females can grow to be 3 inches long (including legs)  Harmless to humans  Webs are circular and up to 2 feet in diameter.

12 Brown Recluse Spider  ¼ to ½ inches long  3 pairs of eyes  Brown body with light brown legs  If it bites you, your skin may start to die (necrosis)

13 Black Widow Spider  Venom is more potent than a cobra’s, but it is much smaller…  Body is about ½ inch long  Has red hour-glass on body  Bite symptoms are abdominal pain, increased blood pressure.

14 Wolf Spider  They have 8 eyes arranged in three rows  They carry their eggs on their backs  They are hunter spiders  Bite symptoms are swelling, itching and mild pain

15 Australian Funnel-web Spider  One of the most poisonous spiders in the world

16 Camel Spider  Not actually a spider… also known as a wind scorpion  Can run 10 mph  Can grow up to 6 inches long  They seek out shadows, so they will follow you to stay in your shadow  Not venomous

17 Jumping Spider  Can jump from 10 to 40 times their body length  Many different species of jumping spider  Size is around 2cm in length  Has extremely good vision

18 Trap-door Spider  Make burrows with a cork-like trap door  The door is hinged on one side with spider silk  They hang out in burrow and wait for prey. The spider can feel the vibrations of the prey and jumps out to eat it.

19 Goliath Bird eating spider  The largest spider in the world  Lives in the rain forests in South America  Can have a 12 inch long leg span  Live in burrows  Live for 15 to 25 years  Venom not harmful to humans

20 Jewelled spider  Found in Australia

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