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The New South Chapter 16. Bourbon Triumvirate Redemption Era Redemption Era : period after Reconstruction and before the “New South” Redeem the state.

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1 The New South Chapter 16

2 Bourbon Triumvirate Redemption Era Redemption Era : period after Reconstruction and before the “New South” Redeem the state from the hardships of Reconstruction (i.e.…The Republican Party) The Bourbon Triumvirate The Bourbon Triumvirate: Joseph Brown, Alfred Colquitt, and John Gordon Democrats who wanted stronger economic ties with northern industry but maintain “old South traditions” (White Supremacy)

3 Joseph Brown Yale Law School Opened law office in Canton, GA State senator Judge N. Georgia farmer 1857: elected governor State’s rights activist Possible connections to KKK Annals Annals: records Governor Joseph Brown

4 Alfred Colquitt Princeton Law School Fought in Mexican War State senator Maj. Gen. in Confederate Army 1876: elected Governor State debt reduced New state constitution (1877) Political Ally Political Ally: one who shares a common cause Alfred Colquitt

5 John B. Gordon Lt. Gen. in Confederate Army Newspaper man Manager of coal mine Rumored Head of Georgia’s KKK during Reconstruction 1886: elected Governor Brought new industry to Georgia. Lt. Gen. John B. Gordon

6 The Bourbon Triumvirate Successes State taxes lowered State war debts reduced Business and industry expanded Failures Did not improve lives of poor Education suffered Did not reform prisons Poor working conditions in factories

7 Convict Lease System Convict Lease System leased (rented) (Slavery?) Prisoners were leased (rented) to people who provided them with housing and food in exchange for labor (Slavery?) Repairing/building Railroads Farming Mining Rules ignored, such as…health care, work on Sundays, adequate clothing and housing. Paid workers were not given work because of cheap Convict Lease System…Bourbon Triumvirate took advantage of this! Chain gang in western North Carolina

8 Rebecca and William Felton Roots of Populist Movement Populist Led a group of independent Democrats against the Triumvirate From Cartersville William Felton William Felton: U.S. Congressman; served in GA General Assembly Worked to improve education, prison reform, and paved the way for controls and limits on alcohol. Rebecca Latimer Felton Picture of 1930 Prohibition

9 Rebecca Felton suffrage-votes, particularly for women. A leader towards suffrage-votes, particularly for women. temperance-anti-alcohol Pushed for temperance-anti-alcohol Popular writer for the “Atlanta Journal” forum (Way to communicate ideas…TV, paper, radio, speech…) Used paper as a forum (Way to communicate ideas…TV, paper, radio, speech…) Began Georgia Training School for Girls in Atlanta With Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage First female U.S. Senator First female U.S. Senator in nation’s history Replaced another Senator due to death (24 hours)

10 “The New South” New South New South Industry New South: A phrase used to describe southern progress in the late 1800s…Industry! New South Henry W. Grady Henry W. Grady: first to use the phrase…editor for the Atlanta Daily Journal Henry W. Grady Example of Georgia Industry

11 The Chicago Fire The Chicago Fire 1871-Started in the barn of Daniel Sullivan 17,500 buildings destroyed 250 people killed $200 Million in damage Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow!!! Chicago before the fire Chicago during the fire

12 Industrial Revolution New inventions and leaps forward in technology The rise of the factory and industry Assembly Line (Laissez-faire) Poor, difficult and dangerous working conditions (Laissez-faire) City (Urban) Rise of the City (Urban) Labor Organizations: Unions Worked for the improvement of safety and working conditions in the work place. Charitable (Philanthropic) Religious and Charitable (Philanthropic) organizations came to the aid of workers and child laborers.

13 Immigration Immigration Immigration: people moving into the U.S. from other countries Emigration Emigration: people moving out of the U.S. to other countries (move away) 1840-1880 1840-1880: Western Europe (Ireland, France,…) 1900-1910 1900-1910: Southern and Eastern Europe (Italy, Germany,…) Congress passed acts to restrict immigration. They feared the newcomers would take jobs and gain political offices Led by the people who had been here since before the Revolution Ellis Island

14 Political Scandals Schuyler Colfax New York Elections in 1870s Rutherford B. Hayes 2000 Electoral Map

15 Political Scandals II Credit Mobilier Scandal Credit Mobilier ScandalCredit Mobilier Scandal Credit Mobilier Scandal: a political and financial scandal in President Grant’s administration that centered around the Trans-Continental Railroad. New York Democratic Party Machine New York Democratic Party Machine: robbed the city of millions of dollars and led through bribery and threats. 1876 Election 1876 Election: Rutherford B. Hayes (Rep.) vs. Samuel Tilden (Dem.) Tilden won the popular vote. 4 Disputed states (Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Oregon) Special committee appointed to decide the election. 5 Senators, 5 House of Reps., and 5 Supreme Court Justices (8 Republicans and 7 Democrats) Voted Party Lines Hayes ended Carpetbag rule and removed all troops from the south…to fulfill promises made to Committee. Similar to the 2000 Bush-Gore Election

16 James Garfield Assassination 1881 Republican President Involved in Credit Mobilier Scandal Killed by an angry Republican job seeker who was overlooked for a government position. Patronage Patronage: appointing people to gov’t jobs in return for political support. Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883: established civil service exams for job vacancies in government. Most qualified would get job James Garfield Railroad depot where Garfield was shot

17 “Splendid Little War” February 15, 1898: “Maine” The U.S. battleship “Maine” blew up in Havana (Cuba) Harbor…260 Americans died Americans blamed the Spanish Spanish-American War “Remember The Maine!” Rallying cry for Americans seeking war with Spain. Battleship Maine

18 Spanish-American War Commodore George Dewey Commodore George Dewey: Defeated Spanish fleet stationed in Manila, Philippine Islands Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt: Led the attack up San Juan Hill, Cuba…future President Treaty signed in Paris ending war in 1898. U.S. gained Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam for $20 million. George Dewey Theodore Roosevelt

19 The Populist Movement Rose from farmers and workers who were becoming tired, poor, and discouraged! The Grange“Patrons of Husbandry”, The Grange: name used for the “Patrons of Husbandry”, a group organized to allow social gatherings where farmers could talk about common problems.“Patrons of Husbandry”,“Patrons of Husbandry”, Early 1870s prices began to drop Banks not lending as much money to farmers

20 Georgia’s Granges 1872: Georgia’s Granges become political (Along with others in the South and Midwest). political pressure (lobbying) (1 st in the nation) Applied political pressure (lobbying) to state legislature and forced the formation of a State Department of Agriculture (1 st in the nation) The National Grange The National Grange

21 The Farmers’ Alliance Farmers’ Alliance Farmers’ Alliance: began as social organizations in the Northwest and the South. co-ops wholesale prices Formed co-ops: purchased goods and equipment directly from producers and sold to farmers at wholesale prices -cost of production (No taxes). Called for more U.S. production of paper money Higher credit limits to farmers

22 The Populist Party The Farmers’ Alliance joined with labor organizations (unions) to form this new political party. Platform: 1.8hour workday 2.Gov’t ownership of railroad, telephone, and telegraph 3.Graduated federal income tax 4.Direct election of U.S. Senators 5.Restriction of immigration 6.Use of Australian Ballot: Ballot printed by gov’t, distributed at voting places, and collected in secret sealed boxes. 1892 Election 1892 Election: Democrat Grover Cleveland won…Populist candidate: James B. Weaver James B. Weaver White and black farmers

23 Tom Watson Georgia’s best known Populist. 1882: elected to Georgia General Assembly 1890: elected to Congress with backing of Farmers’ Alliance Rural Free Delivery Bill (RFD): Introduced the Rural Free Delivery Bill (RFD): required the postmaster general to find a way to deliver mail to rural homes free of charge Warren County Warren County: 1 st in GA 1896: ran as vice-president under William Jennings Bryant (Lost) Tom Watson, Populist

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