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Creating Web Documents news quiz Trends (jargon) Homework: postings & project 3 Use Final quiz preparation guide in Course Documents on Blackboard. Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Web Documents news quiz Trends (jargon) Homework: postings & project 3 Use Final quiz preparation guide in Course Documents on Blackboard. Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Web Documents news quiz Trends (jargon) Homework: postings & project 3 Use Final quiz preparation guide in Course Documents on Blackboard. Final quiz: 2 weeks.

2 news quiz Still analyzing results Weak [mostly] on map drawing, many of questions Excellent on finding information –some map drawing still weak Does not appear to be correlation between voting (mostly non-voting), self-assessment on how much a follower of news, major/career … with knowledge

3 Geography… was part of 'the story' –First Gulf War: Kuwait and Saudi Arabia –Now Turkey: opening of Northern front Syria: possible destination for refugees Syria and Jordan: fighters to Iraq Iran: place for Iraqi refugees from Sadaam. Shiite connection Tigris and Euphrates Rivers: early civilization

4 Challenge Devise web / animation / graphics design / multimedia way to present maps (geography) so people learn (absorb and retain the information) –informal presentation (for example, news) –formal instruction (school, self-help)

5 Emerging technologies broadband? XML/XSL/XSLT and XHTML peer-to-peer computing semantic web? ubiquitous computing, PDAs, wearable computers, etc. –wireless HCI

6 Broadband term has come to mean high bandwidth connections to the Internet cable modem, DSL Internet II (an NSF sponsored high[er] performance set of connections) The prediction was that this would change the nature of the web. Did it happen????

7 eXtended Markup Language Structure data independent of display then specify the display using eXtended Stylesheet Language, using an eXtended Stylesheet Language Transformation program Large and small organizations agree on particular Document Type Definitions –DocBook, mathML, Wireless ML

8 XML alphabet soup used with databases (with SQL) server side programming (asp, php) client side (HTML &/or Flash) special devices, for example, personal digital assistants (generic name for things such as Palm Pilots)

9 XHTML tidied up XHTML, to fit requirements for XML proper nesting –NOT blah blah quoted attribute values –NOT but tag names all lower case modify 'singleton' tags: –NOT but –use and reference to DOCTYPE and character encoding

10 XHTML "Good Housekeeping" type sign of approval See my sites: – – Note: no mechanism to check that any updates did not make site invalid…

11 peer to peer computing Generic term for what Napster KaZaa did/was/is???? not limited to getting mpg3 music files computers acting together –for sharing information and/or –performing computation

12 Semantic Web project of Tim Berners-Lee make Web more useful semantics == meaning go beyond searching Recall Vannevar Bush article

13 Ubiquitous computing wearable computers computers 'in the walls' computers in devices –smart house –smart devices Convergence –TV, computer, game station, stereo/CD player

14 wireless Emerging as the way to 'wire' buildings and, perhaps, campuses New York Wireless: project to set up areas with access. –Bryant Park in Manhattan Potential security problems

15 Human Computer Interface Speech recognition [at last]? handwriting recognition –significant limited application gesture recognition Accessibility issues –new standards for Web sites, Flash projects.

16 Advice You need to learn how to learn because technology keeps changing (evolving) Important to reflect on content, purpose, function, & audience –Web sites need to be about something, for some purpose, for some audience

17 Homework postings Project 3 –finish –upload (can always modify and upload new files) –send address so site is linked from class page review notes, book, posted examples. See Final quiz preparation guide to be posted from charts page(s).

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