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A Little Bit of Everything: Student Referrals and ELO Materials Erin Monn October 2011 In-Service New Bloomfield Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "A Little Bit of Everything: Student Referrals and ELO Materials Erin Monn October 2011 In-Service New Bloomfield Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Little Bit of Everything: Student Referrals and ELO Materials Erin Monn October 2011 In-Service New Bloomfield Elementary

2 Agenda IST Student referral form Initiating student referral flowchart ELO Location of materials New material review Form groups, plan activities, etc.

3 Student Referral Form Funnel concerns to one place J:\Work Files\IST\11-12 IST\District Forms\West Perry School District student referral form 9-11.docx J:\Work Files\IST\11-12 IST\District Forms\West Perry School District student referral form 9-11.docx

4 Initiating Student Referral Flowchart Explanation of process J:\Work Files\IST\11-12 IST\District Forms\West Perry School District Initiating Student Referral Flow chart.docx J:\Work Files\IST\11-12 IST\District Forms\West Perry School District Initiating Student Referral Flow chart.docx

5 ELO Materials Location/organization of materials Sign out procedures

6 New Phonological/Phonemic Awareness Materials Road to the Code Who? K-1 intervention Students practice segmenting words into phonemes and develop understanding that those phonemes are represented by certain letters What? 44 lessons; 4-5 students in group; 4 times/week; 15-20 minute lesson Lesson format Say it and Move it Say target word and students move disk to blend sounds Letter name and sound instruction Sound categorization or further practice segmenting words (initial sounds and rhyming parts)

7 New Phonics Materials Start Up, Build Up, Spiral Up Program Who? K-5 intervention Students who need practice with specific phonics skills What? Administer Quick Phonics Assessment to find out where to place students Direct and explicit 30 minute lessons Scripted lesson plans covering a phonics skill for 5 days Contains quick checks for progress monitoring

8 Start Up Kit Grades K-3 75 Ready-to-use Skill Bags target: Phonological Awareness Letter Discrimination Letter Identification Short Vowels Consonants Sight word vocabulary Spelling

9 Build Up Kit Grades 1-4 41 Ready-to-use Skill Bags target: Phonemic Awareness Long vowels Blends, diagraphs, diphthongs, and variant vowels Sight word vocabulary Spelling

10 Spiral Up Kit Grades 2-6 37 Ready-to-use Skill Bags target: Multisyllabic word-solving strategies Syllable spelling patterns Sight word vocabulary Spelling

11 New Phonics Materials (cont.) HFW/Phonics-based/Sight Word-based Books Previously in the book room Organized by HFW/phonics skill/sight words

12 New Phonics Materials (cont.) High Noon Phonics-based chapter books Who? K-2 acceleration 3-5 intervention (great for intermediate students who need practice with decoding) What? Low first grade readability Sets of books that get progressively more difficult with their phonics skills Sets A-1, A-2, A-3 One syllable words with double consonants, plural s, ck endings Short vowels and long vowels Short vowels and long vowels mixed Sets B-1, B-2, B-3 Consonant blends; diphthongs, controlled vowels, silent letters (B-1 and B-2) One-syllable words with short/long vowels, consonant blends and digraphs Sets C-1 and C-2 Two-syllable words practicing skills introduced in A and B sets U.S. Sports and X Sports Nonfiction Designed for reluctant readers

13 New Phonics Materials (cont.) Phonics and Spelling through Phoneme- Grapheme Mapping Who? Grades 3-5 intervention Students having trouble going from phonological awareness to print Strengthens phonemic awareness skills and builds word sound to word spelling association What? Map words by matching the grapheme (letter) to each phoneme (sound)

14 New Fluency Materials Reader’s Theater Scripts Who? K-5 intervention/acceleration Students who need practice developing their fluency Allows students of differing reading levels to read together What? K-2 Nursery rhymes and songs Multi-leveled scripts ranging from levels A-E Characters color-coded based on level Visual icons for support Builds comprehension and vocabulary as well Contains lesson plans 3-5 Content-area and folktales, myths, and legends Supports core content as well as vocabulary and comprehension Roles are leveled (F-M, N-X) Contains lesson plans

15 New Comprehension Materials Hi interest/low readability genre chapter books Who? Grades 3-5 intervention Students who are reading below grade level and need to work on comprehension skills What? First and second grade readability Mysteries, science fiction/fantasy, biographies

16 New Comprehension Materials (cont.) Classroom Best Practices in Reading F/NF Paired Books Who? Grades 4-5 acceleration Students who need practice with specific comprehension strategies What? Copies of paired fiction and nonfiction books Lesson plans that show which comprehension strategies are covered in the books

17 New Resource Materials Teaching Reading Sourcebook Who? Grades K-5 intervention and acceleration What? Provides ideas for activities/lessons that can be used to strengthen students’ skills in all areas of reading

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