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Presentation on theme: "MATHEMATICS OF BINARY MORPHOLOGY APPLICATIONS IN Vision"— Presentation transcript:



3 In general; what is “Morphology”?
The science of form and structure the science of form, that of the outer form, inner structure, and development of living organisms and their parts about changing/counting regions/shapes Among other applications it is used to pre- or post-process images via filtering, thinning and pruning Smooth region edges create line drawing of face Force shapes onto region edges curve into a square Count regions (granules) number of black regions Estimate size of regions area calculations

4 What is Morphology in computer vision ?
Morphology generally concerned with shape and properties of objects. Used for segmentation and feature extraction. Segmentation = used for cleaning binary objects. Two basic operations erosion (opening) dilation (closing)

5 Morphological operations and algebras
Different definitions in the textbooks Different implementations in the image processing programs. The original definition, based on set theory, is made by J. Serra in 1982. Defined for binary images - binary operations (boolean, set-theoretical) Can be used on grayscale images - multiple-valued logic operations

6 Morphological operations on a PC
Various but slightly different implementations in Scion Paint Shop Pro Adope Photoshop Corel Photopaint mm Try them, it is a lot of fun

7 Mathematical Morphology - Set-theoretic representation for binary shapes

8 Binary Morphology Morphological operators are used to prepare binary (thresholded) images for object segmentation/recognition Binary images often suffer from noise (specifically salt-and-pepper noise) Binary regions also suffer from noise (isolated black pixels in a white region). Can also have cracks, picket fence occlusions, etc. Dilation and erosion are two binary morphological operations that can assist with these problems.

9 Goals of morphological operations:
1. Simplifies image data 2. Preserves essential shape characteristics 3. Eliminates noise 4. Permits the underlying shape to be identified and optimally reconstructed from their distorted, noisy forms

10 What is the mathematical morphology ?
1. An approach for processing digital image based on its shape 2. A mathematical tool for investigating geometric structure in image The language of morphology is set theory. Mathematical morphology is extension to set theory.

11 Importance of Shape in Processing and Analysis
Shape is a prime carrier of information in machine vision For instance, the following directly correlate with shape: identification of objects object features assembly defects

12 Binary Morphology

13 Shape Operators Set difference Set intersection
Shapes are usually combined by means of : Set Union (overlapping objects): Set Difference based on Set intersection (occluded objects): Set difference Set intersection

14 Morphological Operations based on combining base operations
The primary morphological operations are dilation and erosion More complicated morphological operators can be designed by means of combining erosions and dilations We will use combinations of union, complement, intersection, erosion, dilation, translation... Let us illustrate them and explain how to combine

15 Libraries of Structuring Elements
Application specific structuring elements created by the user

16 Notation B X x -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 y A special set :
B y A special set : the structuring element Origin at center in this case, but not necessarily centered nor symmetric X No necessarily compact nor filled 3*3 structuring element, see next slide how it works

17 Dilation

18 Explanation of Dilation
Dilation : x = (x1,x2) such that if we center B on them, then the so translated B intersects X. X difference dilation B

19 Notation for Dilation Dilation : x = (x1,x2) such that if we center B on them, then the so translated B intersects X. How to formulate this definition ? 1) Literal translation Mathematical definition of dilation 2) Better : from Minkowski’s sum of sets Another Mathematical definition of dilation uses the concept of Minkowski’s sum B is ingeneral not the same as B

20 The Concept of Minkowski Sum

21 Minkowski’s Sum Definition of Minkowski’s sum of sets S and B : l l

22 Another View at Dilation

23 Comparison of Dilation and Minkowski sum
Bx = x and b are points Minkowski sum

24 It is like dilation but we are not going around , we go only to top and to right

25 Dilation and Minkowski Set
Dilation and Minkowski Set are denoted by + or by  No unified notation

26 Dilation is not the Minkowski’s sum

27 Dilation is not the Minkowski’s sum
b b b b l Dilation l B is not the same as B

28 Dilation with other structuring elements

29 Dilation with other structuring elements

30 Dilation vs SE Erosion shrinks Dilation expands binary regions
Can be used to fill in gaps or cracks in binary images structuring Element ( SE ) If the point at the origin of the structuring element is set in the underlying image, then all the points that are set in the SE are also set in the image Basically, its like OR’ing the SE into the image

31 Dilation fills holes Fills in holes. Smoothes object boundaries.
Adds an extra outer ring of pixels onto object boundary, ie, object becomes slightly larger.

32 Main Applications of Dilation

33 Dilation example

34 Possible problems with Morphological Operators
Erosion and dilation clean image but leave objects either smaller or larger than their original size. Opening and closing perform same functions as erosion and dilation but object size remains the same.

35 More Erode and Dilate Examples
Input Image Dilated Eroded Made in Paint Shop Pro

36 Dilation explained pixed by pixel
Denotes origin of B i.e. its (0,0) Denotes origin of A i.e. its (0,0) B A

37 Dilation explained by shape of A
Shape of A repeated without shift B Shape of A repeated with shift A

38 Properties of Dilation
objects are light (white in binary) Dilation does the following: 1. fills in valleys between spiky regions 2. increases geometrical area of object 3. sets background pixels adjacent to object's contour to object's value 4. smoothes small negative grey level regions

39 Structuring Element for Dilation
Length 6 Length 5

40 Structuring Element for Dilation

41 Structuring Element for Dilation
Single point in Image replaced with this in the Result

42 Structuring Element for Dilation

43 Definition of Dilation: Mathematically
Dilation is the operation that combines two sets using vector addition of set elements. Let A and B are subsets in 2-D space. A: image undergoing analysis, B: Structuring element, denotes dilation

44 Dilation versus translation
Let A be a Subset of and The translation of A by x is defined as: The dilation of A by B can be computed as the union of translation of A by the elements of B x is a vector

45 Dilation versus translation, illustrated
Element (0,0) Shift vector (0,1) Shift vector (0,0) B

46 Dilation using Union Formula
Center of the circle This circle will create one point This circle will create no point

47 Example of Dilation with various sizes of structuring elements
Pablo Picasso, Pass with the Cape, 1960

48 Mathematical Properties of Dilation
Commutative Associative Extensivity Dilation is increasing Illustrated in next slide

49 Illustration of Extensitivity of Dilation
B Replaced with Here 0 does not belong to B and A is not included in A B

50 More Properties of Dilation
Translation Invariance Linearity Containment Decomposition of structuring element

51 Dilation The dilation operator takes two pieces of data as input
A binary image, which is to be dilated A structuring element (or kernel), which determines the behavior of the morphological operation Suppose that X is the set of Euclidean coordinates of the input image, and K is the set of coordinates of the structuring element Let Kx denote the translation of K so that its origin is at x. The DILATION of X by K is simply the set of all points x such that the intersection of Kx with X is non-empty

52 Dilation Example: Suppose that the structuring element is a 3x3 square with the origin at its center 1 { (-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1), (-1,0), (0,0), (1,0), ( 1,1), (0,1), (1,1) } K = X =

53 Dilation Example: Suppose that the structuring element is a 3x3 square with the origin at its center Note: Foreground pixels are represented by a color and background pixels are empty

54 Dilation Structuring element Input output

55 Dilation output

56 Dilation output

57 Dilation

58 Dilation

59 Erosion

60 Example of Erosion Erosion : x = (x1,x2) such that if we center B on them, then the so translated B is contained in X. difference erosion

61 Minkowski’s substraction
Notation for Erosion Erosion : x = (x1,x2) such that if we center B on them, then the so translated B is contained in X. How to formulate this definition ? 1) Literal translation Erosion 2) Better : from Minkowski’s substraction of sets Minkowski’s substraction

62 Notation for Erosion Minkowski’s substraction of sets Erosion
BINARY MORPHOLOGY Minkowski’s substraction of sets Erosion

63 Erosion with other structuring elements

64 Erosion with other structuring elements
Did not belong to X When the new SE is included in old SE then a larger area is created

65 Common structuring elements shapes
= origin x y disk circle segments 1 pixel wide Note that here : points

using Minkowski Sum First we calculate the operation in parentheses to obtain a diamond

next we calculate the external operation to obtain a hexagon

Where d is a diameter Problem : <d/2 d/2 d

69 Implementation of dilation: very low computational cost
1 (or >0) Logical or

70 Implementation of erosion: very low computational cost
1 Logical and

71 More on Erosion

72 Erosion (Minkowski subtraction)
The contraction of a binary region (aka, region shrinking) Use a structuring element on binary image data to produce a new binary image Structuring elements (SE) are simply patterns that are matched in the image It is useful to explain operation of erosion and dilation in different ways.

73 Typical Uses of Erosion
Removes isolated noisy pixels. Smoothes object boundary. Removes the outer layer of object pixels, ie, object becomes slightly smaller.

74 Properties of Erosion:
Erosion removes spiky edges objects are light (white in binary) decreases geometrical area of object sets contour pixels of object to background value smoothes small positive grey level regions

75 Erosion Example

76 Erosion explained pixel by pixel

77 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

78 How It Works? During erosion, a pixel is turned on at the image pixel under the structuring element origin only when the pixels of the structuring element match the pixels in the image Both ON and OFF pixels should match. This example erodes regions horizontally from the right.

79 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

80 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

81 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

82 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

83 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

84 Structuring Element in Erosion Example

85 Mathematical Definition of Erosion
Erosion is the morphological dual to dilation. It combines two sets using the vector subtraction of set elements. Let denotes the erosion of A by B

86 Erosion in terms of other operations:
Erosion can also be defined in terms of translation In terms of intersection Observe that vector here is negative

87 Reminder - this was A

88 Erosion illustrated in terms of intersection and negative translation
Observe negative translation Because of negative shift the origin is here

89 Erosion formula and intuitive example
Center of B is here and adds a point Center here will not add a point to the Result

90 Example of Erosions with various sizes of structuring elements
Pablo Picasso, Pass with the Cape, 1960

91 Properties of Erosion Erosion is not commutative! Extensivity Erosion is dereasing Chain rule The chain rule is as sharp operator in Cube Calculus used in logic synthesis. There are more similarities of these algebras

92 Properties of Erosion Translation Invariance Linearity Containment
Decomposition of structuring element

93 Duality Relationship between erosion and dilation
Dilation and Erosion transformation bear a marked similarity, in that what one does to image foreground and the other does for the image background. , the reflection of B, is defined as Erosion and Dilation Duality Theorem Observe negative value which is mirror image reflection of B Similar but not identical to De Morgan rule in Boolean Algebra

94 Erosion as Dual of Dilation
Erosion is the dual of dilation i.e. eroding foreground pixels is equivalent to dilating the background pixels.

95 Duality Relationship between erosion and dilation
Easily visualized on binary image Template created with known origin Template stepped over entire image similar to correlation Dilation if origin == 1 -> template unioned resultant image is large than original Erosion only if whole template matches image origin = 1, result is smaller than original Another look at duality

96 One more view at Erosion with examples
To compute the erosion of a binary input image by the structuring element For each foreground pixel superimpose the structuring element If for every pixel in the structuring element, the corresponding pixel in the image underneath is a foreground pixel, then the input pixel is left as it is Otherwise, if any of the corresponding pixels in the image are background, however, the input pixel is set to background value

97 Erosion

98 Erosion example with dilation and negation
We want to calculate this We dilate with negation

99 Erosion .. And we negate the result
We obtain the same thing as from definition

100 Morphological Operations in terms of more general neighborhoods
This exists in Matlab

101 Erode and Dilate in terms of more general neighborhoods
Yet another loook at Duality Relationship between erosion and dilation

102 Edge detection or Binary Contour

103 Boundary Extraction

104 Erode and Binary Contour in Matlab
Erosion can be used to find contour Dilation can be also used for it - think how?

105 Edge detection This subtraction is set theoretical Dilate - original
Now you need to invert the image There are more methods for edge detection

106 Opening & Closing Opening and Closing are two important operators from mathematical morphology They are both derived from the fundamental operations of erosion and dilation They are normally applied to binary images

107 Open and Close Close = Dilate next Erode Open = Erode next Dilate
Original image eroded dilated dilated eroded Open Close


109 OPENING OPENING Opening : also Supresses : small islands
ithsmus (narrow unions) narrow caps difference

110 Opening with other structuring elements

111 Open An erosion followed by a dilation It serves to eliminate noise
Does not significantly change an object’s size

112 Comparison of Opening and Erosion
Opening is defined as an erosion followed by a dilation using the same structuring element The basic effect of an opening is similar to erosion Tends to remove some of the foreground pixels from the edges of regions of foreground pixels Less destructive than erosion The exact operation is determined by a structuring element.

113 Opening Example Original
What combination of erosion and dilation gives: cleaned binary image object is the same size as in original Original

114 Opening Example Cont Original Erode Dilate Erode original image.
Dilate eroded image. Smooths object boundaries, eliminates noise (isolated pixels) and maintains object size. Original Erode Dilate

115 One more example of Opening
Erosion can be used to eliminate small clumps of undesirable foreground pixels, e.g. “salt noise” However, it affects all regions of foreground pixels indiscriminately Opening gets around this by performing both an erosion and a dilation on the image


117 EXAMPLE OF CLOSING Closing : also Supresses : small lakes (holes)
channels (narrow separations) narrow bays

118 Closing previous image with other structuring elements
BINARY MORPHOLOGY With bigger rectangle like this With smaller cross like this

119 Application : shape smoothing and noise filtering
Papilary lines recognition

120 segmentation of microstructures (Matlab Help)
Application : segmentation of microstructures (Matlab Help) opening and with threshold disk radius 6 closing threshold original negated

all of them are increasing : opening and closing are idempotent :

dilation and closing are extensive operations erosion and opening are anti-extensive operations:

duality of erosion-dilation, opening-closing,...

124 Decomposition of structuring elements
operations with big structuring elements can be done by a succession of operations with small s.e’s

125 HIT-OR-MISS Hit-or-miss : Bi-phase structuring element “Hit” part
(white) “Miss” part (black)

Looks for pixel configurations : background foreground doesn’t matter

127 ISOLATED POINTS isolated points at 4 connectivity

128 More examples on Closing

129 Close Dilation followed by erosion
Serves to close up cracks in objects and holes due to pepper noise Does not significantly change object size

130 More examples of Closing
What combination of erosion and dilation gives: cleaned binary image object is the same size as in original Original

131 More examples of Closing cont
Dilate original image. Erode dilated image. Smooths object boundaries, eliminates noise (holes) and maintains object size. Original Dilate Erode

132 Closing as dual to Opening
Closing, like its dual operator opening, is derived from the fundamental operations of erosion and dilation. Normally applied to binary images Tends to enlarge the boundaries of foreground regions Less destructive of the original boundary shape The exact operation is determined by a structuring element.

133 Closing is opening in revers
Closing is opening performed in reverse. It is defined simply as a dilation followed by an erosion using the same

134 One more example of Closing

135 Mathematical Definitions of Opening and Closing
Opening and closing are iteratively applied dilation and erosion Opening Closing

136 Relation of Opening and Closing
Difference is only in corners

137 Opening and Closing are idempotent
Their reapplication has not further effects to the previously transformed result

138 Properties of Opening and Closing
Translation invariance Antiextensivity of opening Extensivity of closing Duality

139 Example of Openings with various sizes of structuring elements
Pablo Picasso, Pass with the Cape, 1960

140 Example of Closings with various sizes of structuring elements

141 Thinning and Thickening

142 Thinning and Thickening
Thickenning : Depending on the structuring elements (actually, series of them), very different results can be achieved : Prunning Skeletons Zone of influence Convex hull ...

143 Prunning at 4 connectivity
Prunning at 4 connectivity : remove end points by a sequence of thinnings This point is removed with dark green neighbors 1 iteration =

144 IDEMPOTENCE shown as a result of thinning
1st iteration 2nd iteration 3rd iteration: idempotence

145 Other thinning operations
background doesn’t matter foreground

Contours of binary regions : erosion difference Contour found with larger mask

147 CONTOURS with different connectivity patterns
Important for perimeter computation.

148 Use of thickening: Convex hull
ii. Convex hull : union of thickenings, each up to idempotence Original shaper Thickening with first mask Union of four thickenings

149 Example of using convex hull

150 iii. Skeleton : Maximal disk : disk centered at x, Dx, such that
Dx  X and no other Dy contains it . Skeleton : union of centers of maximal disks.

151 PROBLEMS with skeletons
Instability : infinitessimal variations in the border of X cause large deviations of the skeleton not necessarily connex even though X connex good approximations provided by thinning with special series of structuring elements

152 Example of iterative thinning with 8 masks
1st iteration

153 Example of iterative thinning with 8 masks
result of 1st iteration 2nd iteration reaches idempotence

154 Thinning with thickening 20 iterations of thinning color white
Some sort of region clustering

155 Skeletonization for OCR
BINARY MORPHOLOGY Application : skeletonization for OCR by graph matching skeletonization vectorization

156 skeletonization Application : skeletonization for OCR by graph matching and 3 rotations Hit-or-Miss

157 Calculation of Geodesic zones of influence (GZI)
X set of n connex components {Xi}, i=1..n . The zone of influence of Xi , Z(Xi) , is the set of points closer to some point of Xi than to a point of any other component. Also, Voronoi partition. Dual to skeleton.

158 Calculating and using Geodesic Zones of Influence
thr erosion 7x7 and GZI opening 5x5

159 Calculating and using Geodesic Zones of Influence (cont)
thr erosion 7x7 dist

160 Skeleton by Maximal Balls

161 Example – Morphological Processing of Handwritten Digits
thresholding thinning smoothing opening







168 Morphological Filtering

169 Morphological Filtering
Main idea of Morphological Filtering: Examine the geometrical structure of an image by matching it with small patterns called structuring elements at various locations By varying the size and shape of the matching patterns, we can extract useful information about the shape of the different parts of the image and their interrelations. Combine set-theoretical and morphological operations:

170 Example 1: Morphological filtering
Noisy image will break down OCR systems Noisy image Clean original image

171 Morphological filtering (MF)
By applying MF, we increase the OCR accuracy! Restored image

172 Rank Filter Median Input 1 operation 2 operations

173 Postprocessing Opening followed by closing.
Removes noise and smoothes boundaries.

174 Postprocessing Opening followed by closing.
Removes noise and smoothes boundaries.


176 Grey Level Morphology








184 erosion dilation



187 Change of histogram as a result of dilation








195 Removal of Border Objects
Marker is the border itself

196 Summary on Morphological Approaches
Mathematical morphology is an approach for processing digital image based on its shape The language of morphology is set theory The basic morphological operations are erosion and dilation Morphological filtering can be developed to extract useful shape information Methods can be extended to more values and more dimensions Nice mathematics can be formulated - non-linear

197 Conclusion Segmentation separates an image into regions.
Use of histograms for brightness based segmentation. Peak corresponds to object. Height of peak corresponds to size of object. If global image histogram is multimodal, local image region histogram may be bimodal. Local thresholds can give better segmentation.

198 Conclusion Postprocessing uses morphological operators.
Same as convolution only use Boolean operators instead of multiply and add. Erosion clears noise, makes smaller. Dilation fills in holes, makes larger. Postprocessing Opening and closing to clean binary images. Repeated erosion with special rule produces skeleton.

199 Problems 1 - 6 1. Write LISP or C++ program for dilation of binary images 2. Modify it to do erosions (few types) 3. Modify it to perform shift and exor operation and shift and min operation 4. Generalize to multi-valued algebra 5. Create a comprehensive theory of multi-valued morphological algebra and its algorithms (publishable). 6. Write a program for inspection of Printed Circuit Boards using morphological algebra.

200 Problem 7. Electric Outlet Extraction has been done using a combination of Canny Edge Detection and Hough Transforms Write a LISP program that will use only basic morphological methods for this application.

201 Image Processing for electric outlet, how?
Currently there are many, many ways to approach this problem Segmentation Edge Detection DPC compression FFT IFFT DFT Thinning Growing Haar Transform Hex Rotate Alpha filtering DPC compression Perimeter Fractal Gaussian Filter Band Pass Filter Homomorphic Filtering Contrast Sharper Least Square Restoration Warping Dilation

202 Create morphological equivalents of other image processing methods.
Image Processing, how? Create morphological equivalents of other image processing methods. New, publishable, use outlet problem as example to illustrate

203 Problem 8. Openings and Closings as examples.
The solution here is to follow up one operation with the other. An opening is defined as an erosion operation followed by dilation using the same structuring element. Similarly, a closing is dilation followed by erosion. Define and implement other combined operations.

204 Problems 9. Generalize binary morphological algebra from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional images. What are the applications. 10. Write software for 9. 11. Generalize your generalized multi-valued morphological algebra to 3 or more dimensions, theoretically, find properties and theorems like those from this lecture. 12. Write software for 11.

205 Problem 13 Mathematical morphology uses the concept of structuring elements to analyze image features. A structuring element is a set of pixels in some arrangement that can extract shape information from an image. Typical structuring elements include rectangles, lines, and circles. Think about other structuring elements and their applications.


207 Morphological Operations: Matlab
BWMORPH Perform morphological operations on binary image. BW2 = BWMORPH(BW1,OPERATION) applies a specific morphological operation to the binary image BW1. BW2 = BWMORPH(BW1,OPERATION,N) applies the operation N times. N can be Inf, in which case the operation is repeated until the image no longer changes. OPERATION is a string that can have one of these values: 'close' Perform binary closure (dilation followed by erosion) 'dilate' Perform dilation using the structuring elementones(3) 'erode' Perform erosion using the structuring elementones(3) 'fill' Fill isolated interior pixels (0's surrounded by1's) 'open' Perform binary opening (erosion followed bydilation) 'skel' With N = Inf, remove pixels on the boundariesof objects without allowing objects to break apart demos/demo9morph/

208 Sources Shreekanth Mandayam D.A. Forsyth, University of New Mexico,
Qigong Zheng, Language and Media Processing Lab Center for Automation Research University of Maryland College Park October 31, 2000 John Miller Matt Roach J. W. V. Miller and K. D. Whitehead The University of Michigan-Dearborn Spencer Lustor Light Works Inc. C. Rössl, L. Kobbelt, H.-P. Seidel, Max-Planck Institute for, Computer Science, Saarbrücken, Germany LBA-PC4 Howard Schultz Shreekanth Mandayam ECE Department Rowan University D.A. Forsyth, University of New Mexico

209 More recent Sources Howie Choset G.D. Hager, Z. Dodds, Dinesh Mocha


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