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Degree Progress Information Overload for Advisers Frank Blalark, Director, Registrar's office Sue Van Voorhis, Director, Academic Support Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Degree Progress Information Overload for Advisers Frank Blalark, Director, Registrar's office Sue Van Voorhis, Director, Academic Support Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Degree Progress Information Overload for Advisers Frank Blalark, Director, Registrar's office Sue Van Voorhis, Director, Academic Support Resources

2 Background Started with strategic planning 2007 Goal Become one of the Top Three Public Research University in the World Four ways - Exceptional students, faculty and staff, organization, innovation Comparison group - The Ohio State, Penn State, UC - Berkeley, UC - Los Angeles, U of Florida, University of Illinois, U of Michigan, U of Texas- Austin, U of Washington-Seattle, U of Wisconsin-Madison

3 Regents Goal Undergraduate students: 60% Undergraduates graduate in 4 years 70% Undergraduates graduate in 5 years 80% Undergraduates graduate in 6 years Graduate students: Increase graduate graduation rates. by spring 2012 - F08 NHS cohort

4 Rates graph

5 What needed to occur? Transformation: Transforming the Undergraduate Experience: Strategic Positioning Initiatives o Create Honors college o Increase writing curriculum o Enhance Student Support Services

6 Focus on outcomes: Learning outcomes o Created and implementation in progress Personal developmental outcomes o Responsibility, accountability, independence, goal oriented, self-confident, resilient Council on Liberal Education o Implemented

7 Guiding principles Focus is on students and their success An array of resources and learning opportunities that enable students to exercise responsibility for their learning and success The critical value and importance of diversity in guiding policies and strategies that promote student success at the University An undergraduate experience that is second to none and based on research and scholarship

8 Increase in: Number of applicants Size of the freshman class Quality of the freshman class Percent of entering students who are students of color Percent of freshmen in the top 10% of their high school class Percent of freshmen living on campus Percent satisfied or very satisfied with their university experience

9 Impact of change: University Honors - draw more top-ranked Minnesota students Cooperative admissions with professional schools - retention of students Welcome Week - more engaged Financial aid programs - afordability Increase research opportunities - retention

10 Additional positive factors: Smart Learning Commons Study Abroad Student Study Space CAPE (Center for Academic Planning & Exploration) Residential Learning Communities President's Emerging Scholars

11 Pathways to increasing rates: Students will be better supported to meet their educational goals and graduate in a timely way, through: Improved advising services Better coordinated career services Targeted assistance for students in transition Better technological support for students and advisers (Grad Planner, Student Engagement Planner, Student Portal)

12 Policy changes Honors students Last term of registration Repeating courses Curriculum changes to a major o Oversight o Timing of change

13 Educating the University Set expectations for Advisers, faculty, staff and students Impacts of not graduating in 4 years o Financial aid is restricted - 6 years for Pell o State programs are mostly tied to 4 years o Longer they stay the more they brower  60% in 5 years versus 75% in 6 years (UMN)  $24,000 versus $27,500 borrowed o Reduce lifetime earnings the longer they stay

14 The Big Picture

15 ECAS Electronic Course Authorization System Create a new course Update a current course Approval workflow process o Instructor o College o Liberal Education o Graduate School o Catalog Edit o CCE o PeopleSoft entry


17 PCAS Program and Curriculum Approval System Comprehensive database of all the requirements needed to complete each degree program Approval system the route changes or new programs to approvers Used for the Graduation Planner

18 PCAS: Sample Plans

19 PCAS: Checkpoint Charts


21 APLUS Gives advisers one location to view current, detailed information about a student Enable more timely communication with students and faster resolution of issues Ensure that pertinent information about a student, including advising notes, follows the student across the campus


23 Graduation Planner Giving students and advisers the information they need to plan for timely graduation. Bring together everything about: Students Programs and majors Courses

24 Graduation Planner

25 Curriculum Three buckets: Liberal Education requirements 35 credits Major requirements Electives Electives toward the degree Excess Electives **Double dipping of courses

26 Curriculum (catalog) How many credits to earn a degree - 120? 91.5% of undergraduate programs require 120 credits for degree completion 8.5% of undergraduate programs require more o range: 122 - 129 credits o max 129 credits

27 2005-06 Average Total Credits at Time of Graduation

28 Actual credits

29 Degree Audit

30 Average degree progress after 3 years

31 Reporting Focus 4-year graduation rate o New high school o First-time full-time Administrative barriers to degree completion o deadlines, internal business processes, system errors, etc. Students who haven't by should have: o applied to graduate; and/or o graduated

32 Reporting Data Graduation rate cohort data o Grad rate cohort (year and student ID's) SIS data o college, major, etc. Degree audit data o degree progress percentage complete Report MS excel format Sent to collegiate contacts 3 times per year

33 Analysis Results from Office of the Registrar data analysis, reports, and communication with collegiate units. OTR direct impact on 4-year grad rates o 2006 - 0.39% increase o 2007 - 1.10% increase o 2008 - 0.67% increase

34 Analysis

35 Notable findings: Artificially suppressed graduation rates o missed application deadlines o student applied to graduate for the wrong term o student was not sure whether or not they wanted to graduate Policy impacts o Changes to backdating degree practices o University Honors program practices  impact of thesis completion requirement Increase in collegiate engagement

36 NAS Data Demand! New demand for NAS data number of transfers by college average number of transfer credits by college status by year (total, active, complete, discontinue, leave of absence)

37 Analysis Faster not more! 2000 - 2007: 21.4% increase in 4-year graduation rate However... o 4-year graduation rate increasing faster than 5- and 6-year graduation rate o relatively small increases in graduation rate post 6-years o relatively small increases in total number of degrees produced compared to total number of undergraduate students.

38 A Complex System...

39 Results:

40 Next Steps Hit 60% for 4 year rate in 2013 Analyze the 42% that didn't graduate in 4 years Research and increase 6 year rate Investigate degree completion totals Formalize curriculum committee Increase transfer student graduation rates

41 Questions? Frank Blalark – Sue Van Voorhis –

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