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Beginning of School Procedures Quiz Mr. Beals. Open your Notebook Label paper with your name and class at top. Please write neatly This will be a graded.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning of School Procedures Quiz Mr. Beals. Open your Notebook Label paper with your name and class at top. Please write neatly This will be a graded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning of School Procedures Quiz Mr. Beals

2 Open your Notebook Label paper with your name and class at top. Please write neatly This will be a graded assignment

3 Question #1 What did Mr. Beals think he wanted to be when he graduated from high school?

4 Question #2 Tell what you know about Mr. Beals’ oldest children.

5 Question #3 What are the different ways that you can contact Mr. Beals?

6 Question #4 Name the 4 things you need to have in class each day.

7 Question #5 How far past the due date are assignments no longer accepted?

8 Question #6 Explain and give examples of the 4 classroom expectations in Mr. Beals’ Class

9 Question #7 When you hear the attention chimes, what are you supposed to do?

10 Question #8 Name 2 things that will get you a violation ticket.

11 Question #9 Explain the ‘Flipped’ method for Mr. Beals’ classroom.

12 Question #10 Where do you need to be and what do you need to be doing before you are not counted as tardy when the 2 nd bell rings?

13 Question #11 How do you get access to all of the class videos and assignments if you are absent?

14 Question #12 Name 3 things you should you NEVER do to a school computer?

15 Question #13 What do you do if the fire alarm sounds while you are using the computer?

16 Question #14 Explain the Hall Pass procedure

17 Question #15 Explain what ‘quiet zones’ are.

18 Question #1 What did Mr. Beals think he wanted to be when he graduated from high school? A drummer/musician or music teacher.

19 Question #2 Tell what you know about Mr. Beals’ oldest children.  Live in Arizona  Aspen in is college – nursing  Dallin is in 11 th grade in High School – Likes computers

20 Question #3 What are the different ways that you can contact Mr. Beals? Email: Blog: Before and after school

21 Question #4 Name the 4 things you need to have in class each day. Pencil Notebook Calculator Book for silent reading

22 Question #5 How far past the due date is homework not accepted? 1 week (10% each day it is late)

23 Question #6 Explain and give examples of the 4 classroom expectations in Mr. Beals’ Class (Various answers) (Refer to chart hung above the white-board)

24 Question #7 When you hear the attention chimes, what are you supposed to do? Stop, Look, Listen

25 Question #8 Name 2 things that will get you a violation ticket. Gum Chewing Uniform Violation Name tag not visible

26 Question #9 Explain the ‘Flipped’ method for Mr. Beals’ classroom. 5-10 minute video watched at home Assignment completed in class with help from Mr. Beals.

27 Question #10 Where do you need to be and what do you need to be doing before you are not counted as tardy when the 2 nd bell rings? In assigned seat - reading silently

28 Question #11 How do you get access to all of the class videos and assignments if you are absent? My Blog

29 Question #12 Name 3 things you should you NEVER do to a school computer? (various answers)

30 Question #13 What do you do if the fire alarm sounds while you are using the computer? Leave the computer as it is and quickly line up outside in alphabetical order.

31 Question #14 Explain the Hall Pass procedure  Different color for each teacher  Passes used to leave class  Used to get a notebook if you forget to bring one to class  Extra credit for any left at end of term.

32 Question #15 Explain ‘quiet zones’  Teachers must now escort students to and from lunch.  Must use silent movement through halls and stairwells

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