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International student recruitment and business marketing.

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1 international student recruitment and business marketing

2 Presentation Summary Introduction to Edinburgh Napier Marketing: –International student recruitment –Businesses –Partnership –“Business tailor” – Marketing “System” Summary

3 Scotland Edinburgh Napier University

4 We are a leading modern university committed to the highest standards of excellence in teaching, learning, research and knowledge transfer. Our purpose is to develop in individuals, organisations and communities the skills and knowledge which will enable them to succeed. We are focused on providing education and undertaking research which is directly relevant to enabling graduate employability and to supporting sustainable economic growth in Scotland and beyond. About us

5 Established 1964 Nearly 18,000 students from 115 countries 93.6%** of undergraduate students in jobs/further study six months after graduating 97% of postgraduate students are in work or further study within six months of graduation (DLHE 2010) 29% overseas students Three faculties and eight schools Three main campuses in Edinburgh Nine Institutes of Research & Innovation Facts & Figures* * 2009/10 **HESA 2010/11

6 Some of our famous Honorary Graduates

7 Faculty of Health, Life & Social Science Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries The Business School Faculties

8 Principal & Vice Chancellor Vice Principal (Academic) University Secretary University management structure Office University Secretary Director of Property & Facilities Services Director of Information Services VP(Academic)Office Dean Faculty of Life & Social Sciences Dean Business School Dean Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries Academic, Strategy & Practice Lead Research, Strategy & Practice Lead AssistantDeanAssistantDeanAssistantDeanAssistantDean Vice Principal (Strategy, Resources & External Relations) Director of Finance, Planning & Commercial Services Director of Human Resources & Development Director of International Development & External Affairs Head School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care Head School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences AssistantDeanAssistantDean Head School of Engineering & the Built Environment Head School of Arts & Creative Industries Head School of Computing Head School of Management Head School of Accounting, Financial Services & Law Head School of Marketing Tourism & Languages Director of Student & Academic Services May 2012

9 Marketing to international students

10 Offices in Hyderabad, Beijing, Shandong & Singapore Active in Hong Kong for over 20 years New developments & business links in Singapore 18 international institutional partners ◦Overseas delivery ◦Dual site delivery ◦Research collaboration 67,000 active alumni in 126 countries including US, China & India International

11 India

12 Permanent India Office in Hyderabad since 2009 Over 300 students currently studying Edinburgh Napier degrees in Delhi, Kolkata and Delhi with Institute of Advanced Management Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies opened in Edinburgh Napier in 2012 to promote Indian culture, philosophy, art and literature through the work of Rabindranath Tagore 2 x £5,000 Tagore Scholarships for outstanding Creative Arts students looking to start in September 2013 5 x £2,000 PS Foundation scholarships donated by Vin Murria to support students in Business, Computing & Engineering who meet with financial difficulty Edinburgh Napier in India

13 Postgraduate fees range from £10,520 - £13,330 (925,000 INR – 1,170,000 INR) Undergraduate fees are approximately £10,080 (885,000 INR) Edinburgh Napier provide 25 Indian Postgraduate Scholarships of £2,000 per year for the best qualified students Living costs are estimated at £600-800 per month – including £300-400 for accommodation costs Costs of Study

14 Undergraduate applications must come through and Postgraduate through Application can be turned around in 5 working days On receiving an offer you would be expected to pay £3,500 before we are able to issue a CAS (student visa sponsorship) letter UK Border Agency will then use bank statements to assess whether you have the access to outstanding fee plus living costs for your duration of study (based on £800 per month) Application & Immigration Process

15 Top Scottish Modern for General Engineering. The Guardian League Table 2013 and Times League Table 2012. Launched the UK’s first MSc in Advanced Security & Digital Forensics. Employer Mentoring Programme awarded Mentoring Project of the Year at the Scottish Mentoring Network conference 2011. Achievements

16 Marketing to businesses

17 Leadership & Management Practice Employment Research Science & Health Innovation Creative Industries Informatics & Digital Innovation Product Design & Manufacture Sustainable Construction Forest Products Research Transport Research Business entry points

18 World leading research in specialist areas which has a direct and immediate economic impact Bespoke multi-disciplinary services in: –Contract Research –Consultancy –Knowledge Transfer –Continuing Professional Development What Napier has to market

19 Patented a process to develop Biofuel from Whisky waste products – Celtic Renewables LtdCeltic Renewables Ltd Digital security software – Inquisitive Systems LtdInquisitive Systems Ltd Queens Anniversary Prize Achievements

20 Marketing Strategy: An ‘umbrella’ brand and strategy for multiple organisations 9 Partners as a Single ‘gateway’ to university and college expertise; Providing a straightforward entry point for businesses Approach: – –Establish strategic aims and target audience (e.g. key business sectors, referral organisations, internal staff) – –Review the current market place (SWOT analysis) – –Create list of key objectives and messages to customers – students or businesses – –Consider systems integration (e.g. website to integrate with CRM system) – –Create list of key requirements for marketing materials e.g. logo, website, copy, suite of photography, templates etc. Invitation to tender for brand creation & for social media strategy

21 Recognised for world-leading research in Nursing, Allied Health, Civil Engineering, Architecture & Built Environment, Library & Information Management & English* People & Planet Green - Top university in Scotland for environmental performance in 2012. Overall student satisfaction at 82% Investors in People Carbon Masters Standard 2012 Accolades * RAE 2008

22 National priority* Support to Institutes: Dedicated support – funding – specialist service Marketing Marketing to businesses * RAE 2008

23 Marketing Planning * RAE 2008 Backgroundфон Future directionбудущее направление Strategic aimsСтратегические цели Target audienceЦелевая аудитория The marketplaceрынка Examples of similar collaborative projects Примеры подобных совместных проектов Marketing objectivesМаркетинговые цели Key messagesКлючевые сообщения

24 9 partners ! BIE

25 Single Brand & Portal

26 CRM System ENU use of Salesforce includes: – Logging and tracking interactions with business clients and academic staff –Generate data for reports (e.g. investment in R&D, new products, jobs created – impact on the economy) – Communication across the disparate partners via Chatter –Marketing campaign management –Business Tailor enquiry form linked to Salesforce systemBusiness Tailor enquiry form

27 SEEKIT OUTPUTS – to end of October 2012 Performance Indicator Profile Total Target Achieved %age Target Delivered Year 1Year 2Year 3 No. of events held.777216 29% No. of SMEs attending events.140 42045 11% No. of SMEs helped with advice/information (<1 day)120180295595369 62% No. of SMEs assisted (1 - 5 days)74111187372147 40% No. of SMEs assisted with High Level support > 5 days)30457414961 41% No. of SMEs undertaking Innovation/ RTD Projects253861124120 97% No. of new patents issued/IPR registrations made.246121 8% No. of new licensing deals between SMEs and Science Base.71018351 3% No. of new links between SMEs and Science Base.66 68200132 66% No. of SMEs receiving support for energy savings and efficiency1530 752 3% No of renewable energy projects supported469192 11% Leads Referred to Interface40601002000 - RESULTS Increased investment in external knowledge/Innovation/RTD by SMEs (£)2,287,5913,431,3875,718,97711,437,9551,940,883 17% No. of products, processes or services significantly improved1218316121 34% New ones introduced61016328 25% No. of SMEs with reduced costs per unit output6914292 7% No. of new spin-outs/SMEs formed12472 29% OTHER SMART/R&D General Awards5810231 4% Other Funding Apps (e.g. KTP)20305110176 75% Market Assessments carried out5810230 - IMPACTS Increase in turnover in assisted businesses (£)1,233,2141,849,8223,083,0366,166,0721,016,000 16% Total no. of gross new jobs.162440808 10% Total no. of gross jobs safeguarded.1624418112 15% Typical CRM report

28 + = Marketing System

29 CRM System

30 Summary Introduction to Edinburgh Napier Marketing style and messaging depends on purpose: International StudentsBusinesses Profile Esteem CostCosts VisaService standards – make life easy Living experience – “Edinburgh”“Why work with us” SupportSupport – Innovation fund Long term benefits - employabilityImpact through Innovation Testimonials


32 Workshop Why do I want / need to do it? What’s in it for me? –Income? –Expectation – eg Policy –Informed teaching and learning? Customers: –Which sector are they in? –Where are my new customers? –What do they want from me? –How much can they pay – if they can? –When do they need it? –Is company size a factor? –Threats

33 Workshop What are the equivalent messages for me? Explore – what are my foci? –Service quality –Specialist know how, facilities, IP etc –Funding – do I have or can I access funding to make it easier? SWOT Analysis –Strengths –Weaknesses –Opportunities –Threats

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