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IE GOALS 2010 – 2011 Arts & Sciences Division Student Art Show Where Nothing Is Impossibl e.

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2 IE GOALS 2010 – 2011

3 Arts & Sciences Division

4 Student Art Show Where Nothing Is Impossibl e

5 Juggling the economy ? (ECO 252 class)

6 Service Learning In praise of volunteering? “I definitely see myself volunteering in my future.” “Volunteering has changed my perspective on the poverty that exists in our city.” Testimonial from a Sociology Student In Praise of a Student? “He did the job of two men…if we just had a few more like him.” Testimonial from the Supervisor (Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry) of a Communication Student

7 The Dean Painting?

8 Department Chair, officiating at a wedding?

9 A battle to the finish? And we lost…

10 A Rockstar for a Day A Drama Class Led Zepplin ? Michael Jackson?

11 A Rock Star for a Day Led Zepplin ?

12 Michael Jackson?

13 Student Orchestra Concert

14 A Violinist

15 Student Orchestra Concert

16 And we are always “on our toes” Math/PE Department English Department Social & Behavioral Sciences Department Science Department

17 Early College/Service Learning Humanities/Fine Arts Department Learning Lab QEP/Assessment/Instructor

18 Transfer/GE Goals Form a school-wide Retention Committee Write a General Education Newsletter Schedule a Curriculum Orientation for New Faculty Implement a mon?thly “Dialogue About Teaching and Learning”

19 Transfer/GE Goals… Use argument mapping to foster critical thinking skills Specify term(s) of course offerings Create a “Lost Sheep” document for the Shepherdless

20 English department Help new DL students succeed via ACA classes Train all adjunct faculty in Paideia Seminar techniques Improve retention in developmental classes

21 Math/PE Department Evaluate student evaluations Implement student workshops Dropping in on the dropouts

22 Social & Behavioral Sciences Department Develop a global awareness competency Continue building community ties via forums and service learning Continue supporting the History Teaching Alliance Increase 9am – 2pm offerings

23 Early College/Service Learning Early College Improve the CAA passing rate of early college students Service Learning Increase current number of classes using service learning

24 Science department Reduce the attrition rate in the A&P courses Enhance critical thinking in the science courses Increase student access in DL courses

25 Humanities & Fine Arts Develop a guidebook for adjunct faculty Revise the student evaluation HFA form Revise the oral communication competency

26 Learning Lab? Continue to develop Online Tutoring Make it more user-friendly Train more tutors Capture FTE hours Prepare graduating students for interviews Cover letters & resumes Software training Dressing the part Goals subject to change!



29 Thank you Or angel & CFCC For a great 19 years Goodbye!!!

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