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Mental Illness.

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1 Mental Illness

2 Mental Illness Mental Illness is a disturbance in thoughts and emotions that decreases a person’s capacity to cope with the challenges of everyday life. 22% of Ontarians have experienced at least one mental problem in their lifetime.

3 Mood Disorders Mood disorders are persistent changes in mood caused by biochemical imbalances in the brain.

4 Mood Disorders Major depressive disorder
Depressed mood lasts for several weeks, and begin to interfere with one's work and social life Depressive illness can change the way a person thinks and behaves, and how his/her body functions.

5 Mood Disorders Major depressive disorder
Some of the signs to look for are: feeling worthless, helpless or hopeless, sleeping more or less than usual, eating more or less than usual, having difficulty concentrating or making decisions, loss of interest in taking part in activities,

6 Mood Disorders Major depressive disorder
The following factors may make some people more prone than others to react to a loss or failure with a clinical depression: specific, distressing life events, a biochemical imbalance in the brain, psychological factors, like a negative or pessimistic view of life.

7 Mood Disorders Major depressive disorder
Some people experience seasonal cycles of depression, particularly in winter. This is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Depression is the most treatable of mental illnesses. Most people who suffer from depression are helped by the treatment they get, which usually includes medication and/or psychological counselling. Support from family, friends and self-help groups can also make a big difference.

8 Mood Disorders Bipolar disorder
People with bipolar disorder (or manic depressive disorder), experience alternating mood swings, from emotional highs (mania) to lows (depression). The condition can range from mild to severe.

9 Mood Disorders Bipolar disorder Symptoms of mania include:
Feelings of euphoria, extreme optimism, exaggerated self-esteem Rapid speech, racing thoughts Decreased need for sleep Extreme irritability Impulsive and potentially reckless behaviour

10 Mood Disorders Bipolar Disorder
- It is not known what causes bipolar disorder. - Research suggests that people with the condition have a genetic disposition. It tends to run in families. - Drug abuse and stressful or traumatic events may contribute to or trigger episodes.

11 Mood Disorders Bipolar disorder
- Mainly treated with medication and psychotherapy. - Medication helps to stabilize moods, while therapy helps people detect patterns and triggers and develop strategies for managing stress. - Sometimes, electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, is used.

12 Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are a group of disorders which affect behaviour, thoughts, emotions and physical health Anxiety disorders can also coexist with other disorders

13 Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Characterized by repeated, exaggerated worry about routine life events and activities This disorder lasts at least six months The individual anticipates the worst, even if others would say they have no reason to expect it. Physical symptoms can include nausea, trembling fatigue, muscle tension, or headache.

14 Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder
expressed in panic attacks which occur without warning, accompanied by sudden feelings of terror. Physically, an attack may cause chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, feelings of unreality and fear of dying.

15 Anxiety Disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
– Condition in which people suffer from persistent unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and / or rituals (compulsions) which they find impossible to control. Typically, obsessions concern contamination, doubting (such as worrying that the iron hasn't been turned off) and disturbing thoughts. Compulsions include washing, checking, organizing and counting.

16 Anxiety Disorders Phobias
Fear of flying, fear of heights and fear of open spaces are some typical specific phobias. People suffering from a specific phobia are overwhelmed by unreasonable fears, which they are unable to control. Exposure to feared situations can cause them extreme anxiety and panic, even if they recognize that their fears are illogical.

17 Phobias Ombrophobia

18 Phobias Fear of Rain

19 Phobias Pupaphobia

20 Phobias Fear of puppets

21 Phobias Arachibutyrophobia

22 Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Phobias Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

23 Phobias Sophophobia

24 Phobias Fear of Learning

25 Phobias Barophobia

26 Phobias Fear of gravity

27 Phobias Caligynephobia

28 Fear of beautiful women
Phobias Fear of beautiful women

29 Phobias Symbolophobia

30 Phobias Fear of symbolism

31 Phobias Panophobia

32 Phobias Fear of everything

33 Anxiety Disorders Social Phobia
- People with social phobia feel a paralysing, irrational self-consciousness about social situations.

34 Top Ten Phobias 1.Arachnophobia Fear of Spiders. 2. Social Phobia Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. 3. Aerophobia Fear of flying. 4. Agoraphobia Fear of leaving a safe space. 5.Claustrophobia Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces. 6. Acrophobia Fear of heights. 7.Emetophobia Fear of vomit. 8. Carcinophobia Fear of cancer. 9. Brontophobia Fear of thunderstorms. 10.Necrophobia Fear of death or or dead things

35 Anxiety Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A terrifying experience in which serious physical harm occurred or was threatened can cause post-traumatic stress disorder. (Survivors of rape, child abuse, war or a natural disaster )

36 Anxiety Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Symptoms include flashbacks, during which the person re-lives the terrifying experience, nightmares, depression and feelings of anger or irritability

37 Anxiety Disorders - Treatment
There are two main medical approaches to treating an anxiety disorder: (1) drug therapy and (2) cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT).

38 Schizophrenia The symptoms usually first appear in adolescence or early adulthood Symptoms include: delusions (false ideas) and/or hallucinations (hear voices), lack of motivation, social withdrawal, thought disorders (many at once)

39 Schizophrenia Once it has taken hold, schizophrenia tends to appear in cycles of remission and relapse. When in remission, a person with schizophrenia may seem relatively unaffected and can more or less function in society.

40 Schizophrenia - Causes
Many researchers are looking for genetic causes of schizophrenia that runs in families. Researchers speculate that either an over-production of dopamine or an over-sensitivity to it has something to do with the illness.

41 Schizophrenia - Treatment
- A number of medications have been found that help bring biochemical imbalances in many people with schizophrenia closer to normal - Psychotherapy for individuals, groups or families is possible

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