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When Seconds Count.

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1 When Seconds Count

2 Respiratory Distress- Condition in which breathing becomes difficult.
Signs & Symptoms Abnormal breathing Slow or rapid breathing Unusually deep or shallow Gasping for breath Wheezing or gurgling (high pitched noises) Skin moist or cool Flushed, pale, ashen or bluish (cyanotic) Victim feels short of breath Dizzy/light headed Feels pain in chest/tingling hands, feet, lips Feels apprehensive/fearful



5 0 min.: Breathing stops. Heart will soon stop beating
4-6 min.: Brain damage possible/cells begin to die 6-10 min.: Brain damage likely Over 10 min.: Irreversible brain damage certain Breathing Emergencies can be caused by: Obstructed airway (choking) Illness Emphysema/asthma Electrocution Shock Drowning Heart Attack Injury to head, chest, or lungs Allergic reaction to foods and bites Drugs Inhaling/ingesting toxic substances

6 Causes of Respiratory Distress
Asthma- Condition that narrows the air passages due to spasm of the muscles lining the bronchi. Attacks can be triggered by an allergic reaction to food, pollen, a drug, insect bite, stress, cold air & physical activity. Treated with an inhaler & medication to stop spasms Emphysema- Disease in which lungs & alveoli lose their ability to exchange Co2 & O2. Caused by smoking & develops over a long period of time. Shortness of breath, problems exhaling, appear cyanotic.

7 Causes of Respiratory Distress
Bronchitis- Inflammation of the lining of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. Causes a build up a mucus. Commonly caused by smoking. Persistent cough, tightness in chest & have trouble breathing.

8 Anaphylactic Shock- (Anaphylaxis) Severe allergic reaction
Anaphylactic Shock- (Anaphylaxis) Severe allergic reaction. Air passages swell & restrict breathing. Caused by insect stings, food, allergens, & other medications. S&S- Rash, tightness of chest/throat, swelling of face, neck & tongue. Dizziness & confused. .


10 Respiratory Distress in Children
Agitation Fast/slow breathing Drowsiness Noisy breathing Pale, ashen, bluish skin Increased difficulty breathing Altered consciousness Increased HR & breathing

11 Rescue Breathing- Adults
If a person is not breathing, tilt the head back & lift the chin. Give 1 slow breath every 5 seconds. Continue for 1 minutes- 12 breaths per minute. *Recheck pulse & breathing every minute. *Feel for pulse for about 5 seconds

12 Rescue Breathing- Children/Infant
Give 1 slow breath every 3 seconds Continue for 1 minute- 20 breaths per minute When to Stop: Victim begins to breath on their own Victim has no pulse. . Move to CPR Another trained person takes over EMS arrives on the scene You are too exhausted Scene becomes unsafe Breathing Devices Resuscitation masks & face shields- barriers to protect you

13 Special Considerations
Air in Stomach- air normally enters through the stomach however, if you breathe longer than 1 ½ sec. It will cause the extra air to fill the stomach. Stop the breath when the chest rises. Gastric Distention- is air in the stomach that can make the victim vomit. Aspiration- sucking or taking blood Vomiting- If the victim vomits, roll them on their side, avoid twisting the neck. Wipe the mouth clean, reposition, reopen airway & continue rescue breathing. Mouth to Nose- If you can’t make a good seal Maintain head tilt w/ one hand on forehead, close the mouth by pushing on chin. Seal mouth over their nose- open mouth in between if possible.


15 Special Considerations
Mouth to Stoma- Breathing in the front of the throat. Look, listen and feel for breathing over stoma instead of mouth. Dentures- Leave in place, they provide support for the mouth & cheeks. Only remove if they are blocking the airway. Suspected Head, Neck, or Back- Lift chin without tilting the head.


17 Choking-Airway Obstruction (2 Types)
Anatomical- airway blocked by tongue or swollen tissues of mouth & throat. Mechanical- Blocked by a foreign object food/toy Causes of Choking Trying to swallow large pieces of poorly chewed food Drinking alcohol before or during (dulls swallowing nerves) Wearing dentures Eating while talking excitingly or laughing Walking, playing or running w/ food in your mouth.

18 Croup- Viral infection causing swelling of tissues around vocal cords
Croup- Viral infection causing swelling of tissues around vocal cords. Cough sounds like the bark of a seal. Usually 1-2 days of a fever Epiglottitis- Bacterial infection causing severe inflammation of epiglottis (flap of tissue above vocal cords that seals airway during swallowing). Blocks airway, high fever, sore throat, saliva drips out of mouth. Care for Respiratory Distress Help victim rest in comfortable position Provide fresh air (open doors/windows) Call 911 If conscious, check for non-threatening injuries Reduce anxiety/comfort Monitor Maintain body temperature If available, assist in taking medications (inhaler, bronchial dilator & anaphylaxis kit)

19 Hyperventilation- Imbalance of O2 & CO2
Hyperventilation- Imbalance of O2 & CO2. Occurs when breathing is faster than normal. Can be caused by fear, anxiety, head injuries, sever bleeding, or illnesses such as high fever, heart failure & lung disease. Can be triggered by asthma or exercise. May feel dizzy, tingling feet and hands. If from in jury call 91. Respiratory Arrest- Breathing stops. Caused by illness, injury, drowning, electric shock, or obstructed airway. Soon after breathing stops, the heart will stop.

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