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Commitment What does this mean to you?. Commitment An agreement or pledge to do something in the future; The state or an instance of being obligated.

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Presentation on theme: "Commitment What does this mean to you?. Commitment An agreement or pledge to do something in the future; The state or an instance of being obligated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commitment What does this mean to you?

2 Commitment An agreement or pledge to do something in the future; The state or an instance of being obligated

3 Commitment Cost Implications of Quitting $ 40.00 Shirt, Badge, Pin $ 20.00 District officer binder & other materials $ 225.00 Transportation $ 315.00 Meals and Room $ 600.00 TOTAL

4 Commitment Other Costs of Quitting Lets down your organization Lets down your members Tarnishes your honor Lets YOU down

5 Commitment Everyone is capable It won’t be easy “Nothing great has ever been achieved without passion/enthusiasm (hard work)” Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Ralph Waldo Emerson Use your resources

6 “Time” Management

7 Time Management We cannot actually “manage time”, but we can manage our activities in the time we have.

8 Time Management We cannot “make time”, but we can more effectively use our time by managing what we do in the time we have.

9 Time Management Prioritize Do most important first Resist doing easiest

10 Time Management Use a Calendar Consider deadlines Don’t over schedule

11 Time Management Keep Important from becoming Crisis Control over important No control over crisis Loss of control  Loss of efficiency

12 Time Management To Do Lists Prioritize and schedule for today New list at end of day Schedule activities needing time

13 Time Management - Emails


15 Time Management Act Now on Communication Answer Schedule File Discard But Do It Now!

16 Time Management “No”…“No”…“No”… Trouble saying “No”? Do a few things well, not a lot of things badly

17 Time Management Delegate Barriers Advantages

18 Time Management Tend to Basic Needs Sleep Recreation/exercise Socializing Intellectual pursuits Spirituality Balance is necessary.

19 Time Management ???

20 Time Management Group 1: 1A, 6, 10A, 13, 15B, 19A, 20A, 23A, 25A, 26A, Lauren, Nick, David, Nancy, Heather, Ms. Kielty Group 2: 2A, 4, 8, 11, 14B, 17, 19B, 21, 24A, 25C, 26C, Shane, Devon, Gene, Mr. Osso, Dennis, Mr. Leys Group 3: 1B, 3, 7, 10B, 14A, 16, 20B, 23B, 25B, 26B, Sabrina, Mr. Waters, Amanda, Terri, Mrs. Leys, Dawn Group 4: 2B, 5, 9, 10C,12, 14C, 15A, 18, 22, 24B, 26D, Trina, Damani, Mrs. Richar, Lana, Donna

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