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Kwang Keum Leonidas Lykos. Urbanization: Many people moved to cities in order to find a better life. Many poor people lived in horrible conditions. The.

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1 Kwang Keum Leonidas Lykos

2 Urbanization: Many people moved to cities in order to find a better life. Many poor people lived in horrible conditions. The number of illnesses started to increase. People were not able to find the vaccine for the diseases, knowing not the source of the disease. Cholera was the main illness of the period. Outnumbered the population.

3 Infection caused by the Bacteria: Vibrio Cholerae. Transmission occurs through: 1. drinking unclean water. 2. Eating food that has been contaminated by the waste products of an infected person. Duration of appearance: few hours - 5 days Symptoms: diarrhea and vomiting leading to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and death in some cases.

4 Oral rehydration therapy- replacement of waters and electrolytic. Intravenous fluids The infusion of liquid substances direct in the vein. Antibacterial drugs- shorten the illnesses' duration. Worldwide, it affects 3–5 million people and causes 100,000–130,000 deaths a year as of 2010.

5 No direct treatment for cholera. Use of anesthetics in order to prevent pain. Deaths caused during 1700- 1740: approximately 6 million dead people


7 Working Conditions Treatment of workers Payment Hours of daily work Companies outcome Safety

8 Best companies to work for: 1. Google : online internet service 2. SAS : Information technology / Software 3. CHG : Health Care Service 4. Boston Consultation Group 5. Wegmans Food markets 6. Net-App : Storage/Data management 7. Hilcorp energy company 8. Edward Jones : Financial Services 9. Ultimate Software : technology 10. Camden Property Trust


10 Urbanization Statistics: 1. 1801- 17% lived in cities 2. 1851- 35% “ “ “ 3. 1891- 54 % “ “ “ Rate of growth of population was so rapid that the cities services could not keep pace. Lack of sanitation & high rate of diseases. High rate of crimes. Increased dirt form the use of coal.




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