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Orientation for State Presidents and Presidents-Elect July 26, 2011.

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1 Orientation for State Presidents and Presidents-Elect July 26, 2011

2 Agenda  NASSP Advocacy Resources  ESEA Reauthorization  Key Legislation  Federal Education Funding

3 NASSP Advocacy Resources Information  NewsLeader  Principal’s Update  Principal’s Policy Blog (  Twitter (@akarhuse and @kingston_m)

4 NASSP Advocacy Resources Grassroots Advocacy  Principal’s Legislative Action Center (  Federal Grassroots Network  NASSP Weekly Federal Education Policy Update  edWeb Communities

5 NASSP Advocacy Resources Grassroots Advocacy: What You Get Out of It  Have a real impact on the federal policymaking process  Become an expert on federal education policy and funding to leverage your influence in your community

6 NASSP Advocacy Resources Grassroots Advocacy: What You Get Out of It (cont.)  Network with other passionate school leaders  Develop personally and professionally with continuous learning and speaking opportunities

7 NASSP Advocacy Resources NASSP Board Position Statements  Topics selected at July meeting  Board states intent to adopt at November or February meeting  Comment period for 30-60 days  Final approval by May meeting 

8 ESEA Reauthorization Status of Reauthorization  ED Blueprint released March 2010  President Obama urges legislators to pass a bill this year!  House committee approved 3 bills in May, June, and July  Senate comprehensive ESEA bill expected August 2011 (?)

9 ESEA Reauthorization ED Plan on Regulatory Relief  To waive 2014 deadline for 100% proficiency, states could adopt college- and career-ready standards (Common Core)  To freeze sanctions, states could propose new accountability systems using student growth targets

10 ESEA Reauthorization ED Plan on Regulatory Relief  To waive HQT requirements, states could adopt evaluation systems for teachers and principals that are based on student growth  Possible proposal on school turnaround models…

11 ESEA Reauthorization House ESEA Bill #1 (H.R. 1891)  Fondly referred to as “Kill Bill”  Eliminates 42 education programs authorized under NCLB  Unlikely that $ saved would be transferred to other programs  Party-line vote in committee; floor consideration expected in July

12 ESEA Reauthorization House ESEA Bill #2 (H.R. 2218)  Reauthorizes federal Charter Schools Program at $300 million  Provides grants for new schools and replication of high-quality schools  Funding prioritized for states that meet certain conditions  Floor consideration expected in July

13 ESEA Reauthorization House ESEA Bill #3 (H.R. 2445)  Focus on local control & flexibility  Allows districts to move funding between all Titles of ESEA  Districts could transfer all $ out of Title I and Title III (ELLs)  Districts free from reporting & accountability requirements

14 ESEA Reauthorization National Standards  NASSP is endorsing partner of Common Core State Standards  Supports incentives for states to adopt standards & development of common assessments  ED Blueprint links adoption of common standards to Title I

15 ESEA Reauthorization Graduation Rates  NASSP supports uniform method of calculating graduation rates  Graduation rate should be extended to at least 5 years  Special exception for students with significant cognitive disabilities  No proposed changes to Title I reg.

16 ESEA Reauthorization School Turnaround  Continued focus on bottom 5% of “challenge schools” in each state  NASSP opposes 4 turnaround models, which all require principal to be replaced  BR framework calls for fair evaluation of schools and principals

17 ESEA Reauthorization Growth Models  States should use growth models that measure individual student achievement from year to year  Pilot project was expanded in 2008  15 states are using growth models  ED proposes overhaul of AYP

18 ESEA Reauthorization Multiple Measures of Performance  NASSP recommends multiple measures of student performance  ED proposes improved data systems for states and districts  Data could include graduation rates, college enrollment & school climate

19 ESEA Reauthorization Great Teachers and Leaders ED proposal requires  State definition of effective & highly effective principal  Improved evaluation systems  Strengthening of principal prep programs, mentoring, and PD

20 LEARN Act (H.R. 2272/S. 929)  $2.5 B for state literacy plans  Early childhood, grades K-5, and ML and HS  Literacy incorporated across all content areas  Targeted interventions provided for struggling students

21 School Principal Recruitment and Training Act  Professional development for current and aspiring principals  One-year pre-service residency for aspiring principals  Grants to increase current principals’ effectiveness  Principals to serve in high-need schools for at least four years

22 The Missing Middle Child Care Development Block Grant Primarily Higher Education Striving Readers High School Grad. Initiative Federal Work Study Perkins Small Learning Communities Pell TRIO Source: U.S. Department of Education Budget FY2010; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Budget FY2010 LEAP Program

23 Early Identification of Dropouts The Primary Off-Track Indicators for Potential Dropouts: A ttendance - <80-90% school attendance B ehavior - “unsatisfactory” behavior mark in at least one class C ourse Performance – A final grade of “F” in Math or English Sixth-grade students with one or more of the indicators have only a 10% to 20% chance of graduating from high school on time or within one year of expected graduation -Robert Balfanz and Liza Herzog, Center for Social Organization of Schools at Johns Hopkins University

24 Success in the Middle Act (H.R. 1547/S. 833)  $1 billion for Middle Grades Improvement Fund  State plans for improving student achievement in grades 5-8  Early warning indicator and intervention systems  Research on best practices

25 Graduation Promise Act (H.R. 778/S. 1177)  $2.4 B for High School Improvement & Dropout Reduction Fund  Resources for schools with low graduation rates (60% or less)  Differentiated school improvement and evidence-based interventions

26 Education Funding


28 IDEA Full Funding  NASSP IDEA Task Force  Working on legislation to fully fund IDEA in 6 years  Would free up state funds currently going towards the extra costs of educating students with disabilities

29 IDEA Full Funding (cont.)  Advocating for reintroduction of EDUCATE Act and IDEA Full Funding Act  Senators call for “highest possible funding” for IDEA for FY ‘12


31 FY 2011 Appropriations  Year-Long CR (H.R. 1473) maintains $ for Title I, IDEA, & school leadership  CR eliminates $ for Striving Readers, Ed. Tech, and others  This year-long CR was reached after 7 straight short-term CRs for FY ‘11

32 FY 2012 Budget  Senate Budget Committee will likely not have a mark-up, leaving only the House-passed Ryan budget to negotiate from  House Budget Committee released 302(b) allocations for FY 12: ed. gets hit hard

33 FY 2012 Appropriations Markup on Labor-HHS-Ed Bill not until September (saving the bills with the deepest cuts for last)

34 NASSP Advocacy on Budget and Appropriations  FY 2011:Visited Senate Appropriators April 14 to oppose H.R. 1473  FY 2012: Will lobby to oppose H.R. 1891, draconian Ryan-like budget cuts, balanced budget amendment, and Cut, Cap and Balance Act

35 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program  First Funded in FY 2010 at $250 M  Supports statewide, state-driven, research-based literacy instruction and interventions for children from birth-grade 12

36 Striving Readers (cont.)  FY 2011 funding was eliminated in year-long CR  46 states are ready to implement their literacy plans  Coalition meets regularly with ED officials and Congress to lobby for funding in FY 2012

37 School Leadership Program  The only dedicated funding stream in ESEA for the training, mentoring, and professional development of school leaders  Enjoyed continuous funding increases from FY 2006-2010

38 School Leadership Program (cont.)  Funding of $29.2 million maintained in year-long CR in FY 2011  NASSP will advocate for non- consolidated level-funding for FY ‘ 12

39 School Leadership Program Fiscal Year

40 Contact Us at NASSP Amanda Karhuse 703-860-7241 Mary Kingston 703-860-7338

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