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Presented By Prajapati Hemangini B. (12034211023) Rabari Bhagavati M. (12034211027) MCA Semester-V E-Advertisement Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By Prajapati Hemangini B. (12034211023) Rabari Bhagavati M. (12034211027) MCA Semester-V E-Advertisement Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By Prajapati Hemangini B. (12034211023) Rabari Bhagavati M. (12034211027) MCA Semester-V E-Advertisement Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar-384012 Guided By : Dr. Jayesh M. Patel

2 Project TitleE-Advertisement ObjectiveIt is a form of promotion that use the internet and world wide web marketing messages to attract customers. Front –end PHP 5.3.13 Back-endMySQL 5.5.24 Tools & Technology Adobe Dream viewer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WAMPServer2.2e, jquery. Internal GuideDr. Jayesh M. Patel Group No62 Presented ByPrajapati Hemangini B. (12034211023) Rabari Bhagavati M. (12034211027)


4 1) Existing System:-  In existing system advertiser can not use Banner and LED,Internet kind of technique.  User can not give feedback on advertiser shop and organization.

5  Advertiser registration and manage shop and product details.  2. Advertiser will also add product and offer details.  3. User can search the shop by product and area.  4. User can give feedback on advertisement. 2) Need for new system:-


7 1. Registration -> Advertiser and user can register to the application. 2. Manage Advertisement Category -> Admin can manage advertisement category. 3. Advertise management -> Advertiser can add product and organization details. 4. Search -> User can search the shop or organization by category or product. 1)Modules:-

8 5.Package management -> Admin can set the registration packages for advertisers. 6.Content management -> Admin can manage the content of site. 7.Comment and review -> User can give the feedback on advertise. 8.Payment -> User can choice way of payment. 1)Modules Cont.

9 In our System there are three users 1). Admin 2). Advertiser 3). User 2)Users of System:-

10 -> Admin can see the details of advertiser. -> Admin can manage the package of advertiser. -> Admin can generate the various type of report -> Admin can manage the content of site. 1) Admin:-

11 -> Advertiser can register and post advertisements. -> They can select the package for post the advertisements and pay for that packege. -> They can also maintain their profile. -> They can posts organization videos and photos. -> They can also manage the offers. 2) Advertiser:-

12 -> User can search the advertiser details. -> They can also search the require product. -> They can give the feedback on advertisement. -> They can see the offers details of advertisement. 3) User:-


14 Hardware ( Recommended ) : Sever Configuration Processor : 2.40 GHz 512 MB RAM 50 GB Free Space in Hard Disk Client Configuration Processor : 1.6 GHz 128 MB RAM 20 GB Free Space in Hard Disk

15 Software ( Recommended ) : Server Configuration  Window 8 other equivalent OS WAMP SERVER 2.2e MYSQL 5.5.24 Internet Explorer 5.0 or compatible web browser Client Configuration Windows XP or other equivalent OS Internet Explorer 5.0 or compatible web browser


17 0 102030405060708090 Requirements(0-10) Analysis(10-20 ) Designing(20-40 ) Coding(35-70 ) Testing(35-80 ) Implementation(80-90 ) Documentation(20-90 ) DAYS ACTIVITY










27 Sr. No Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrains Descriptio n Control Name Validation 1 usernameVarchar30Not NullUser NameTextboxMust be insert 2 passwordVarchar50Not NullPasswordTextboxMust be insert 3 req_idInt Primary key Registration id 4 fnameVarchar50Not NullFirst nameTextboxMust be insert 5 lnameVarchar50Not NullLast NameTextboxMust be insert 6 addressText Not NulladdressTextbox 7 state_idInt30Not NullState id 8 city_idInt30Not NullCity id 9 contect_noVarchar10Not NullContact noTextboxOnly number 10 mobile_noInt10Not NullUser mobile no TextboxOnly number

28 usernamepasswordrag _id fnamelnameaddressstate_idEtc … BhagavtiBhagu1BhagavatiRabariMehsana1 Hema 2HemangiPrajapatiMehsana2 Sr.N o Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrains Descriptio n Control Name Validation 11 email_idVarchar40Not Null User email id Textbox Enter perfect format 12 company_e mail_id Varchar40Not Null Company email id Textbox Enter perfect format 13 seq_queVarchar70Not Null Sequrity question Dropdow nlist Must be select 14 seq_ansVarchar60Not Null Sequrity answer TextboxMust be select 15 statusEnum(‘Activ e’,’Inactive’) Not NullUser is active or not

29 Sr.N o Field NameDataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 com_idInt30Primary keyCompany id 2 usernameVarchar255Not NullUser nameTextbox Must be insert 3 company_na me Varchar60Not Null Company name Textbox 4 company_ow ner Varchar50Not Null Company owner Textbox 5 email_idVarchar40Not Null Cmpany email id TextboxFixed format 6 contact_noVarchar30Not Null Company contact no Textbox 7 company_pr ofile varchar100Not Null Company profile Textbox 8 company_ad dress varchar100Not NullCompany address Textbox

30 Com_idusernameCompany_ name Company_ owner Email_idContact _no Et c… 1Bhagavati a@gmail.com9409677076 HemaHemangi2 h@gmail.com9876589569 Sr.NoField NameDataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 9 company_log o varchar150Not NullCompany logo File upload 10 company_urlvarchar50Not NullCompany urlTextbox 11 rag_datedatetime Ragistratio date Datepick er 12 exp_datedatetime Exp dateDatepick et

31 Sr.No Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 log_idInt15Primary KeyLogin id 2 usernameVarchar20Not NullUser NameTextbox Must be insert 3 passwordVarchar20Not Null User Password Textbox Must be insert 4 typeVarchar5Not NullType of users Log_idusernamepasswordType 1 bhagavatiadmin

32 Sr.noField NameDataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 usernameVarchar70Not NullUser nameTextbox Must be insert 2 select_your_q uestion Varchar70Not Null Select your security question dropdown list Select ine option 3 answerVarchar70Not Null Give reletive answer Textbox Must be write answer 4 descriptionVarchar70Not NullDescriptionTextbox username Select_your_que stion answerDescription Hemangi What is your favourite color? Pink

33 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 state_idInt15Primary keyState id 2 state_na me Varchar15Not NullState NameTextbox Must be insert 3 statusEnum(‘Active’, ’Inactive’) Not NullState statusrediobutt on State_idState_namestatus 1 GujaratActive

34 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 city_idInt15Primary keyCity id 2 state_idInt15Not NullState id 3 city_na me Varchar15Not NullState NameTextbox Must be insert 4 statusEnum(‘Active’,’Inactive’) Not NullState statusRedio button city_idstate_idcity_nameStatus 1 1suratActive

35 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 IdInt30Primary key Advertise category id 2 advertis e_catego ry Varchar50Not Null Advertise category Textbox Enter some text 3 statusEnum(‘Activ e’,’Inactive’) Not NullUser status is active or not Idadvertise_categorystatus 3 Galaxy MallActive

36 Sr.NoField NameDataTypeSize Constrain s Descriptio n Control Name Validation 1 cat_idInt15 Primary key Category id 2 cat_nameVarchar15Not Null Category name Textbox Must be insert 3 amountInt5Not NullAmountTextbox Enter amount 4 statusEnum(‘Act ive’,’Inacti ve’) Not NullStatus active or not Redio button cat_idcat_nameamountStatus 1 Banner3000Active

37 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 ban_idInt15 Primary key Bannet id 2 cat_idInt30Foreign keyCategory id 3 ban_nameVarchar50Not NullBanner nameTextbox Must be enter 4 descriptionVarchar200Not NullDescriptionTextbox 5 locationVarchar255Not Null Proper location dropdow nlist Select onle location 6 sizeInt70Not NullBanner size dropdow nlist 7 imageVarchar150Not NullImage File upload 8 usernameVarchar100Not NullUser name ban_idCat_idBan_namedescription… 5 2Demo ProjectFor Company…

38 Sr.noField NameDataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 enq_idInt50 Primary key Enquiry id 2 nameVarchar50Not Nullenquiry nameTextbox Must be insert 3 contact_noVarchar60Not NullContact noTextbox 4 email_idVarchar70Not Nullemail idTextbox Fixed format 5 descriptionVarchar150Not NullUser enquiryTextbox enq_idnamecontact_noemail_idDescription 5 HEMANGI9879835362hema@gmail.comhow to use this site.?

39 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 fed_idint50Primary keyfeedback id 2 namevarchar50Not NullUser nameTextbox Must be insert 3 contact_novarchar60Not Null User Contact no Textbox 4 email_idvarchar70Not NullUser email idTextbox 5 descriptionvarchar150Not NullUser feedback fed_idnamecontact_noemail_idDescription 5 Hema9876589569hema@gmail.comVery nice site

40 Sr.noField NameDataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 int_idInt15 Primary key internet id 2 cat_idInt15Foreign keyCategory id 3 Weburlvarchar70Not NullWeb urlTextbox Must be write 4 SizeVarchar50Not NullBanner size Drop down list 5 ContentVarchar150Not Null Proper content Textbox 6 ImageVarchar150Not Null Banner image File upload 7 AlignmentVarchar20Not Null Fixed alignmet Drop down list 8 Page_locatio n Varchar20Not NullPage location Drop down list 9 DescriptionVarchar200 Banner description Textbox

41 Field Name DataTypeSize Constrain s Descriptio n ControlNa me Validation 1 led_idint50 Primary key led id 2 cat_idint50Foreign keyCategory id 3 led_sizevarchar60Not NullLed size 4 locationvarchar100Not Null Proper location Drop down list 5 led_advertis er varchar60Not Null Led advertiser 6 descriptionvarchar150Not NullLed description Textbox led_idcat_idLed_sizelocationled_advertiseDescription 1 050*50maninagar925-silver-diamond- necklace-250x250.jpg vedio of advertise

42 Sr.No Field Name DataTypeSize Constrain s Descriptio n ControlNa me Validation 1 m_idint300 Primary key mail id 2 usernamevarchar40Not NullUsernameTextbox 3 to_mailvarchar60Not NullTo mailTextbox Must be write 4 from_mailvarchar60Not NullFrom mailTextbox Must be write 5 datedatetime Not NullEmail date 6 bodytext Not NullEmail bodyTextbox m_idusernameto_mailfrom_maildateBody 1 Hemangibhagu@gmail.comhema@gmail.com27/11/2014Payment

43 Field Name DataTypeSize Constrain s Descriptio n ControlNa me Validation 1 ord_idInt50 Primary key order id 2 ord_nameVarchar60Not NullOrder nameTextbox Must be insert 3 log_idInt50Foreign keyLogin id 4 priceInt60Not NullPriceTextbox 5 ord_dateDatetime Not NullOrder dateDate picker 6 descriptionVarchar150Not NullOrder description Textbox ord_idord_namelog_idprizeord_dateDescription 1 Led1500027/11/2014

44 Sr.noField NameDataTypeSize Constrain s Descriptio n ControlNa me Validation 1 ord_detail_idint50 Primary key Order Detail id 2 ord_idint50Foreign keyOrder id 3 cat_idint50Foreign keyCategory id 4 ban_idint50Foreign keyBanner id 5 led_idint50Foreign keyLed id 6 int_idint50Foreign keyinternet id 7 amountint50Not NullAmountTextbox Must be insert 8 ord_qtyvarchar150Not NullOrder quantity Textbox ord_detail_idord_idcat_idBan_idled_id… 1 1231…

45 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription ControlNa me Validation 1 IdInt30Primary keypackage id 2 nameVarchar50Not Null package name Textbox Enter package name 3 amountVarchar60Not NullAmountTextbox 4 statusEnum(‘Acti ve’,’Inactiv e’) Not NullStatus active or not Idnameamountstatus 1 1 Month1000Active

46 Field Name DataType Siz e ConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1usernameVarchar30Not NullUsr nameTextbox 2cat_idInt30Foreign keyCategory id 3amountInt11Not NullAmountTextbox 4pay_idInt50Not NullPayment id 5 payment_t ra_type Enum(‘visa’,’master card’) Not Null Payment treansfer type Drop down list 6card_noInt50Not NullCard numberTextbox 7 cvv_numb er Int50Not NullCvv numberTextbox 8phone_noVarchar50Not NullPhone no usernamecat_idamountpay_idPayment_tra_type… Hemangi 009

47 Field Name DataTypeSizeConstrainsDescription Control Name Validation 1 IdInt30 Primary key Payment mode id 2 Payment_t ype Varchar30Not NullPayment type Drop down list 3 descriptionVarchar300Not Null Payment description Textbox 4 statusEnum(‘Acti ve’,’Inactiv e’) Not NullStatus active or not IdPayment_type descriptionStatus 1 credit Active













60  This page is Admin login page.  Admin is put your correct username or password in text box they are Login.

61  This page is Admin Home page.  Show basic all information of database record.

62  This page is register client page.  In this page show the information about client and admin can update client record.

63  This page is Packege page.  This page is show the information about package list to add ore update package.

64  This page is User feedback page.  Display all user or visitor feedback.

65  This page is Enquiry page.  This page show the user enquiry and admin can see or delete enquiry.

66  This page is category page.  This page show category detail and add or update category by admin.

67  This page is Advertise category page.  Admin can add more advertise category and delete or update it.

68  This page is banner page.  Admin can see the banner which is selected by user for advertise.

69  This page is led page.  Admin can see the led which is selected by user for advertise.

70  This page is internet page.  Admin can see the internet which is selected by user for advertise.

71  This page is State page.  Admin can Add more state and admin can update or delete state.

72  This page is City page.  Admin can Add more City and admin can update or delete city.

73  This page is order page.  Admin can see the number of order list.

74  This page is change password page.  Admin can change your password.

75  This page is CMS page.  Admin can send the message to your client for payment,package detail and offers information.


77  This page is Login page.  User can see all information I this page and user can register for online advertisement  User entercurrect username and password then login.

78  This page is Login page.  User Enter currect username password for login.

79  This page is User home page.  User can use all the functionality and also comapanyregister,Editthire profile etc…

80  This page is Company registration page.  Company registration for advertisement..

81  This page is Banner page.  User can select banner category for advertisement.

82  This page is LED page.  User can select LED category for advertisement.

83  This page is Internet page.  User can select internet category for advertisement.

84  This page is Payment page.  User after select banner give the payment..

85  This page is User feedback page.  User give the feedback about this site.

86  This page is user profile page.  User can See your profile..

87  This page is Edit profile page.  User can update your profile..

88  This page is Gallary page.  User can see advertise gallery..


90 Sr.noTest casesExpected resultActual resultPass/Fail 1 User Registration User must fill up all detail and then registration successfully. Output as expected.Pass 2 Login Test Check for data in table and login. Output as expected. Pass 3 Insert records in Database(Admin) Only Valid data must be Enter Output as expected. Pass 4 Remove Data from Database(Admin) Delete data as per Requirement Output as expected.Pass 5 Update Data from Database(Admin) Update data as per Requirement Output as expected.Pass 6 1.Send/Receive Email (Employee) 1.Send/Receive Email (Employee) User Send/Receive Email to Manager User Send/Receive Email to Manager Output Does not expected. Output expected Fail Pass 7 Show Reports(Manager) Show Salary Report of Employees Output as expected. Pass 8 1.Send/Receive Email (Manager) 1.Send/Receive Email (Manager) User Send/Receive Email to Employee User Send/Receive Email to Employee Output Does not expected. Output expected Fail Pass

91 FUTURE ENHANCEMENT  Employees can communicate with each other.  Calculate arrears for employees. BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES Reference Books and Journal :  Murach’s PHP and MySQL – Joel Murach& Ray Harris  Software engineering - Roger S. Pressman  PHP and MySQL- Bible Referring online manual from website :   


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