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Präsentation 05 Finance and EU funding of municipal waste management projects Dr. Klaus TritscherVienna, 20th Oct. 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Präsentation 05 Finance and EU funding of municipal waste management projects Dr. Klaus TritscherVienna, 20th Oct. 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Präsentation 05 Finance and EU funding of municipal waste management projects Dr. Klaus TritscherVienna, 20th Oct. 2005

2  Sales: € 128.1 million  Employees: 1.209 (Austria and international)  Fleet: 500 special-purpose vehicles  Customer structure: 900 communities 25.000 companies  25 Austrian and 16 foreign joint-ventures (H, CZ, SLO, HR, RO) Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG is certified according to ISO 9001 & ISO 14001, EFB and ÖKO-Profit. Key figures of Saubermacher-Group in 2004

3 Our competences  Logistics - Collecting logistics - Outsourcing models  Waste d eposition - Construction and operation of waste deposits - Contaminated site remediation  Composting - Sewage sludge - Biological waste  Splitting/sorting - Automated splitting and recycling plants

4 Our competences  Thermal reprocessing - Cement industry - Fluidised bed - Grate firing  Biomechanical processing  Dangerous waste - Own CP-facility  Electronic scrap - Recycling - Disposal

5 Business sites and joint-ventures Austria Slovenia Czechia Hungary Croatia Graz (Zentrale) M. Sobota Lenart Velenje Nagykanizsa Nagyatàd Békés Izsak Kecskemét Kromerìz Wien Feldbach Kapfenberg Business site Joint-venture (Private Public Partnership) Villach Voitsberg Mödling Slovakia Bad Gleichenberg Hartberg Krems Zalaegerszeg Zalazentgrot Nyiregyhaza Nedelisce Germany Italy Retznei Osijek

6 Examples of successful Public Private Partnerships Saubermacher & Komunala/SLO Saubermacher Velenje/SLO Saubermacher Biopas/CZ Saubermacher Kecskemet/H

7 Public Private Partnerships (PPP) enable… sharing of risk increase of efficiency better access to financing

8 Main sources of Financing  Shareholders  Commercial banks & leasing companies  Export Credit Agencies  International Financing Institutions (World Bank group, EBRD, EIB, etc.)  EU-Programs (PHARE, ISPA, Cohesion funds, etc.)  Local environmental funds & taxes

9  150,000 inhabitants  Old landfill was nearly full  EU-funds were not available  Municipality needed technical and financial Know-how. Status 2001 Successful example: PPP Kecskemet, H

10  Municipality - provided land - facilitated approvals - gave concession for 20 years  Saubermacher - arranged 100 % commercial financing - provided technical solution - leads the operational activities  Joint Supervisory Board controls implementation and operation. Successful example: PPP Kecskemet, H

11 Key facts  € 4,3 mio investment volume  Total filling quantity = 1,5 mio m³  Maximum height = 22 metres  Period of use = 20 years  In operation since 2002

12 Successful example: Puconci, SLO Key facts  Planner : Saubermacher Puconci (PPP)  Operator : Saubermacher Komunala (PPP)  150.000 inhabitants  1st stage in operation since April 2003 Entrance control Weighing Hazardous waste Recycling Sorting Composting Landfill

13 Investment costs: about € 10 million  Slovenian resources:  Municipalities34,12%  State15,00%  Taxes19,18%  ISPA funding31,70% Financing Successful example: Puconci, SLO

14 Some specific issues connected to ISPA funding  Minimum project volume € 10 million  Difficult and time consuming application process (Puconci: 4 years!)  Own contribution of municipalities required  Different interpretation of guidelines in different countries.

15 Saubermacher the competent partner for Public Private Partnerships

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