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Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC THE MEDIA PRODUCTION GUARANTEE FUND.

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Presentation on theme: "Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC THE MEDIA PRODUCTION GUARANTEE FUND."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC THE MEDIA PRODUCTION GUARANTEE FUND A new financial scheme for the European film industry MEDIA DESK Info session – Prague, Sept 26th, 2012

2 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC The EC and IFCIC have launched a new financial support mechanism called the MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund – Size of MPGF/IFCIC: €4M (approx. CZK 100M) allocated by the EU, from 2010 through 2013 – Total guarantee capacity of MPGF/IFCIC: €36.4M of risk (CZK 910M), accounting for €66.2M of credits (CZK 1.650M)

3 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC MPGF/IFCIC responds to a specific need of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the film sector in Europe: → The objective of the Fund is to facilitate access of European audiovisual SMEs to bank credits

4 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC French specialized financial institution created in 1983 and entrusted with a Public Service mission whose objective is to facilitate access to bank financing for SMEs operating in the cultural sector 90% of this activity is related to the film and audiovisual sectors About IFCIC

5 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC €85M (CZK 2.125M) : amount of Public Guarantee Funds currently managed €820M (CZK 20.500M) : total amount of credits guaranteed (December 2011) €475M (CZK 12.000M) : amount of loans guaranteed in 2011 (new commitments) Loans of about 100 independent films guaranteed in 2011 About IFCIC

6 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC IFCIC runs the MPGF and is responsible for all procedures related to the guarantees delivered by the Fund IFCIC co-funds the mechanism by covering its final risk should the MEDIA funds be insufficient (with the support of CNC) About IFCIC

7 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Few European banks finance the audiovisual sector: – film banking is perceived as "high risk" by most financial institutions – the market size for film banking services is limited, making film banking a niche business – film industry expertise within financial institutions is rare – the back-office cost of film lending does not ensure the return for most of those institutions Why MPGF/IFCIC

8 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC The guarantee represents an incentive for banks to be active in film banking since the MPGF takes part of the risk from the institution It provides support to banks, promoting the emergence of film financing expertise in financial institutions Why MPGF/IFCIC

9 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Due to its experience in film financing and its thorough expertise in the cinema production sector, IFCIC provides a very valuable second judgment on each project application: – Comforts the lending institution in its risk assessment – Protects the lending institution from negative experiences and keeps it active in film banking over the long term Why MPGF/IFCIC

10 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC With this new mechanism the producers should : – have easier access to bank credit facilitating their cash flow during film production – have access to such credits without having to provide personal guarantees as collateral – have access to riskier loans (eg : preproduction loans/bridge loans) Why MPGF/IFCIC

11 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Size of the fund : €4M (CZK 100M) Total guaranteeing capacity : €36.4M (CZK 910M), corresponding approx. to €66M of credits (CZK 1.650M) Rate of guarantee : 55% of the outstanding principal loan amount MPGF/IFCIC’s characteristics

12 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Nature of the guarantee: Risk participation. Benefits from any collateral on a pari passu basis Base : Loan’s outstanding principal amount (interests excluded) Duration : Entire duration of the guaranteed loan MPGF/IFCIC’s characteristics

13 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Cost : 1% a year of the outstanding amount of risk covered by MPGF/IFCIC (the borrower is not directly charged for the guarantee) Enforcement : The guarantee can be called in case of bankruptcy of the borrower MPGF/IFCIC’s characteristics

14 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Eligible financial institutions : – financial institutions registered in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA Programme – duly authorized to grant bank financings by a competent authority recognized by the EU Eligibility criteria

15 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Eligible borrowing companies : – independent audiovisual production companies – registered in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA Programme Eligibility criteria

16 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Eligible film works : – feature films (60’ minimum) of any genre bound for theatrical release – qualifying as European (eg. w/significant artistic and technical European participation) – majority produced by European production companies – majority financed by European sources Eligibility criteria

17 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Eligible credit transactions : – ensuring the cash flow of European film productions (project financing) – production or preproduction loans (no development, or treasury loans) – discount contracts of the financing plan (no gap financing) – completion bond not compulsory Eligibility criteria

18 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC The production company contacts the bank The bank directly requests the MPGF/IFCIC guarantee Banks requesting the guarantee perform the due diligences and adequate investigation to reach a correct risk assessment Banks send a complete request application to IFCIC Applications are in French or English Applying for the guarantee

19 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC IFCIC evaluates each operation on a case by case basis and grants its guarantee on clear and uniform criteria The evaluation process aims to determine the technical and financial viability of the credit transaction No evaluation of the artistic content or potential success The evaluation process

20 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC When an application is received, the MPGF/IFCIC evaluation and decision committee is held within 2 weeks The bank is informed of IFCIC’s decision within 1 week after the committee The credit institution informs IFCIC when the guaranteed credit is set-up, the guarantee then becomes effective The evaluation process

21 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC Limitation per borrowing company n°1 : €910K (CZK 22.75M) maximum risk exposure at any given moment Limitation per borrowing company n°2 : €3.64M (CZK 91M) maximum total amount of cumulated guarantees to be granted during the period 2010-2013 Limits of intervention – Czech Rep

22 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC 19 films coproductions between 14 countries of the MEDIA Programme €18 M (CZK 450M) guarantee commitments 30 borrowing companies from 7 countries (Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, France) 2 financial institutions First commitments

23 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC IFCIC 46, avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris / France Phone +33 1 53 64 55 55 CONTACT: Florence AVILES ( Florence COUDEYRE ( Valentine COTTINET (

24 MEDIA DESK Information session Prague, Sept 26th 2012 Fonds de Garantie MEDIA pour la Production / MEDIA Production Guarantee Fund Funded by the European Union and IFCIC disclaimer: "This document has been produced by IFCIC, with the financial contribution of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.”

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