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Tragedies of Child Abuse CIS 1020 Destiny DeYoung.

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2 Tragedies of Child Abuse CIS 1020 Destiny DeYoung

3 An Epidemic Dangerous Deadly Dramatic Increase /11/21/one-of-the-most-horrendous-child- abuse-stories-ever/ /11/21/one-of-the-most-horrendous-child- abuse-stories-ever/

4 The Facts Number of deaths dues to child abuse and neglect. Recorded YearPer day Per week Per year 20003.7226.041357.8 20054281460.0 20105351825.0 Recorded Non-recorded Actual Total Number of deaths dues to child abuse and neglect. Non-Recorded YearPer day Per week Per year 2000 1.86 13.02678.9 2005214730 20102.517.5912.5 Number of deaths dues to child abuse and neglect. Totaled YearPer day Per week Per year 2000 5.56 39.062036.7 20056422190 20107.552.52737.5

5 Classifications Abuse- Physical, sexual, psychological maltreatment or neglect of a person. Physical Abuse- Sexual Abuse- Psychological Abuse- Neglect- Act of aggression that results in bodily injury Any type of inappropriate treatment for sexual stimulation is defined as sexual abuse Complex and ranges from name-calling to humiliation. Mostly any type of emotional maltreatment. Perpetrator is providing inadequate care for a child.

6 Assistance/Support Awareness Assumptions Answers


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