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Nagoya City’s Challenge for Environmental Preservation Mr. Toshitaka TAKAGI, Director Environmental Planning Department Environmental Affairs Bureau,

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2 Nagoya City’s Challenge for Environmental Preservation Mr. Toshitaka TAKAGI, Director Environmental Planning Department Environmental Affairs Bureau, City of Nagoya Mr. Toshitaka TAKAGI, Director Environmental Planning Department Environmental Affairs Bureau, City of Nagoya

3 人 口 (Population ): 2,266,530 世 帯 数 (No. of households) : 1,028,928 人口密度 (Population density) : 6,943/km 2 面 積 (Area) : 326.43km 2 名古屋市の概要 Outline of Nagoya City ( Oct 1, 2011 )

4 Increasing volume of waste treatment 908 930 934 955 988 997 (thousand tons) 【 Volume of waste treatment 】 199319941995199619971998 (Fiscal year) 1,050 1,000 950 900 850 Limit to the volume of waste that is incinerated or disposed of in landfills 1 Million tons

5 Fujimae Tidal Flat Area targeted in the first plan Area targeted in the final plan Fujimae Tidal Flat and the area planned as landfill

6 Dissemination of information in advance and holding explanatory meetings Dissemination of information in advance and holding explanatory meetings – Distribution through quarterly newsletter, Nagoya – Holding about 2,300 explanatory meetings in the local community (June-July) – 24% of all households participated in the meetings Explanatory meeting in a local community PR activities and information dissemination in preparation for the start of collection of newly designated recyclables (FY2000)

7 Local residents engaged in sorting and recycling waste Residents and community officials involved in recycling

8 Resource recovery of used paper by the residents

9 Outcome of the emergency declaration on waste management 369 379 380 140 206 286 332 343 711 703 705 894 765 735 733 【 Volume of waste treated 】 0 100 200 300 400 【 Volume of collected recyclables 】 ’03’04’05’98’992000’01 (Thousand tons) 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 Achievement of the target of reduction in volume of waste by 20% within two years 997 Declaration of a state of emergency in waste management ’02 745 355 (Thousand tons) ’06 683 391 ’07 ( FY ) ’08 661 377 ’09’10 362 352 633 622

10 Oxbirds feeding Certificate Registration of the Fujimae Tidal Flat as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention

11 COP 10 (The 10 th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity)

12 City Biodiversity Summit 2010

13 19471967 1983 Transition of Greening Ratio in Nagoya City 2005 2010

14 New Challenge: The system of Greening area The system makes it obligatory for developers to devote a certain percentage of their development area to greenery when constructing a new building in the area, which is, in principle, larger than 300m 2. As a pioneer, Nagoya City started the system in October 2008. Image of the Effect of the system of Greening area BeforeAfter The system of Greening area in Nagoya

15 Achieved results (30 Oct 2008 – 30 March 2011) Example of Green Generation System Targe t Example of parking lot The system of Greening area in Nagoya ■ The system of Greening area based on Urban Green Area Law and Green Community Development Ordinance

16 ■Greenery Preservation using Urban Regeneration Special Areas(Spatial reorganization between the districts) Preservation Development area in city centre Green area in the city Historical buildings in the city Increase of floor-area ratio Regarded as contributing to public green area Preservation and utilization Regarded as contributing to public green area Note: Urban Regeneration Special Areas is designated by city planning as a intensive utilization district whose usage, volume, height, and layout are regulated.


18 Thank you for your kind attention!

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