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Javascript fundamentals (continue). Visual Web Developer 2005 wd/download/

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Presentation on theme: "Javascript fundamentals (continue). Visual Web Developer 2005 wd/download/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Javascript fundamentals (continue)

2 Visual Web Developer 2005 wd/download/ wd/download/ Acknowledgement: Thanks to Andrew J. Hayes for providing this link.

3 Example var name="William"; var hometown ="Chico"; function greetme() { var name="Daniel"; document.bgColor="cyan"; document.write(" In function, name is "+name); document.write(" and hometown is "+hometown); } greetme(); document.write(" Out of the function, name is "+name); document.write(" and hometown is "+hometown); Global variables Local variable

4 Example

5 Variable Scope The “scope” of a variable refers to the context of it’s existence Two scopes –Global: variable is created outside of a function –Local (private): variable is created inside a function and exists only within the function

6 Declaring a Variable Syntax: var [= ]; For example: var playerScore; var playerScore = 0;

7 Naming a Variable Variable Names (also referred to as Identifiers) must begin with a letter or an underscore and cannot be a reserved word. Variables are case sensitive and may not contain a space. Example: part_no_part_no +part_no Part_No%Part_No

8 Declaring a Variable Variables can be assigned literal data, operations on variables, and logical expressions –var myScore = 100; –var newScore = myScore + yourScore; –var highScore = (myScore > yourScore); Declaring a variable without giving it a value will cause an “undefined” value to be assigned –var partNumber –partNumber would have a value of “undefined” Variables cannot be named using reserved wordsreserved words

9 Declaring a Variable var temperatureYesterday = 100; var temperatureToday = temperatureYesterday; window.alert("Yesterday's Temperature = " + temperatureYesterday); window.alert("Today's Temperature = " + temperatureToday);

10 Result

11 Initializing a Variable var firstName; var familyName; var address1; var address2; var city; var state; var zip; var country; var ourCustomer;

12 Initializing a Variable (continued) function dispVars(){ window.alert("firstName = " + firstName); window.alert("familyName = " + familyName); window.alert("address1 = " + address1); window.alert("address2 = " + address2); window.alert("city = " + city); window.alert("state = " + state); window.alert("zip = " + zip); window.alert("country = " + country); window.alert("ourCustomer = " + ourCustomer); }

13 Initializing a Variable with Values var firstName = ""; var familyName = null; var address1 = null; var address2 = null; var city = null; var state =''; var zip = 0; var country ="USA"; var ourCustomer = true;

14 Changing the Value of a Variable function changeValues(){ firstName = "Elizabeth"; familyName = "Jones"; address1 = "Rose Cottage"; address2 = "25 City Road"; city = "Richmond"; state ='VA'; zip = 23227; country ="USA"; ourCustomer = false; }

15 Changing the Value of a Variable (continued)

16 Character Escaping String Expressions can contain characters that have a special meaning to JavaScript –For example, when using the backslash character in a string it might be misinterpreted unless escaped –var myPath = “C:\MyDocuments\JavaScriptBook” –var myPath = “C:\\MyDocuments\\JavaScriptBook”

17 Typeof Operator Returns a string to identify the type of its operand. Example: var a =1; document.write(“data type of a is “+ typeof(a));

18 Displaying Variable Values var headline1 = "Bank fees increase by 10 percent"; var headline2 = "Mortgage rates at 25 year lows"; var headline3 = "NASDAQ closes above 2000"; document.write(" Breaking news: " + headline1 + " "); document.write(" Yesterday's news: " + headline2 + " "); document.write(" Last week's news: " + headline3 + " "); document.write(" News Stories "); document.write(" " + headline1 + " "); document.write(" " + headline2 + " "); document.write(" " + headline3 + " ");

19 Using Mathematical Operators var x = 10; var y = 5; document.write(" x + y = " + (x+y)); document.write(" x - y = " + (x-y)); document.write(" x * y = " + (x*y)); document.write(" x / y = " + (x/y)); document.write(" x % y = " + (x%y)); document.write(" -x = " + (-x)); document.write(" --x = " + (--x)); document.write(" ++x = " + (++x));

20 Summary Variables can store information to be processed Variable names should be descriptive of what they contain Variables in JavaScript are not strictly typed Operators can be used to manipulate the contents of variables The scope of a variable can be global or private The keyword var is used to create variables Variables can be assigned literal data, operations on variables, and logical expressions

21 Summary (continued) Declaring a variable without giving it a value will cause an “undefined” value to be assigned Variables cannot be named using reserved words Character escaping can be used to include specific characters in text strings that would otherwise be misinterpreted

22 Lab 2 Step 1: Type or copy & paste the following into your Textpad Untitled Page

23 Lab 2 Step 2: Insert a script that contains four variables in the head of the document: - the first one contains your name - the second contains a value 0 - the third one is declared but has no value - the fourth one contains an empty string. Step 3: In the body of the document, write another script to display the type of each variable, as well as its value.

24 Objectives Use conditional statements, including if and if... else Implement looping statements, including for, for... in, while,do... while, break, and continue Know when to use label, switch, and with statements

25 If Syntax if(expression){ statement block } Example var numbOfItems = 0; if(numbOfItems > 3){ window.alert(“You have reached the limit.”); }

26 If Else Syntax if(expression){ statement block } else{ else statement block } Example var numbOfItems = 0; if(numbOfItems > 3){ window.alert(“You have reached the limit.”); } else{ window.alert(“Please choose an Item.”); }

27 Try / Catch / Finally try { if(answer == 1){ throw "Error1“; } else if(answer == 2){ throw "Error2“; } catch(er) { if(er == "Error1"){ window.alert(“Invalid Data Type"); } if(er == "Error2"){ window.alert(“Unterminated String”); } finally( window.alert(“Unknow Error”); }

28 For Syntax for (starting value; expression; increment/decrement){ statement block } Example for (firstNum = 1; firstNum < 11; firstNum++){ window.alert(firstNum); }

29 For In Syntax for(variable in array){ statement block } Example var controlStructures = new Array(“For”,”For In”,”While”,”Do While”); for(controlStruc in controlStructures){ document.write(controlStructures[controlStruc]); document.write(“ ”); }

30 While Syntax while(expression){ statement block } Example var counter = 1; while(counter <= 10){ document.write(counter); document.write(“ ”); counter++; }

31 Do While Syntax do{ statement block } while(expression is true) Example var counter = 1; do( window.alert(counter); counter++; } while(counter <= 10)

32 Break Example var counter = 1; while(counter > 0){ document.write(counter); counter++; // if (counter == 5){ //break; } Syntax break;

33 Continue Syntax continue; Example for(counter = 1; counter <=50; counter++){ if(counter % 2 == 0){ continue; } document.write(counter); document.write(“ ”); }

34 Switch Syntax switch(expression){ case x: statement block break; case y: statement block break; default: statement block; break; } Example switch(selection){ case 2: population = 2,688,418; break; case 5: population = 1,711,263; break; }

35 Using an If Else structure function checkIfEligible() { if (document.homeLoanApplication.annualIncome.value<50000) { window.alert("You are not eligible to apply for a home loan."); } else { window.alert("You are eligible to apply for a home loan."); }

36 Using an If Else structure Annual Income: $

37 Multiple If Conditions function checkIfEligible() { if (document.homeLoanApplication.annualIncome.value 100000) { window.alert("You are not eligible to apply for a home loan."); } else { window.alert("You are eligible to apply for a home loan."); }

38 Multiple If Conditions (continued) Annual Income: $ Current Liabilities: $

39 Using a While Loop function printPayments() { var principal=document.homeLoanCalculator.principal.value; var years=document.homeLoanCalculator.years.value; var annualPayment=principal/years; var y=1; document.write(" "); document.write(" Year "); document.write(" Value "); document.write(" ");

40 Using a While Loop (continued) while (years>0) { document.write(" "); document.write(" "+y+" "); document.write(" $"+principal+" "); document.write(" "); principal-=annualPayment; y++; years--; } document.write(" "); }

41 Using while loop Outstanding Principal: $ Years to Pay:

42 Using For function printPayments() { var principal=document.homeLoanCalculator.principal.value; var years=document.homeLoanCalculator.years.value; var annualPayment=principal/years; var y=1; document.write(" "); document.write(" Year "); document.write(" Value "); document.write(" ");

43 Using For (continued) for (i=0; i<years; i++) { document.write(" "); document.write(" "+y+" "); document.write(" $"+principal+" "); document.write(" "); principal-=annualPayment; y++; } document.write(" "); }

44 Using For (continued) Outstanding Principal: $ Years to Pay:

45 Using a Switch Construct var selobj = ""; function displaypopulation(selobj){ var population = 0; switch(selobj.selectedIndex){ case 0: population = "2,688,418"; break; case 1: population = "2,926,324"; break; case 2: population = "2,233,169"; break; case 3: population = "1,711,263"; break; } alert("Population of " + selobj.options[selobj.selectedIndex].value + " = " + population); }

46 Using a Switch Construct (continued) Display Population For: Kansas Iowa Utah Nebraska Census 2000

47 Summary Using control structures allows your code to change the flow Using this control brings more sophistication and power to your scripts Using conditions and loops controls when certain blocks of code are executed Loops can be predetermined or controlled by logic built into them If Else control structures account for one of two possible choices

48 Summary (continued) Switch control structures allow for one of many possible code executions Endless loops can be created by not incrementing or decrementing a counter variable or using a condition that never evaluates to false While loops may not iterate at all – the expression is evaluated before the loop executes Do While loops iterate at least once – the expression is not evaluated until the bottom of the structure

49 Lab Step 1: Cut& paste this code Untitled Page

50 Lab Step 2: In the body of the HTML page, Create a HTML form that allows a user to enter the current points (integer), looks like the following:

51 Lab Step 3: Create a script that does the following: -If the current point is greater than 90, prompt “ You earn an A” -If the current point is less than 90 but greater than 80, prompt “ You earn a B” -Otherwise, prompt “You need to work harder”

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