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Lars Ewe Product Manager Oracle Corporation

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2 Lars Ewe Product Manager Oracle Corporation
Session id: 40045 Accessing Oracle and Non-Oracle Data Sources from J2EE Applications: Introducing JCA Lars Ewe Product Manager Oracle Corporation Itamar Ankorion Product Manager Attunity

3 Agenda J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
Oracle Application Server and JCA Customer Case Study – Lloyds The future of JCA Oracle Application Server 10g Integration Q&A

4 J2EE Connector Architecture – Introduction

5 JDBC – a history of database integration
First – we built our own databases Proprietary concepts, rocket-science Then came along commercial databases Some common concepts, difficult to integrate Then SQL (ODBC, JDBC) came along Standard access to any database Today – database access is a non-issue My kid brother can do it…

6 JCA – the future of application integration
First – Application Integration hurt Dissimilar technology, data, messaging... Then came along XML Standard, exchangeable data structure Still need to know each disparate system Then JCA came along Standard access to any application Starting today – application integration is becoming a non-issue

7 What is the benefit of JCA?
The connector architecture reduces the integration effort from an (m * n) problem to an (m + n) problem, where ‘m’ is the number of application servers and ‘n’ the number of EISs to be integrated EIS EIS AppServer AppServer JCA m*n m+n

8 J2EE Connector Architecture Key Components
J2EE Application Server (AS) Container for resource adapter(s) Enterprise Information System (EIS) Resource Adapter (RA) Connects EIS resource to the JCA infrastructure Common Client Interface (CCI) Provides a common programming interface model for interacting with EIS via resource adapters Quality of Service (QoS) Facilities Connection & transaction management and security

9 J2EE Connector Architecture
Container-Component Contract J2EE Application Component OC4J - J2EE Application Server Client API (e.g. CCI) System Contracts Connection Manager Resource Adapter Transaction Manager EIS specific contracts Security Manager Enterprise Information System

10 Oracle Application Server 10g and JCA

11 Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Containers for J2EE
J2EE 1.3 APIs OC4J Support JSP 1.2 Servlet 2.3 EJB 2.0 JDBC 2.0 Extension JMS 1.0 JNDI 1.2 Connector Architecture 1.0 JTA 1.0 Java Mail 1.2 JAXP 1.1 JAAS 1.0 24 26 58

12 Oracle Application Server
Oracle HTTP Server AJP13 JNDI Web Container JMS HTTP AJP mod_oc4j JDBC JCA Web Client JTA OR MI EJB Container JAXP ORMI JAAS EJB Client OC4J Server Process

13 Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) JCA – Quality of Service (QoS)
Oracle’s JCA container implementation provides additional QoS Connection Pooling Container Managed Sign-On (CMSO) Declarative CMSO Programmatic CMSO

14 Connection Pooling Specify minimum number of connections to create at startup Limit the size of the connection pool by setting the maximum number of connections Choose between fixed, fixed_wait and dynamic schemes for handling overflow of connection requests Pick a timeout for fixed wait scheme

15 Connection Pooling Example
<description> Pool with a minimum of one connection and a maximum of three, when all three connections are in use, a request for connection should wait 60 seconds for a connection to free up, else receive an exception </description> <property name="minConnections" value="1" /> <property name="maxConnections" value="3" /> <property name="scheme" value="fixed_wait" /> <property name="waitTimeout" value="60" /> </connection-pooling>

16 Container Managed Sign-On (CMSO)
Configure container to take care of sign-on to EIS transparently Choose between different schemes Declarative Programmatic

17 CMSO Overview

18 Declarative CMSO Example
<connector-factory name="..." location="..."> ... <security-config> <principal-mapping-entries> <default-mapping> <res-user>guest</res-user> <res-password>guestpw</res-password> </default-mapping> <principal-mapping-entry> <initiating-user>scott</initiating-user> <res-user>scott</res-user> <res-password>tiger</res-password> </principal-mapping-entry> </principal-mapping-entries> </security-config> </connector-factory>

19 Programmatic CMSO Provide custom authentication module
Plug-in JAAS modules or implement OC4J-specific interfaces JAAS modules are portable as compared to the OC4J-specific alternative Authentication modules that implement OC4J-specific interfaces are simpler to write and deploy compared to JAAS modules

20 Oracle Application Server integration with back-end Mainframe CICS
Customer Case Study Oracle Application Server integration with back-end Mainframe CICS

21 The Players The Lloyds Insurance Market (Lloyds)
International Underwriters Association (IUA) Xchanging Ins-Sure Services (XIS) Steria  System Integration Oracle  OC4J Attunity  CICS JCA Adapter The Lloyds Insurance Market Lloyd's is a brokered market in which more then 80 underwriting syndicates both compete and co-operate. This combination enables Lloyd's to offer a wealth of choice, knowledge, experience and expertise under one roof. International Underwriters Association Underwriters are the insurance professionals upon whose expertise and judgement the market depends. Lloyd's underwriters cover many speciality areas of risk, including marine, aviation, catastrophe cover and professional indemnity. Xchanging Ins-Sure Services XIS is a joint venture formed as the merger of the Lloyds and IUA business processing units, and owned by Lloyds, the IUA, and Xchaning, a service provider that implements and operates world-class HR, Procurement, Accounting & Settlement and Customer Administration Services. Steria IT services global operator. Provided architecture, project management and development for XIS.

22 Claim Convergence Project
Business Goals: Reduce TCO (operating and maintenance costs) by converging two CICS based Claim systems Increase end-user productivity with web interfaces Establish agile IT foundation to quickly introduce new capabilities in the future Merge the Lloyds and IUA’s claims processing units into one, for the purpose of cost savings.

23 Solution Architecture
Web Browsers Oracle Application Server (Solaris) FixNAT Firewall JSP JCA ? OS390 CICS

24 The Technical Objectives (i.e., Challenges)
Standard integration of J2EE and CICS (JCA, XML) Develop productivity (known skill sets and tools) Isolate legacy from the Java developers Turn legacy into reusable services (SOA) Agile, reusable architecture foundation Save on maintenance Robust, Simple mainframe connectivity Native data type mapping (into XML) No changes to CICS applications No coding per transactions

25 CICS LogIn Program COMMAREA
COMMAREA is Input/Output buffer for the CICS program 01 C002-COMMAREA. 03 C002-TRANS-ID PIC X(4) 03 C002-SESSION-NO PIC S9(9) COMP. 03 C002-PROG-STATUS PIC S9(4) COMP. 03 C002-ERROR-COUNT PIC S9(4) COMP. 03 C002-ERROR-TABLE OCCURS 10. 06 C002-ERROR-CODE PIC X(4). 06 C002-ERROR-TEXT PIC X(70). 03 C002-WARNING-COUNT PIC S9(4) COMP. 03 C002-WARNING-TABLE OCCURS 10. 06 C002-WARNING-CODE PIC X(4). 06 C002-WARNING-TEXT PIC X(70). 03 C002-ACCOUNT-CODE PIC X(4) 03 C002-NET-USER-ID PIC X(8) 03 C002-PASSWORD PIC X(8) 03 C002-SECTION-CODE PIC X(4). 03 C002-LOGIN-STATUS PIC X. The mapped Output parameter (‘LogInOut’) The mapped Input parameters (‘LogInIn’)

26 CICS JCA Adapter Metadata
<?xml version='1.0'?> <adapter name=‘CICS' version='1.0' type='acadmin'vendor='Attunity Ltd.'> <interaction name="logIn" mode="sync-send-receive" input="logInIn" output="logInOut"> <interactionSpec program="LC0010R0"/> </interaction> <interaction name="logOff" mode="sync-send-receive" input="logOffIn" output="logOffOut"> <schema version='1.0'> <record name='logInIn'> <field name='C002_NET_USER_ID' type='string' nativeType='string‘ length='8' /> <field name='C002_PASSWORD' type='string' nativeType='string‘ length='8' /> </record> <record name='logInOut'> <field name='C002_TRANS_ID' type='string' nativeType='string'length='4' default='LY02'/> <field name='C002_SESSION_NO' type='int' nativeType='int4' /> <field name='C002_PROG_STATUS' type='int' nativeType='int2' /> <field name='C002_ERROR_COUNT' type='int' nativeType='int2' /> <field name='C002_ERROR_TABLE' type='C002_COMMAREA_C002_ERROR_TABLE‘ array='10'/> <field name='C002_LOGIN_STATUS' type='string' nativeType='string‘ length='1' /> </schema> </adapter> Adapter Type = CICS Adapter Interactions In/Out Message Definition (Schema) Native Data Type/Structure Mapping

27 JCA Deployment Descriptor
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE oc4j-connector-factories PUBLIC "-//Oracle//DTD Oracle Connector 1.0//EN" " <oc4j-connector-factories> <connector-factory location="eis/attunityCICS" connector-name="Attunity Connect Legacy Adapter"> <config-property name="userName" value=""/> <config-property name="password" value=""/> <config-property name="eisName" value=“CICSClaimsSystem"/> <config-property name="serverName" value=“myMainframe"/> <config-property name="workspace" value="Navigator"/> <config-property name="portNumber" value="2551"/> <config-property name="persistentConnection" value=""/> <config-property name="keepAlive" value=""/> <connection-pooling> <property name="scheme" value="dynamic" /> <property name="maxConnections" value="10" /> <property name="minConnections" value="5" /> </connection-pooling> </connector-factory> </oc4j-connector-factories> Define Connector Factory Specify a JNDI location for the JCA Adapter Adapter Connection Attributes Connection Pooling

28 Using the JCA Adapter Lookup CICS JCA Adapter
Context ic = new InitialContext(); String name = "java:comp/env/eis/attunityCICS"; javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) ic.lookup (name); try { javax.resource.cci.Connection con = cf.getConnection(); Interaction interaction = con.createInteraction(); AttuInteractionSpec iSpeq = new AttuInteractionSpec("logIn"); RecordFactory rf = cf.getRecordFactory(); MappedRecord queryRecord = rf.createMappedRecord("logInIn"); Record oRec = interaction.execute(iSpeq, queryRecord); Element outEl = ((DomRecord)oRec).getDom(); String session = System.out.println("SESSION IS " + session); interaction.close(); con.close(); } Lookup CICS JCA Adapter Get Connection and Create Interaction (‘LogIn’) Build interaction input document (‘LogInIn’) Execute the interaction Parse interaction response Close

29 Other Integration Considerations
Coordinate transaction calls (transID) Firewall Support FIXNAT Transparent to the App Server Connection Pooling Oracle side (OC4J) Mainframe CICS side (Attunity Connect) Performance Pre-loaded adapter definitions and listeners

30 What Have We Seen? Standard Integration APIs
JCA CCI: getConnection, createInteraction, execute... XML: manipulate in/out docs Flexible Adapter Definition Map Interactions to legacy Programs Robust Native-data structure (e.g. COBOL) Mapping Simple values, Arrays, Inner Structures, etc. Powerful manipulation of interaction messages Other Capabilities Transactions (expose as XAResource), Batch interactions

31 It Works ! Bottom Line It’s Standard (JCA CCI, XML)
It’s Easy (use Java APIs and Objects) It’s Fast (proved architecture in a day) It Works !

32 The Results “It’s pretty simple to introduce new transactions, so the team can expand the claims system in almost any direction” “By making data entry more intuitive and user friendly, we can improve throughput... This will also increase our capacity for taking on potential new business…” Stuart Allan, XIS Convergence Program

33 The future of JCA

34 JCA 1.5 (JSR 112) Release with J2EE 1.4 Enable inbound communication
Transaction inflow Message inflow Provide JMS Provider pluggability Enhanced/new QoS Contracts Lifecycle management Work management Packaging model

35 JCA 2.0? Release after J2EE 1.4 Provide CCI meta-data support
Add XML support to CCI Other QoS enhancements

36 Oracle Application Server 10g Integration

37 Integrate Your Business
Single Integration Tool Exchanges E-Business Suite Business Process Management B2B Integration Web Service Integration Enterprise Application Integration 3rd Party Apps Any Data Source Custom Apps Messaging Systems Improve efficiency using integrated business processes Open, standards-based architecture Single solution for A2A, B2B, and web services integration Best solution pre-integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite

38 Oracle Application Server 10g Integration
Design Monitor Analyze Design Metadata Run-Time Repository Metadata Tools B2B Services Security Validation Transformation Business Process Management Trading Partner Management Logging Monitoring Transaction Management Run-Time / Common Services Oracle11i SAP R3 Peoplesoft JMS JDBC JCA MQSeries Adapters HTTP/S SMTP FTP ebXML RosettaNet EDI SOAP Improve efficiency using integrated business processes Common view approach minimizes impact of adding applications Pre-certified JCA based adapters Business process intelligence

39 Oracle Application Server Integration
Fast Deployment via Packaged Adapters Applications Oracle 11.5.X Oracle 10.7 SAP R/3 SAP R/4 Peoplesoft Ariba Commerce One JD Edwards Siebel Siebel 2000 i2 Any J2CA Application Databases Oracle7.3, 8.0, 8i, 9i MS SQL-Server IBM DB/2 UDB Sybase Informix J2CA Datasources Messaging Oracle AQ MQ-Series TIBCO Legacy CICS New EDI Transports SOAP HTTP, HTTP-S SMTP FTP CORBA/IIOP COM/COM+ Generic DB Flat File

40 Reminder – please complete the OracleWorld online session survey Thank you.

41 Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A


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