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CN1176 Computer Support Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCT, MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+

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Presentation on theme: "CN1176 Computer Support Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCT, MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+"— Presentation transcript:

1 CN1176 Computer Support Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCT, MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+

2 Agenda Chapter 6: Sharing Resources Exercise / Lab Quiz

3 Managing Permissions NTFS permissions Share permissions Registry permissions Active Directory permissions

4 Windows Permission Architecture Access Control List (ACL) Access Control Entries (ACEs) Security principal Folder ACL Sales – Read Managers – Full Control JSmith – Deny Access ACEs Security Principal Permission

5 Standard and Special Permissions Permissions allow you to grant specific degrees of access to security principals ▫There are 6 standard permissions Preconfigured permission combinations are called Standard Permissions ▫Special Permissions are more granular and can be applied individually, but are rarely used ▫Security tab -> Advanced button ▫There are 14 special permissions that you can assign to a folder or file

6 Allowing and Denying Permissions Additive ▫Start with no permissions and then grant Allow permissions (preferred method) Subtractive ▫Start by granting Allow permissions and then grant Deny permissions

7 Inheriting Permissions Parent elements pass their permissions down to their subordinate elements. ▫For example, when you grant SalesAccount Allow permissions to the Data folder, all of the files and subfolders on the Data folder inherit those permissions, and SalesAccount can access them

8 Copying and Moving NTFS Files Copy NTFS files or folders to another location ▫The new copy new inherits permissions from its parent folder at the new location Move files or folders to a new location on the same NTFS volume ▫Existing permissions move with them Move files or folders to a different volume ▫Inherit permissions from the parent folder at the new location.

9 Effective Permissions The combination of Allow permissions and Deny permissions for each security principal: ▫Allow permissions are cumulative ▫Deny permissions override Allow permissions ▫Explicit permissions take precedence over inherited permissions ▫Security tab -> Advanced Security Settings dialog box -> Effective Permissions tab

10 NTFS Standard Permissions Full Control Modify Read & Execute List Folder Read Write

11 NTFS Standard Permissions – Full Control Folder Modify the folder permissions Take ownership of the folder Delete subfolders and files contained in the folder Perform all actions associated with all of the other NTFS folder permissions File Modify the file permissions Take ownership of the file Perform all actions associated with all of the other NTFS file permissions

12 NTFS Standard Permissions – Modify Folder Delete the folder Perform all actions associated with the Write and the Read & Execute permissions File Modify the file Delete the file Perform all actions associated with the Write and the Read & Execute permissions

13 NTFS Standard Permissions – Read & Execute Folder Navigate through restricted folders to reach other files and folders Perform all actions associated with the Read and List Folder Contents permissions File Perform all actions associated with the Read permission Run applications

14 Resource Ownership Every file and folder on an NTFS drive has an owner The owner always has the ability to modify the permissions, even if current permissions settings deny them access The owner is the person who created the file or folder ▫Others with the “Take Ownership” permission can become the owner

15 Folder Sharing in Windows 7 Any folder sharing Public folder sharing Homegroup sharing See Table 6-4 on Page 198

16 Sharing with Homegroups Uses the Home network location to share the contents of libraries among all users ▫Automatically configured  The computer attempts to detect an existing homegroup on the network  If the computer does not detect a homegroup, the Create a Homegroup Wizard appears Shares libraries in the users profiles ▫Can add libraries

17 Sharing the Public Folder Simplest way to give clients file sharing capability (small business networking) Network Discovery and Public Folder Sharing must be turned on Copy files to be shared to the Public folder

18 Any Folder Sharing Full control over what material on the computer is shared ▫Which users have access and to what degree they have access

19 Managing Share Permissions Share permissions are independent from other permissions ▫With Password Protected Sharing enabled, users must have user accounts on the computer or in a domain.

20 Windows Printing Flexibility Stand-alone local printing Printer shared on the network Print device connected directly to LAN Create a printer pool (one print server with more than one print device) Connect multiple printer servers to a single print device

21 Adding a Local Printer Most common configuration for home, small business, or workgroups Local users can print their own jobs Can share the printer with other network users

22 Printer Permissions

23 Assignment Fill in the blank True/false

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