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The Moon By: Logan, Brooke, Justin, Sam and James.

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Presentation on theme: "The Moon By: Logan, Brooke, Justin, Sam and James."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Moon By: Logan, Brooke, Justin, Sam and James

2 Phases of the Moon by Justin The moon seems to change size but it is really because the moon’s orbit affects how much we see of it. The different shapes are called phases. Waning (smaller) Waxing (bigger) The moon doesn’t make its own light. It gets its light from the sun shining on it.

3 Moon Rocks by James Moon rocks have been classified by geologists as volcanic flow or meteorite that crashed into the moon. You can see moon rocks from the Apollo 11 Mission at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.

4 The Moons Surface by Brooke The moon has gigantic craters caused by meteorites and huge hills. The black parts on the moon are smooth. The moon is black, gray and dusty. 12 astronauts have landed on the moon.Their footprints are still there because there is no atmosphere and no weather.

5 Dead Moon by Logan The moon has no atmosphere so it can not keep a livable temperature. It has very little gravity to hold anything down. It has no air for breathing and no water for drinking or growing plants. Nothing at all can live on the moon.

6 Extra Information by Sam The moon is a giant satellite. Earth is 238,900 miles from the moon. The moon has been in space for 45,000,000,000 years. The moon orbits around the Earth. It takes about a month for this to happen.

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