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Welcome! Town Hall Meeting September 27, 2012. Agenda Objectives of Town Hall meeting Introduction (Description of Directors portfolios) Current BCA-supported.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Town Hall Meeting September 27, 2012. Agenda Objectives of Town Hall meeting Introduction (Description of Directors portfolios) Current BCA-supported."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Town Hall Meeting September 27, 2012

2 Agenda Objectives of Town Hall meeting Introduction (Description of Directors portfolios) Current BCA-supported programs and services Existing methods of communicating events to the public Where are we going? BCA-supported programs, services, projects moving forward Audience feedback Question and Answers, your ideas and suggestions How you can get involved

3 Objectives What do we want to accomplish at the end of the meeting? Increase awareness about BCA-supported activities Inform residents about various ways the BCA can support their community-oriented projects or events Receive feedback from residents on current BCA practises and services Find out what residents want the BCA to fund/support going forward

4 BCA volunteer board of directors PresidentLaura Dudas Past Presidentvacant Vice-Presidentvacant Blackburn Plus FiftyAl Haggerty CommunicationsChris Fraser Community RelationsCharles Kennedy Education & YouthDarla Barrows EnvironmentPaula Rosenquist MembershipJeff Miller Parks and RinksAli Yassine SecretarySheryl Tracy Socialvacant Treasurer/BankingAlan Ross Web PageHelen Rosseau Funfair Chairperson - OutgoingTrisha Cloutier Banar EditorEvelyn Budd Community Hall BookingsJan Whitehouse

5 How does the BCA support the community? The BCA supports: Children and youth: Scouts, Les Guides, youth drop-in in partnership with the Eastern Ontario Resource Centre, puppet workshops, etc. Families: Fun Fair, movies in the park, Hockey Day in the hamlet, community outdoor rinks, free public skating at the arena, Santa pancake breakfast, Gloucester Recreational Development Organization programming, etc. Environment: Spring clean up day, annual garage sale, maintains parks in the summer, community gardens, rain barrels, gardening work shops, etc.

6 How does the BCA support the community continued… The BCA supports: Businesses: publishes the Banar, provides opportunities for partnerships with local businesses to support BCA events Seniors: 50 plus group, quilters, exercise programs, bridge club, etc. Local schools: Ecole Sainte Marie gardens project, etc. Our community: Interprovincial bridge, Greenbelt, municipal matters, operates the Blackburn Community Hall, etc.

7 BCA funding explained The BCA receives the majority of its funding from the City. In 2012, we except to receive $17,200 from the City for our recreational grant and minor capital funding. o Additionally, we received $8,150 in 2012 for Outdoor Ice and we have so far spent $8,500. In 2011, we received $14,374 for our recreational grant. However, the minor capital funding was not available as in 2012.

8 How do we invest in the community? In 2012, we have so far spent 68% on community programming, 25% for park grooming, 7% for administration Not all the City grant money is for programming – a large portion of it aligned to specific programming, such as outdoor rinks

9 Getting the message to residents The BCA communicates with residents through: Banar (including information on booking the community hall) Facebook Signage Monthly meetings (Sept. to June) AGM in February E-mail networks New bulletin board case at Blackburn library Word of mouth

10 Where are we going? The BCA will continue to support community programming and services Work with the city on behalf of residents Partner with other community groups to maximize resources and funding and expand the services we offer Improve existing services and resources, including the community hall Engage residents, businesses, community partners

11 Ideas and suggestions? Question and Answers Feedback

12 Getting involved Attend a BCA meeting Follow along with community updates and events at or on Facebook Provide your feedback on an ongoing basis by e-mailing BCA President Laura Dudas at

13 Thank you

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