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Ancient Egyptian Gods Poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egyptian Gods Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egyptian Gods Poetry

2 My Expectations are HIGH
PROPER HEADING on the front –upper left! Be 16 lines- 4 stanzas of 4 lines Typed [and fit on 1 page. ] 4. Title of God –CENTERED Be read , Rapped, sung in class 6. Due: Thursday, 3/22

3 RHYMING – 3 stanzas of 4 lines

4 AAAA The word at the end of each line rhymes. 4 different rhymes
I had a furry cat. A That sat all day on a mat. A He wasn’t skinny, but fat. A So he couldn’t catch the rat. A But one day he understood B If in shape he absolutely could B Kill that rat like Red Riding Hood. B And make a movie about it in Hollywood B

5 ABAB The end of lines 1 and 3 rhyme. The end of lines 2 and 4 rhyme.
We would not have school today A If it were up to me. B I need to get away. A It’s very plain to see. B Off to a far away place C Is where I’d want to go D Away from the rat race C Away from all this snow. D

6 AABB Lines 1 and 2 rhyme Lines 3 and 4 rhyme
Sometimes people can be impolite. A They think they are always in the right. A I see them as mean, through and through. B When they ask for a favor, I say, “No can do!” B But these people can change their ways C It may take them a couple of days C When it happens I’ll jump for joy D They’ll see me as far as Illinois. D

7 ABCB Lines 2 and 4 rhyme only I’m so tired in the morning A
I toss and turn all night B I dream that I’m a matador C Involved in a bull fight B Another morning I find myself D Wrapped in many a sheet E I dreamed I was a mummy F Out for a Trick or Treat. E

8 Are You Finished? Become a Consultant Show me.
Help your classmates get started, come up with ideas and or find a good rhyme word. Thank you for your help. Due: Thursday, March 22

9 ACROSTIC – [1] Keeps the children Learning lessons Each and everyday
New York, specifically at JFK. OR>>>>>>>>

10 going from one subject to another
Diamantes-[1] Diamond shaped poem- going from one subject to another *see packet for instructions* and>>>>>>>>

11 Comfort, day, night, smile
Sun Bright, yellow Warming, beaming, shining Comfort, day, night, smile Showing, glowing, orbiting Crescent, white Moon

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