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Coterm Real-time terminal collaboration Like Google Docs for the Shell Matthew R. Laue

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Presentation on theme: "Coterm Real-time terminal collaboration Like Google Docs for the Shell Matthew R. Laue"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coterm Real-time terminal collaboration Like Google Docs for the Shell Matthew R. Laue

2 Distributed development turns small problems into large problems My GIT repo is messed up … The build is broken … etc … My GIT repo is messed up … The build is broken … etc … What were your exact steps? Have you tried… What were your exact steps? Have you tried… I don’t know. It doesn’t work. It’s due tomorrow. I don’t know. It doesn’t work. It’s due tomorrow. I’m at home, out of town, outside the firewall, running a different OS… Coterm allows the right person to solve a problem regardless of: Location System configuration Firewall settings “Typing is no substitute for thinking.” - Dartmouth Basic manual, 1964.

3 Host Participant AParticipant B Coterm Invited participants join a session hosted on a given terminal.

4 Coterm: features Instant - immediately collaborate on an existing problem – no need to reproduce on a separate system. Fast- quick text-based protocol – no cumbersome graphics transfer. Secure - complete end-to-end encryption. Accessible - works through existing firewall. Easy - basic setup with minimal system requirements.

5 Coterm: firewalls and security Akiri Solutions’ Secure Connector ™ functions as an application router. Clients open sockets to HTTPS (443) port and the secure connector handles routing. No listening sockets and no changes to firewall means no port attacks. Data is encrypted and decrypted at the client endpoints.

6 Coterm: how much? COMMERCIAL LICENSE $8 per user per month. OPEN-SOURCE/NON COMMERCIAL FREE

7 Coterm: how do I try it? 1.Register at the Akiri Solutions website: 2.Verify your email address and login. 3.Download coterm for your OS. 4.Run one instance, create a session and invite your own username. 5.Run a second instance – or more! - and join the session you created.


9 Coterm: alternatives Screen sharing or Online meetings Pros  Full multimedia support.  Large feature set. Cons  Expensive.  Installation required.  System intensive.  Slow. SSH + Screens Pros  It works.  Free. Cons  Difficult to set up.  Poor Windows support.  Firewall issues.

10 Akiri Solutions, Inc. Based in Palo Alto, CA with offices in Las Vegas, NV and Silicon Valley. Incorporated in 2010. Developer products and software consulting. Self-funded. Coterm patent filed : 4/2012.


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