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Camelot The Kennedy years. Election 1960 Ike’s popularity won’t rub off on Nixon – Despite rep as statesman Diplomatic travels to Europe, S. Am Stood.

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Presentation on theme: "Camelot The Kennedy years. Election 1960 Ike’s popularity won’t rub off on Nixon – Despite rep as statesman Diplomatic travels to Europe, S. Am Stood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camelot The Kennedy years

2 Election 1960 Ike’s popularity won’t rub off on Nixon – Despite rep as statesman Diplomatic travels to Europe, S. Am Stood up to Khrushchev in kitchen debates – Merits of Capitalism v. Communism Age 47- tough, seasoned – Alger Hiss Kennedy- Charismatic, young MA senator – Just got nomination – Picked Southerner LBJ (party leader)

3 Debates 4 on TV JFK seemed more vigorous, confidant – Attacked Eisenhower Admin for Recent recession Missile gap Moving too slowly on Civil Rights

4 Election – Religion is an issue – Helped in cities – Nixon did better in rural Protestant areas Republicans charged ballot box stuffing in Illinois and TX

5 New Frontier Domestic Policy – Torch being passed to new generation – Plan: to aid education – Fed support of health care – Urban renewal – Civil rights Languished in Congress – Most passed as part of LBJ’s Great Society Program later on

6 Economy JFK faced down US Steel execs on inflationary prices – Got roll back – Established wage + price guide posts – Spending increased for defense, space exploration – Commitment to land on moon by end of decade

7 Foreign Affairs Peace Corps -61: to recruit young Ams for tech aid to developing nations Alliance for Progress- to org land reform & econ development for L.A. Trade Expansion Act ‘62: authorized tariff reductions w/ new Euro Econ Community (Common Market)

8 Bay of Pigs Worst mistake of presidency – CIA scheme – planned under Ike To use Cuban exiles- CIA trained- to invade, overthrow Castro Expected big public support – April 61: landing: Bay of Pigs » No General uprising » No air/ sea support » Trapped on beach » Exiles surrender » Eventually ransomed for food, medicine, cash » Cuba turns to USSR for aid, protection

9 Berlin Wall Trying to shake off embarrassment of B of P – JFK agrees to meet Khrushchev Summer 61: Vienna – Kh threatens JFK there to remove US forces from W/ Berlin – US refused – Aug. E. Germs w/ soviet backing built wall Around W. Berlin JFK calls up reserves- no effort to stop wall 63: goes to Berlin to assure it of US support “Freedom has many difficulties + democ is not perfect but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in….. – …as a free man I can take pride in the words: Ich bin ein Berliner” – Berlin Wall: symbol of cold war until pulled down: 1989 by rebellious E. Gs

10 Cuban Missile Crisis 62: U2 spy planes discover Russians building underground silos in Cuba JFK puts up naval blockade: Quarantine of Cuba until missiles removed – If Russia challenges US ships: nuclear war likely – Several days’ tension – Khrushchev agrees to remove missiles 4 pledge not to invade Cuba And secret agreement to remove US missiles in Turkey in 6 months Effects: – telecommunications ‘Hot Line’ established in DC  Moscow To talk thru future crises – Nuclear Test Ban treaty signed 63 by US, USSR, 100 others to end testing in atmosphere, above ground, under sea – New round of arms races starts for developing missile, warhead superiority

11 Flexible Response Many brushfire wars – Africa, – SE Asia Insurgents there armed & trained by Soviets Congo (Zaire) Laos, Vietnam convince JFK to adapt Flex Resp- moving away from Dulles’ idea of massive retaliation, reliance on nukes – JFK & McNamara increased spending on conventional arms & mobile military forces – Also increased temptation to sent elite forces like Green Berets into combat in 3 rd world

12 Assassination in Dallas 2.5 yrs: one brief shining moment – Nov 22, 63: Dallas, TX – Went to heal rift in Dem party before election year – Stunned Amers glued to TV Saw replay of murder on tape Saw alleged assassin gunned down (Lee Harvey Oswald) 2 days later by Jack Ruby who dies later in jail of Cancer – Warren Commission headed by Ch Justice Earl Warren concludes: Oswald acted alone Unanswered qs lead to dozens of conspiracy theories – Possible involvement by organized crime, Castro, CIA, FBI – Beginning of Credibility Gap


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