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Welcome Globalisation in perspective The world is getting smaller Tony Bielderman.

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2 Welcome Globalisation in perspective The world is getting smaller Tony Bielderman

3 ODefinition(?) O Globalisation nothing new! O Benefits OBottle necks O International policy challenges Globalisation in perspective

4 Globalisation is the increasing liberal internationalization of society. Globalising economics: enormous growth of international trade, money flows, portfolio and direct investment and labour migration.

5 Globalisationwaves in historical perspective World export as percentage of worldproduction (left) Immigration USA (right) Foreign investments as percentage of domestic production in developing countries (left) Percentage Million Source: Maddisson, VS

6 OMore free trade, less protection O Better ICT-applications, efficiency transports O Offshoring and outsourcing OIncreased international labour mobility O Changed political world Backgrounds youngest wave Revolutionary textiles… The last trade restrictions for clothing and textiles were discharged on the 1 January 2005. Especially China will take advantage of that: textile exports will probably increase from $ 45 till $ 70 billions a year.

7 Basic thinking: comparative costs The world’s prosperity increases if every country produces those goods in which the countries are relatively the best. Benefits globalisation Causes comparative differences in costs - Differences in labor costs and laws Differences in knowledge and education Geographic location, surroundings and climate - Presence of natural commodities Differences in labor and capital productivity Ricardo

8 Example comparative cost advantages If Portugal specializes in wine en England in clothes, both countries are economically better of: 1 barrel of wine 1 unit clothing (80 hours in Portugal) (100 hours in England) England gets a barrel of wine for 100 laborhours while the country needs 120 laborhours itself. Portugal gets a unit clothing for 80 labour hours while the country needs 90 labour hours itself. Production costs wine and clothes in laborhours WineClothes Portugal 80 90 England 120 100

9 OMore efficient / cheaper production on worldscale O Lower producer- and consumerprices O Increase international trade and production OMore employment on worldscale O Growth purchasing power of worldincome Benefits free globalisation O Increase quality and choices O Encourage mutual understanding en worldpeace (O Extra economic growth Netherlands 2%, )

10 O Re-allocation labour and production ORedistribution world and domestic income OExtra problems natural environment O New scarcity: energy versus nutrition O Human rights and child labour O Cultural changes and differences Bottlenecks globalisation

11 International goal: Obligation to Globalisation! Clearing Bottlenecks! Challenges politics Stimulating free trade, restriction protectionism: Most Favoured Nation Principle National Treatment Principle # From regionalisation to globalisation: Restrictions import taxes, export restitutions and tradequota; LDC-status

12 Challenges politics UNO Challenging poverty, education for everyone, equal labour rights, challenging childlabour, innovation, improvement public health, human rights, ecology programmes, monetary aid. International goal: Obligation to Globalisation! Clearing Bottlenecks!

13 Attitude Netherlands: Challenges politics Obligation to Globalisation! Endorsement WTO-, UNO- and EU-policy # Clearing bottlenecks! Goal durable growth: profit, people, planet

14 Theses discussion / questions Globalisation increases poverty? Child labour good for European consumer? Energy and nutritioncrisis: stop globalisation! They are taking our jobs …

15 I Evening of Globalisation (students+parents+press+) Possible programme: - Walking in: Brazilian coffee, Russian vodka, Indian or Chinese tea. - Introduction - Documentary of one of the BRIC-countries - This powerpoint lecture - Break with music/products from BRIC-countries - - Panel discussion or debating club students - And the winner is… - Starting lessons next day Didactic suggestions

16 IIFive lessons using Globalisation paper Possible programme 1: Introduction with (film and) theses discussion & assignments 2: Defining Globalisation & assignments 3: Benefits & assignments 4: Bottle necks & assignments 5: International Economic Policies & assignments Didactic suggestions

17 Improve the world Starting now!

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