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GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo WP3 Status Review WP 3.2.2 Trials execution: launch of activities 10 th March Lisbon GNSS for INnovative.

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Presentation on theme: "GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo WP3 Status Review WP 3.2.2 Trials execution: launch of activities 10 th March Lisbon GNSS for INnovative."— Presentation transcript:

1 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo WP3 Status Review WP 3.2.2 Trials execution: launch of activities 10 th March Lisbon GNSS for INnovative Road Applications

2 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 2PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Exhaustive trials campaing started 2nd week of March GMV vehicle already performing tests, navteq car will follow soon GMV exhaustive trials expected to be finished by last week of march/first of april. Navteq trials conclusion to be discussed yet Exhaustive trials routes being tested & evaluated Slight modifications and possible changes to be submitted to TRL for approval Exhaustive routes data, in GINA format, to be submitted daily to Avego for analysis in GMV case, weekly for Navteq Possible changes in geo-object to be discussed with TRL Exhaustive trials

3 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo End2End Trials End2End trials scheduled to be started by last week of march OBUs production under course after some delays due to providers related troubles All OBUs expected to be installed within March End2End core system to be operational by the end of March End2End trials volunteers and geo-objects already completed OBUs will upload received data in GINA format in a daily basis and stored in the project ftp server Possible SW or Data changes to be updated remotely in the OBUs Installation and maintenance issues to be deal with by approved installators in the Netherlands. Analysis of the data could be performed by Avego once the data begins to be stored in GMV ftp server

4 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 4PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Development to start after E2E development ends Fleet Management –GIS Map with real-time vehicle positioning Incident Management –Automatic detection of time taken from incident detection to arrival on site. Contract obligations enforcement –Provide reports with information regarding specific sites and times monitored per day Still waiting on AENOR authorization for vehicle usage AENOR trials

5 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 5PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Enforcement trials not succesfully concluded as scheduled APRN system integration completed OBU Enforcement Module not integrated OBU/APRN Communication Integration to be concluded in remote tests between GMV & GMV-SKY Remote tests to be started by next week, final live test to be performed after remote tests succesfully concluded Final tests location to be discussed between GMV & GMV-SKY Enforcement Trials

6 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo The following actions have been undertaken by the project team in order to prepare for trials evaluation and reporting: Data formats and outputs from test vehicles agreed Sample reference (truth) data provided to Avego Geo-Objects provided to Avego Avego analysis HUB set up to perform the following Exhaustive- trials data analysis: 07/09/2015Page 6PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation:

7 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 7PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: Agreed Data Format: - One File per Journey - Files will be named as per agreed format routeId-date-starttime- endtime-deviceId.txt - Files will have the following fields FieldDescription WEEKGPS Week GPS_SECONDGPS Second LATOBE Latitude (WGS84 LatLon) LONOBE Longitude (WGS84 Latlon) TRUE_LATTruth Latitude TRUE_LONTruth Longitude DISTDistance measured based on OBE positions TRUE_DISTDistance Measured based on Truth positions HPLHPL from EGNOS NSATSNumber of Satallites in View GEO_OBJECTX1- in geoobject 0-outside geoobject As measured by OBE TRUE_GEO_OBJECT X 1- in geoobject 0-outside geoobject As measured by Truth

8 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo For each of the OBU configurations the following will be evaluated and analysed against truth: Charging Performance – (To be confirmed). –Variation in charge, over Geo-Objects/routes/daily runs/entire data set –Under/over charging assessment inline with GMAR –Under/over charging inline with Dutch targets 07/09/2015Page 8PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: Exhaustive

9 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 9PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: Exhaustive MetricDescriptionCalculationAggregation Journey Distance Accuracy Deviation in the overall calculated length of the journey between the truth and test devices. Truth Distance – OBE Distance Day Route Overall Absolute Journey Distance Accuracy Absolute value of the distance accuracy. |Distance Accuracy|Day Route Overall Geoobject Distance Accuracy Deviation in the calculated length of the geoobject usage between the truth and test devices. (Truth Distance Exit Point – Truth Distance Entry Point) – (OBE Distance Exit point – OBE Distance Entry Point) Day Route Geoobject Overall Absolute Geoobject Distance Accuracy Absolute value of the geoobject distance accuracy. |Geoobject Distance Accuracy| Day Route Geoobject Overall Each Distance Accuracy metric will be calculated per Journey:

10 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 10PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: Exhaustive MetricDescriptionCalculationAggregation Position AccuracyPer epoch distance between the Truth and test positions Dist( (LAT,LON), (TRUE_LAT, TRUE_LON) Day Route Overall Cross Track Accuracy Per epoch distance between the test position and line struck thru truth positions. CrossTrack( (LAT, LON), line(TRUE_LAT, TRUE_LON)) Day Route Overall AvailabilityDistribution function of accuracy. Day Route Overall ContinuityGaps in time (number and length) in OBE position solutions. Day Route Overall Each metric will be calculated per Journey:

11 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 11PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: Exhaustive MetricDescriptionCalculationAggregation TTFFTime between journey start (from file name) and first position solution of OBE. Day Route Overall Journey Start Distance Accuracy Take the max time to first fix across all journeys and calculate the positional accuracy within this time for all journeys Day Route Overall Journey Start Position Accuracy As above for position accuracy between the test and truth device. Day Route Overall Each metric will be calculated per Journey:

12 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 07/09/2015Page 12PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: Exhaustive MetricDescriptionCalculationAggregation EGNOS Availability Distribution function of HPL.HPLDay Route Overall Integrity RiskPercentage of readings where the distance between the truth and test positions is greater than the HPL. Position Accuracy > HPL Day Route Overall Satellites in ViewDistribution of the count of satellites in view NSATDay Route Overall Incorrect Geoobject Identification Distance recorded incorrectly in geoobject as % of overall chargable distance for that geoobject. Where GEOOBJECT_X = 1 TRUTH_GEOOBJECT_ X = 0 Day Route Overall Geoobject Missed geoobject identification Distance not recorded in geoobject as % of overall chargable distance for that geoobject. Where GEOOBJECT_X = 0 TRUTH_GEOOBJECT_ X = 1 Day Route Overall Geoobject

13 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo For each of the OBU configuration (GPS or GPS and EGNOS) the following will be evaluated and analysed over all participants and Geo-Objects: Position (AVEGO) –Analysis of impact of size of protection levels on Geo-Object identification (on EGNOS enabled devices) Distance (AVEGO) –Distance variations from the “truth” –Analysis of variations in distance through Geo-Objects Availability of satellites per zone/area (CENIT) –Signal interference (e.g. urban canyons) –Signal Occultation (e.g. tunnels) For the purpose of End-to-end trials where no reference data is available for comparison, “truth” for lengths of Geo-Objects will be derived from map data. 07/09/2015Page 13PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: End-to-End

14 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo For each of the OBU configuration (GPS or GPS and EGNOS) the following will be evaluated and analysed over all participants and Geo-Objects: Charging (AVEGO) –Analysis of variation in charges for known Geo-Object charges Driver reaction (Aenor) –Assess driver willingness to change driving habits (questionnaire) –Gather general feedback on charging zones/fees/etc… –For drivers with fixed habits/routes compare data for different days (e.g. charges, distances) Value Added Services (Aenor) –Usefulness –Ease of use –Suggested improvements 07/09/2015Page 14PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: End-to-End

15 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo For each of the OBU configuration (GPS or GPS and EGNOS) the following will be evaluated and analysed over all participants and Geo-Objects: SISNeT (CENIT) –Evaluation of SISNeT as a platform for transmitting integrity information –Analysis of latency of corrections and its potential impact on real- time VAS. Interference (CENIT) –Availability of signal during the trial over whole data set Complexity of installation (GMV) Crossing of the Dutch border (CENIT) Lessons learned (CENIT) 07/09/2015Page 15PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials evaluation: End-to-End

16 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Following analysis of trial data by Avego, TRL will produce trial evaluation report as D3.3-Trials data package, evaluation and results report and D3.4-Market trial report (including technical and user-experience assessment) Expected delivery for of the report is at T0+21 07/09/2015Page 16PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Preparation for trials reporting:

17 GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Thank you

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