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UKNF OsC RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 UKNF achievements & milestones J. Pozimski.

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Presentation on theme: "UKNF OsC RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 UKNF achievements & milestones J. Pozimski."— Presentation transcript:

1 UKNF OsC meeting @ RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 UKNF achievements & milestones J. Pozimski

2 UKNF OsC meeting @ RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 Achievements 1 39 Publications, invited talks, PhD's, etc. 2 UKNF plenary meetings 2 IDS plenary meetings 1 EUROnu pleanary meeting and 1 costing workshop dozens of work package meetings and workshops …..and the outcome ? …..quite significant ! UKNF plays a significant role in IDS-NF and EUROnu CERN has revieved his NF activities and …

3 UKNF OsC meeting @ RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 Achievements 2 Proton driver work will within UKNF will focus on the ISIS upgrad path towards a NF driver at Harwell campus. Front end work successfully showed path to mitigate RF issue. While experimental work is ongoing at costing of baseline FE can be started. Good progress on Linac component design, FE-Linac matching and particle tracking. Good progress on Chromaticity corrected lattice and insertions as well as on injection and extraction. Still lattice design not frozen. Focus on decay ring instrumentation with good progress on beam energy monitor. Low energy DR design stalling (manpower) Preparations for E2E finished and first test runs (beam loading, FE – Linac) finished. Ion source work progress well towards design specifications, routine operation at 60 kV, 60 mA, 0.2ms @ ~0.35  LEBT set up and successfully commissioned. Simulations and experimental results are in very good agreement. RFQ design in all aspects quite advanced. Cooling and mechanical design as well as tuner and low level RF in testing phase. Chopper part manufacture test progress well and within timescale & MEBT and component design advanced. Diagnostics development is good with exception of difficulties on the laser wire. Increased collaboration with RHUL

4 UKNF OsC meeting @ RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 Achievements 3 [Significant progress on solid and fluidized power target] Experimental shock studies in good agreement with simulations Life time of solid targets expected to be sufficiently long [Fluidized power test rig had first promising results] Preliminary wheel design developed Energy deposition simulations and proton beam dump investigations under way. RF butons manufactured and surface composition and roughness monitored before and after surface treatments. Theoretical investigations and simulations of breakdown mechanisms show first promising results but are not conclusive. Investigations on sputtered CS cavities started in collaboration with CERN. Experimental progress is slow due to availability of RF test stand.

5 UKNF OsC meeting @ RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 Milestones 1

6 UKNF OsC meeting @ RAL – 21 & 22 June 2010 Milestones 2

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