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Partnering with Industry: A Military Perspective on the Human Issues Cdr Roy Welburn RN OC Depth Support (Harrier)

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering with Industry: A Military Perspective on the Human Issues Cdr Roy Welburn RN OC Depth Support (Harrier)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering with Industry: A Military Perspective on the Human Issues Cdr Roy Welburn RN OC Depth Support (Harrier)

2 Contents What is Joint Force Harrier? The Fwd and Depth construct Harrier Depth Support Risks & Opportunities Paradigms

3 Joint Force Harrier Joint Force – RAF and RN (50/50) Based at RAF Cottesmore & Wittering Naval Strike Wing, 1(F) Sqn, IV(AC) Sqn Operate from Land or Sea 20 Sqn OCU, 41 Sqn OEU Harrier IPT based at RAF Wyton

4 RAF CottesmoreRAF Cottesmore –Joint Force HQ –Nos 1 & IV Sqns (RAF) –NSW (RN) RAF WitteringRAF Wittering –No 20(R) Sqn

5 RAF ConingsbyRAF Coningsby –OEU RAF CottesmoreRAF Cottesmore –Joint Force HQ –Nos 1 & IV Sqns (RAF) –NSW (RN) RAF WitteringRAF Wittering –No 20(R) Sqn RAF WytonRAF Wyton –IPT

6 Op Herrick 8 ac operate from Kandahar Provide Close Air Support (CAS) Capability –Show of Force –Targeting Sniper/TIALD –500lb, 1,000lb, free fall, laser, GPS –2” Rocket (single or salvo) –Usually fly in pairs, AAF

7 Fwd & Depth Construct McKinsey led ‘End to End’ (E2E) study of logistics in the Air & Land environment (2003) Conclusions –Reconfigure from Cold War posture –4 lines to 2 (Fwd & Depth) –Rely on information & an effective supply chain –Establish logistics C of G –Apply Lean principles – Value, Flow, Pull

8 1 3 2 1 3 2 Minor Servicing Modifications Major Servicing Old Way ML2 ML3 ML4 Strip/Inspect Repair & Modify Build/Test/Fly

9 11 All Servicing & Modifications Major Servicing Now Depth ML3 ML4 Strip/Inspect Repair & Modify Build/Test/Fly


11 Harrier JUMP and SAM Lines

12 On-Base Depth Support Harrier Now……… Partnered ‘on a/c’ support with BAE Systems –Joint Upgrade Maintenance Prog (JUMP) –Stand Alone Minor (SAM) Partnered engine support with RR –Mil Repair –RR Overhaul Military manned and managed components bays (Hyd, Structures, Avionics, Ejection Seats)

13 On-Base Depth Support Harrier Future……… Harrier Platform Availability Contract (HPAC) with BAE Systems –Joint Upgrade Maintenance Prog (JUMP) –Stand Alone Minor (SAM) –Mechanical & Structural components Centralised ‘Combat Engine’ Support with RR (CAESAS) Commodity Availability Procurement Strategy (CAPS) – Contract out spt (Wheels & Tyres, P&F, Ejection Seats) Some legacy Military manned and managed components bays (Ox Bay, Avionics, Armament Bays)

14 Risks and Opportunities

15 A Mix of Cultures Industry –Contractors –Sub-Contractors Military –Royal Navy –Royal Air Force –MoD Civilians

16 Motivation ? Industry –Money –Working Conditions –Stability –Self Determination Military –Ethos –Results –Variety –Promotion –Excitement –Adventure –Money

17 What they do….. Industry –Take Leave (4 weeks) –Work 1,600 hrs pa Military –Take Leave 8 (Weeks) –Training (Military) –Training (Professional) –Guard (2 weeks) –Fitness Training –Deploy on Ops –Expeditions and AT –Resettlement –Work 1,200 hrs pa

18 Paradigm Shift ? Who is most Focussed on Output? Who can support surge? Who gives best value for money? Strategic Manning Stability?

19 Questions?


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