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AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Linkage between Internet Service Architectures and ATM

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Presentation on theme: "AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Linkage between Internet Service Architectures and ATM"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Linkage between Internet Service Architectures and ATM ACTS Project AC310

2 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Overall Project Objectives Provision of QoS for IP networks over ATM Combination of IntServ and DiffServ Edge devices integrated in a trial testbed

3 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Consortium

4 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Global Architecture Architecture for IP over ATM with Quality of Service –Compatibility with IETF standards and existing Internet applications –Utilization of underlying ATM network –Edge device (ED) for cost effective IP over ATM

5 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 ELISA QoS architecture Scope of ELISA ATM world

6 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 ELISA QoS Model QoS Services offered by the Edge Device DiffServ, two or more classes with relative priority –aligned with IETF proposals/standards IntServ traffic flows, signalled via RSVP –IntServ aggregated via DiffServ Class –IntServ, Dedicated SVC Scalability of the ELISA Model –Aggregation via Diff Serv to reduce number of flows (and SVCs) –Concepts for Intermediate DiffServ Router with e2e QoS –Shortcuts for Flows (via ATM SVCs)

7 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 ELISA Edge Device Access Edge Device ATM Core IntServ Flows Integrated Packet Scheduler RSVP requests / reservations* IntServ / DiffServ DiffServ / Best Effort PVC SVCs relative preference guaranteed service DiffServ Packets Best Effort Packets DiffServ config Aggregation *mapped to ATM VCs

8 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 ELISA Edge Device Design: Block Diagram

9 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Control Plane Flow Admission ControlFlow Admission Control –Admission Control –Policy Control QoS & Bandwidth ManagementQoS & Bandwidth Management –handling of internal and network resources –maintenance of a database with: network interfaces (physical, virtual, logical) established IP flows (IntServ or DiffServ flows)

10 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Control Plane (2) Address resolution –mapping of IP addresses to ATM addresses Usage Metering & Accounting –maintenance of a database with the registered users and their profiles –recording of the network usage per user

11 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 User Plane Packet Handler –Classification and scheduling of data packets –Policing and shaping of IP flows –QoS forwarding –Multiplexing/demultiplexing of multiple ATM connections into a single logical interface

12 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 CPE Platforms and Architecture Reservation Managers Reservation Managers Reservation Managers Core MBONE functionality GUI Non MBONE applications GUI interface Library interface Reservation Managers Reservation Managers Reservation Daemons IP Stack RSVP Control Application Data Goals: keep functionality and enable reservation  Splitting of core and GUI functions  Using reservation processes and interfaces Platforms:  PC/Linux  Sun/Solaris

13 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Integrated Applications: MBONE Tools Application objects Video Handler Network objects Video objects Observer Observable Observer Observable Request Event Application Enhancements RSVP Handler RSVP objects Programming Model:  Pipelining and linking of objects  Observer/Observable model Base Application: MASH Enhancements:  Reservation objects  Interaction with core only by observation

14 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Potential ELISA Trial Configuration ATM VCs, ISDN

15 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Trial ELISA test bed Islands (5) and sites (7): –Germany: Deutsche Telekom & GMD FOKUS & Siemens –Greece: National Technical University of Athens –Hungary: Technical University of Budapest –Italy: CoRiTel –Spain: Telefónica I+D Connectivity: –ATM VCs: between Edge Devices –ISDN: between Edge Devices and remote Customer Premises Equipment –LAN: between Edge Devices and close Customer Premises Equipment

16 AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 11-12 May 1999 Ko / CP 4/99 Trial (2) ELISA trials on RSVP/ATM signalling interworking IP vs ATM network aspects: traffic and QoS Performance tests based on ELISA applications using ELISA QoS network services: –Multimedia conferencing –WWW navigation –Premium Access –File Transfer

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