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The Globe.

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1 The Globe

2 What is a globe? A globe is a three-dimensional scale model of Earth (terrestrial globe) or other spheroid celestial body such as a planet, star, or moon. The word "globe" comes from the Latin word globus, meaning round mass or sphere.

3 (Earth Sciences / Physical Geography) a sphere on which a map of the world or the heavens is drawn or represented. (Astronomy) a planet or some other astronomical body. The most accurate world map is a globe. Like the planet Earth, a globe is shaped as a ball.


5 A WELL-ROUNDED IDEA... Even thousands of years ago, people saw things happening around them everyday that couldn't be explained by the theory of a flat world. If the world was flat, why did the sun always come up every morning in the east and go down every evening in the west? And why did the stars move in a circle in the night sky? These movements in the sky didn't prove that the world wasn't flat. But they gave clues about the real shape of the earth. At first, ancient peoples came up with myths to explain these mysteries. Some of them said a chariot pulled the sun across the sky each day. But not everyone believed these stories. Little by little, more people in the ancient world came to believe that the world was a sphere.

6 A SHADOW OF THE TRUTH... Around 250 BC, the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes noticed that a post in the city of Alexandria, Egypt cast a shadow at noon on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. But at the same time in Syrene, a town due south from Alexandria, a similar post did not cast any shadow. Why was this? Eratosthenes figured the sun must be shining its light at these two towns from different angles. The sun was directly above the post in Syrene, so the post did not cast any shadow. But the sunlight was shining toward Alexandria at an angle. This was because the earth's surface was curved, Eratosthenes reasoned.

Astronomers in India learned about the universe by reading books written by the Greeks. Around 500 AD, an Indian astronomer Aryabhata explained why the stars circled the earth in the night sky. He believed the earth must be spinning like a top. The Arabs learned about astronomy from these previous cultures, and they became some of the best astronomers of the Middle Ages. Like the Greeks before them, the Arabs used sun shadows to measure how big around the world was. In the 1300s, a former slave in Arabia named al-Khazini came up with a theory of gravity. He said all objects were attracted to the center of the earth.

8 DEBUNKING OLD MYTHS... Before European explorers and conquerors sailed across the oceans in the 1400s and 1500s, cartographers in Europe made globes. In 1492, Martin Behaim, a German cartographer, made the oldest globe that still exists today. Years later, the Dutch would become famous for making the best globes and maps. When the kings and queens of Europe gazed upon these wonderful spherical maps, they still imagined the rest of the universe circling around the earth. But in the 1500s and 1600s, Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, German astronomer Johannes Kepler and Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei debunked the myth that the earth was at the center of everything. They showed that the earth was actually a planet moving around the sun. Many religious leaders refused to believe these new ideas, threatening Galileo and banning the books of Copernicus. Sir lsaac Newton, came up with the first theory that explained the movements of the stars, the sun, the moon and the planets. Newton realized the force that causes an apple to fall from a tree to the ground is the same force that attracts the moon to the earth. Newton explained how this force called gravity holds the solar system together. Today, scientists are still getting more information about the universe and the laws of physics, but the rules discovered by Newton still give a good, basic description of the universe around us.

9 Parts of the Globe Latitude
The latitude of a point on the Earth's surface is the angle (measured in degrees) between the plane of the equator and the straight line segment that joins the point to the center of the globe. The latitude is an angle, and is usually measured in degrees (marked with °).

10 The equator corresponds the great circle perpendicular to the Earth's axis, determining the division of the Earth in two hemispheres: North and South. The parallels are circles parallel to the equator and they determine the latitude of a place.


12 Longitude The longitude of any point on the Earth's surface is the measure of the angle (in degrees) between the planes that contain the point, the Earth's axis and the Greenwich Meridian. It is usually expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. The Prime Meridian and its opposite the 180th meridian (at 180° longitude), which the International Date Line generally follows, form a great circle that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. Lines of longitude are often referred to as meridians.


14 ..creations revealing His majesty.
From the highest of heights to the depth of the sea.. ..creations revealing His majesty.

15 All exclaiming.. From the colors of fall..
To the fragrance of spring.. Every creature unique in the song that it sing.. All exclaiming..

16 He placed the stars in the sky and He knows them by name
indescribable.. uncontainable.. He placed the stars in the sky and He knows them by name He’s an amazing God..

17 Ivy Jeanette C. Duhaylungsod
The End Presented by: Ivy Jeanette C. Duhaylungsod III-6 BEEd

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