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Stages 2 and 3 of your Digital Immigration/ Migration Story.

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Presentation on theme: "Stages 2 and 3 of your Digital Immigration/ Migration Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stages 2 and 3 of your Digital Immigration/ Migration Story

2 By Wednesday, you will have completed Stages 2 & 3 STAGE 2 Do research in reputable secondary sources to put your family’s story in the context of larger historical forces. Cite all sources and collect images as you research. Save them on a flash drive for use in your story. STAGE 3 Write a 500 word script that tells the immigration or migration story that you got from interviewing family members AND sets the action in the context of that moment in history.

3 Welcome to the ABCDE approach to Digital Storytelling Read along with these steps on your note-taking sheet. (A)ction : This is the “grabber” or hook of your story to gain the viewers interest and make them invested in the rest of your film. Some basic examples may be a birth, a death, a voyage, a marriage etc.., but there are many actions that may be suitable. (B)ackground : This is where your historical context will be intertwined with the beginning and middle of your story. You will need to do research and keep track of your sources for both your typed bibliography and the credits at the end of your film. (D)evelopment : This is where your story builds further and leads to a climactic moment of the story. This part may also include historical context. (C)limax: This is the pivotal moment of the film, the turning point of highest tension, when some major decision or conflict is revealed or begins to be resolved. (E)nding: This is where all of the elements tie together to form a satisfying ending to your short story. This could include a commentary on the legacy of the story for your family, now that you are settled in Chicago.

4 Watch the sample movie again and indicate where each of these moments occur. _list?p=E085E2DF04ADFB63

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