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EXPAT LIFE Employment in the CR. 1.What was your longest stay abroad? Share some of your experiences being in another culture and country. 2.Would you.

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Presentation on theme: "EXPAT LIFE Employment in the CR. 1.What was your longest stay abroad? Share some of your experiences being in another culture and country. 2.Would you."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPAT LIFE Employment in the CR

2 1.What was your longest stay abroad? Share some of your experiences being in another culture and country. 2.Would you like to study or work in another country? Why or why not? If yes, what country would you prefer? 3.Do you speak any other languages than your native tongue? Do you know any foreigners personally? If so, how did you meet them? 4.What does the word xenophobia mean to you? How do you notice it in the Czech Republic? What do you recommend can be done about it? Exercise 1

3 Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? 1.People from Norway have the same legal status in Czech Republic like other EU citizens. 2.EU citizens working in Czech Republic for more than 30 days in a row must register with the foreigner‘s police. 3.You must have a temporary residence permit if you are from the EU and work in the Czech Republic. 4.Non-EU citizens can stay in Czech Republic without a visa for three months. 5.Non EU-citizens don‘t need a work permit in the CR. Exercise 2

4 Listen and fill in the gaps 1.With respect to the immigration requirements thanks to the membership in the European Union and the Schengen Area we must strictly differentiate between the citizens of the EU member states and… 2.For EU nationals basically there are no immigration obligations, with respect to the fact that they are not required to have any work permits or residency visas in the Czech Republic. 3.The penalty is up to CZK 3,000 as I remember for the breach of the law. But this is the only mandatory issue connected with the arrival of EU nationals. 4.For nationals of certain countries where there is bilateral treaty or some kind of document… 5.The application is filed at the Czech Embassy abroad. 6.…such individual is entitled to apply for a so-called long-term residency permit which can be issued for the period up to two years. Again the extension is later on possible. Exercise 3

5 Match these English expressions with their Czech equivalent Exercise 4 1.PERMITa)Žádost, přihláška 2.CITIZENb)Dočasný 3.OBLIGATORYc)Prodloužení 4.REQUIREMENTd) Oprávněný k 5.PENALTYe)Požadavek 6.MANDATORYf)Povolení 7.EXTENSIONg) Podat (žádost) 8.APPLICATIONh) Vydat (doklad) 9. TO FILEi)Povinný 10. TO ISSUEj)Povinný 11.TEMPORARYk) Pokuta, trest 12. ENTITLED TOl)Občan

6 GROUP DISCUSSION 1.The Czech government previously expressed some doubts about the importance of the EU. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Explain your reasons and discuss. 2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the EU when it comes to employment and education? 3.Do you think it’s crucial to speak the language of the country where you work? Should there be mandatory language tests for the immigrants/expatriates? 4.Some groups claim that foreigners “steal” work from locals. Divide into two groups. One group should try to defend this opinion and the other should argue to disprove it. What arguments can you use? Which group is more persuasive? Exercise 5

7 Exercise 6 ROLE PLAY Act out a mock job interview in England for the following positions: financial advisor, marketing director, IT consultant. Make “boards” of two to three members deciding whether to take on a Czech applicant. What questions would both of you ask? ROLE PLAY Act out a mock job interview in England for the following positions: financial advisor, marketing director, IT consultant. Make “boards” of two to three members deciding whether to take on a Czech applicant. What questions would both of you ask? ROLE PLAY Make pairs. Imagine you are at the Czech foreigners police. One of you should act as an immigrant trying to get a work permit, the other acts as a strict policeman/woman. Whose skit has the funniest dialogue? ROLE PLAY Make pairs. Imagine you are at the Czech foreigners police. One of you should act as an immigrant trying to get a work permit, the other acts as a strict policeman/woman. Whose skit has the funniest dialogue?

8 1.The speaker in the video said the following sentence: “This obligation is not commonly known by the EU nationals but this is the law.” How is the above sentence different from the following one? “ The EU nationals commonly don’t know about this obligation but this is the law.” Discuss with your classmates. 2.Change the following sentences from the active to passive tense. A) They produce Volvos in Sweden. B) We may exhaust our oil deposits in 20 years. C) A lot of people have seen this film. D) We are writing our homework right now 3.If you use by in passive sentences, you speak about people who caused the action described. If you use with, you speak about a tool or instrument. Use by or with to translate the following sentences. A) Oběť byla zastřelena touto pistolí. B) Oběť byla zastřelena tímto mužem. C) Okno bylo rozbito cihlou. D) Okno bylo rozbito vandalem. Exercise 7 TEST

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