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1 Presentation by the Office of Assessment Division of Student Affairs Mississippi State University College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey UCLA’s Higher.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation by the Office of Assessment Division of Student Affairs Mississippi State University College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey UCLA’s Higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation by the Office of Assessment Division of Student Affairs Mississippi State University College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute

2 2 Introduction College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA conducted a major new program of research to track the spiritual growth of students during their college years.The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA conducted a major new program of research to track the spiritual growth of students during their college years. The study employed a multi-institutional and longitudinal design to identify trends, patterns, and principles of spirituality and religiousness among college students.The study employed a multi-institutional and longitudinal design to identify trends, patterns, and principles of spirituality and religiousness among college students. Entitled "Spirituality in Higher Education: A National Study of College Students' Search for Meaning and Purpose," the study was designed to: Entitled "Spirituality in Higher Education: A National Study of College Students' Search for Meaning and Purpose," the study was designed to: –Generate empirically based insights on the trends, patterns, and principles of spiritual growth during the college years; –Involve and engage colleges and universities interested in expanding and enhancing opportunities for college students to grow spiritually and religiously; –Widely disseminate the findings of the study to stakeholders throughout higher education as well as to opinion leaders in the mainstream media.

3 3 Introduction College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey A pilot survey was completed in Spring 2003 by approximately 3,700 juniors at a representative sample of colleges and universities that participated in the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) annual Survey of Entering Freshmen three years earlier. These longitudinal data provide information on how the college experience impacts students' spiritual life and development. Survey questions cover 11 broad areas: Survey questions cover 11 broad areas: Spiritual outlook / orientation / worldviewSpiritual outlook / orientation / worldview Spiritual well beingSpiritual well being Religious / spiritual practices and behaviorsReligious / spiritual practices and behaviors Self-assessments of spirituality and related traitsSelf-assessments of spirituality and related traits Spiritual questSpiritual quest Spiritual / mystical experiencesSpiritual / mystical experiences Attitudes towards religion / spiritualityAttitudes towards religion / spirituality Religious affiliation / identityReligious affiliation / identity Theological / metaphysical beliefsTheological / metaphysical beliefs Facilitators / inhibitors of spiritual developmentFacilitators / inhibitors of spiritual development Compassionate behaviorCompassionate behavior

4 4 Students’ current religious preference is: The values are expressed in percentages College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

5 5 Students’ current religious preference is: (continued) College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey The values are expressed in percentages * ‘o thers’ includes: -Unitarian/Universalist -Eastern Orthodox -Jewish -LDS (Mormon)

6 6 Correlations by Gender Female students were more likely than males to report being essential:Female students were more likely than males to report being essential: –Becoming a more loving person –Praying –Praying for help in solving problems –Praying for emotional strength –Praying to relieve the suffering of others –Praying for loved ones –Feeling a sense of connection with God/Higher Power that transcends their personal self. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

7 7 Correlations by Gender Female students were more likely than males:Female students were more likely than males: –To report that they ultimate spiritual quest is to know their purpose in life. –To report that romantic relationship experiences strengthened their religious/spiritual beliefs. –To report that they agree that: what happens in their lives is determined by forces larger than themselveswhat happens in their lives is determined by forces larger than themselves they gain spiritual strength by trusting in a Higher Powerthey gain spiritual strength by trusting in a Higher Power their spirituality is a source of joytheir spirituality is a source of joy –To have helped friends with personal problems during the past year –To be felt loved by God –To pray. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

8 8 Correlations by Ethnic Background African American students were more likely than other ethnic groups to considering the following important:African American students were more likely than other ethnic groups to considering the following important: –Reducing pain and suffering in the world; –Becoming a more loving person; –Believing in the goodness of all people. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

9 9 Correlations by Ethnic Background African American students were more likely than other ethnic groups to strongly agree that:African American students were more likely than other ethnic groups to strongly agree that: –All life is interconnected; –People can reach a higher spiritual plane of consciousness through meditation or prayer; –Pain and suffering are essential to becoming a better person. African American students were more likely than other ethnic groups to:African American students were more likely than other ethnic groups to: –Engage at least weekly in religious singing/chanting; –To pray. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

10 10 Correlations by Ethnic Background White Caucasian students were more likely than other ethnic groups to strongly agree that:White Caucasian students were more likely than other ethnic groups to strongly agree that: – Non-religious people can lead lives that are just as moral as those of religious believers; –There is life after death. White Caucasian students were less likely than other ethnic groups to strongly agree that:White Caucasian students were less likely than other ethnic groups to strongly agree that: –Love is at the root of all the great religions; –People can reach a higher spiritual plane of consciousness through mediation and prayer; –The universe arose by chance. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

11 11 Correlations by Ethnic Background White Caucasian students were less likely than other ethnic groups to believe that the ‘mother figure’ best characterizes their conception of or experience with God.White Caucasian students were less likely than other ethnic groups to believe that the ‘mother figure’ best characterizes their conception of or experience with God. White Caucasian students were less likely than other ethnic groups to consider important:White Caucasian students were less likely than other ethnic groups to consider important: –Seeking beauty in their life; –Becoming a more loving person; –Believing in the goodness of all people. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

12 12 College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey Correlations by Religious Affiliations BaptistMethodistCatholic Non Religious Affiliations Seeking out opportunities to help them grow spiritually Very important Non Significant Correlation Not very important Seeking to follow religious teachings in their everyday life Very important Non Significant Correlation Not very important People who do not believe in God will be punished Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree The universe arose by chanceDo not agree Non Significant Correlation Strongly agree Having an interest in different religious traditions Do not agree Non Significant Correlation Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Being thankful for all that has happened to them Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree

13 13 College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey Correlations by Religious Affiliations BaptistMethodistCatholic Non Religious Affiliations Seeing each day, good or bad, as a gift Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree Believing obligated to follow my parents’ religious practices Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree Had a spiritual experience while listening to beautiful music Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree Had participating in a musical or artistic performance Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree Students find religion to be personally helpful Strongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree My spirituality is a source of joyStrongly agree Non Significant Correlation Do not agree

14 14 Students reported the following objectives to be essential or very important: Attaining wisdom, 77%Attaining wisdom, 77% Becoming a more loving person, 64%Becoming a more loving person, 64% Seeking out opportunities to help them grow spiritually, 61%Seeking out opportunities to help them grow spiritually, 61% Seeking to follow religious teachings in their everyday life, 60%Seeking to follow religious teachings in their everyday life, 60% Improving the human condition, 51%.Improving the human condition, 51%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

15 15 Students agreed strongly or somewhat that: Love is at the root of all the great religions, 83% Love is at the root of all the great religions, 83% People can reach a higher spiritual plane of consciousness through meditation or prayer, 80%People can reach a higher spiritual plane of consciousness through meditation or prayer, 80% We are all spiritual beings, 78%We are all spiritual beings, 78% Non-religious people can lead lives that are just as moral as those of religious believers, 77%Non-religious people can lead lives that are just as moral as those of religious believers, 77% While science can provide important information about the physical world, only religion can truly explain existence, 76%While science can provide important information about the physical world, only religion can truly explain existence, 76% All life is interconnected, 74%All life is interconnected, 74% People who don’t believe in God will be punished, 65%.People who don’t believe in God will be punished, 65%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

16 16 For the students, the relationship between science and religion is one of: Collaboration; each can be used to help support the other, 38% Collaboration; each can be used to help support the other, 38% Conflict; I consider myself to be on the side of religion, 37%Conflict; I consider myself to be on the side of religion, 37% Independence; they refer to different aspects of reality, 21%Independence; they refer to different aspects of reality, 21% Conflict; I consider myself to be on the side of science, 5%.Conflict; I consider myself to be on the side of science, 5%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

17 17 Do students pray? College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

18 18 Students report frequently praying: For forgiveness, 71% For forgiveness, 71% For loved ones, 70%For loved ones, 70% To express gratitude, 67%To express gratitude, 67% For help in solving problems, 66%For help in solving problems, 66% To praise God, 65%.To praise God, 65%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

19 19 Students report engaging at least weekly in: Prayer, 81% Prayer, 81% Self-reflection, 66%Self-reflection, 66% Religious singing/chanting, 46%Religious singing/chanting, 46% Reading sacred texts, 41%Reading sacred texts, 41% Other reading on religion/spirituality, 34%.Other reading on religion/spirituality, 34%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

20 20 The following statements describe students to a great extent: Believing in life after death, 62% Believing in life after death, 62% Being thankful for all that has happened to me, 58%Being thankful for all that has happened to me, 58% Feeling good about the direction in which their life is headed, 54%Feeling good about the direction in which their life is headed, 54% Seeing each day, good or bad, as a gift, 53%Seeing each day, good or bad, as a gift, 53% Having an interest in spirituality, 49%Having an interest in spirituality, 49% God/Higher Power that transcends my personal self, 49%God/Higher Power that transcends my personal self, 49% Believing in the sacredness of life, 46%.Believing in the sacredness of life, 46%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

21 21 The following best characterize students’ conception of or experience with God: Creator, 69% Creator, 69% Love, 68%Love, 68% Protector, 61%Protector, 61% Supreme Being, 54%Supreme Being, 54% Teacher, 51%.Teacher, 51%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

22 22 Students reported having had a spiritual experience while: Praying, 84% Praying, 84% In a house of worship, 81%In a house of worship, 81% Listening to beautiful music, 73%Listening to beautiful music, 73% Witnessing the beauty and harmony of nature, 67%Witnessing the beauty and harmony of nature, 67% Participating in a retreat, 64%.Participating in a retreat, 64%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

23 23 Do students believe in God? College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

24 24 The ultimate spiritual quest for students is: To follow God’s plan for me, 54% To follow God’s plan for me, 54% To discover who I really am, 13%To discover who I really am, 13% To know God, 10%To know God, 10% I do not consider myself to be on a spiritual quest, 8%.I do not consider myself to be on a spiritual quest, 8%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

25 25 Students reported the following experiences strengthened their religious/spiritual beliefs: Death of a close friend or family member, 55% Death of a close friend or family member, 55% The events of September 11, 2001, 54%The events of September 11, 2001, 54% The war in Iraq, 42%The war in Iraq, 42% Romantic relationship, 40%Romantic relationship, 40% Personal injury or illness, 37%.Personal injury or illness, 37%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

26 26 Students agreed strongly or somewhat: I know someone I can turn to for spiritual guidance, 85% I know someone I can turn to for spiritual guidance, 85% I find religion to be personally helpful, 83%I find religion to be personally helpful, 83% I gain spiritual strength by trusting in a Higher Power, 83%I gain spiritual strength by trusting in a Higher Power, 83% My spirituality is a source of joy, 79%My spirituality is a source of joy, 79% I do not expect my religious convictions to change in the next few years, 78%I do not expect my religious convictions to change in the next few years, 78% What happens in my life is determined by forces larger than myself, 76%.What happens in my life is determined by forces larger than myself, 76%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

27 27 Students described their current views about spiritual/religious matters: Secure, 50% Secure, 50% Seeking, 22%Seeking, 22% Conflicted, 10%Conflicted, 10% Not interested, 6%Not interested, 6% Doubting, 5%.Doubting, 5%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

28 28 Students’ spiritual/religious beliefs: Provide them with strength, support and guidance, 85% Provide them with strength, support and guidance, 85% Have helped them develop their identity, 83%Have helped them develop their identity, 83% Give meaning/purpose to their life, 83%Give meaning/purpose to their life, 83% Are one of the most important things in their life, 83%Are one of the most important things in their life, 83% Help define the goals they set for themselves, 81%.Help define the goals they set for themselves, 81%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

29 29 Most or all of students’ close friends: Go to church/temple/other house of worship, 76% Go to church/temple/other house of worship, 76% Share their religious/spiritual views, 66%Share their religious/spiritual views, 66% Are searching for meaning/purpose in life, 44%.Are searching for meaning/purpose in life, 44%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

30 30 Students engage to some or a great extent in the following activities: Being honest in their relationship with others, 95% Being honest in their relationship with others, 95% Accepting others as they are, 95%Accepting others as they are, 95% Searching for meaning/purpose in life, 81%Searching for meaning/purpose in life, 81% Having discussions about the meaning of life with their friends, 80%Having discussions about the meaning of life with their friends, 80% Trying to change things that are unfair in the world, 72%.Trying to change things that are unfair in the world, 72%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

31 31 Students reported that during the past year they have: Helped friends with personal problems, 96% Helped friends with personal problems, 96% Been able to find meaning in times of hardship, 88%Been able to find meaning in times of hardship, 88% Felt that your life is filled with stress and anxiety, 79%Felt that your life is filled with stress and anxiety, 79% Donated money to charity, 73%Donated money to charity, 73% Felt distant from God, 70%Felt distant from God, 70% Participated in community food or clothing drives, 68%Participated in community food or clothing drives, 68% Felt loved by God, 67%Felt loved by God, 67% Struggled to understand evil, suffering and death, 66%.Struggled to understand evil, suffering and death, 66%. College Students' Beliefs & Values Survey

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