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Mid-InfraRed Medium Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (MIRMES) Itsuki Sakon (Univ. of Tokyo) Yuji Ikeda(Photocoding) Naofumi Fujishiro(Cybernet) Hirokazu.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-InfraRed Medium Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (MIRMES) Itsuki Sakon (Univ. of Tokyo) Yuji Ikeda(Photocoding) Naofumi Fujishiro(Cybernet) Hirokazu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-InfraRed Medium Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (MIRMES) Itsuki Sakon (Univ. of Tokyo) Yuji Ikeda(Photocoding) Naofumi Fujishiro(Cybernet) Hirokazu Kataza (ISAS/JAXA) Takashi Onaka (Univ. of Tokyo), SPICA pre-project team

2 Outline The Mid-Infrared Medium-Resolution Eschelle Spectrometer (MIRMES) is one of the focal plane instrument onboard SPICA mission in the pre-project phase. It is designed particularly for measuring the intensity and the profile of lines from ionized gas and molecules as well as the detailed spectral structure of dust band features of various compositions in the wavelengths continuously from 10 to 40 micron with moderately high spectral resolution power that is almost comparable to that of SAFARI in the far-infrared. MIRMES consists of two channels; Arm-S covers the wavelengths from 10.3 to 19.9 micron with the resolution power of R~1200 and Arm-L covers from 19.9 to 36.0 micron with R~750. They share the same field of view by means of a beamsplitter. The FOV size for Arm- S and –L is 12” x 8”.5 for Arm-S and 14” x 12”.5 for Arm-L. The FOV is split into 5 rows by using the integral field spectroscopy (IFU) unit.

3 Scientific Objectives/Targets & Required Specifications

4 Exploring the process of cosmic recycling among gas, molecules and dust particles in the context of chemical evolution history of the universe is one of the most important objective of the SPICA mission. Particularly, the following observational approaches are crucial to achieve this objective; 1) infrared spectroscopic diagnostics of the composition and the properties of dust and molecules formed in the mass loss winds from the evolved massive stars including the supernovae (SNe), Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, and Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) 2) infrared spectroscopic diagnostics of the composition and the properties of dust and molecules formed in the mass loss wind from low- to intermediate-mass evolved stars including post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars, Planetary Nebulae (PNe) and novae 3) infrared spectroscopic diagnostics of the composition and the properties of molecules synthesized in the atmosphere of evolved low- to intermediate-mass stars ・ infrared spectroscopic analysis of SN remnants in the Milky Way and in nearby galaxies to understand how much fraction of newly condensed dust in the SN ejecta is destroyed and how much of them survives the shocks 4) infrared spectroscopy of dense molecular clouds with embedded young stellar object to identify the infrared bands of iron sulfide grains and to systematically understand the role of cold dense molecular clouds as the site of dust synthesis and the grain growth Scientific Targets

5 5) Infrared spectroscopy of various ISM structures in nearby galaxies to demonstrate the cosmic recycling among ionic gas, molecules, and dust particles on a galactic scale. 6) Infrared spectroscopic diagnostics of ISM properties of remote galaxies, which provide us unique physical parameter space in terms of metallicity and morphology. All these observational approaches require spectroscopic abilities covering thoroughly from 10  m to 40  m with moderately high (R>1000) spectral resolution power in order to measure the intensity and profiles of ionic lines, molecular lines and various dust band features in this wavelength regime. In addition, observations of time-varying objects such as supernovae, LBVs, WRs and novae are indispensable to achieve our scientific purpose, simultaneous operation of shorter wavelength module covering from 10-20  m and longer wavelength module covering from 20-40  m is indispensable. Moreover, accuracy in the absolute flux level and, especially, their relative consistency between the shorter wavelength module covering from 10-20  m and longer wavelength module covering from 20-40  m is indispensable to obtain the accurate ionic line ratios and profiles of dust band features distributed widely in 10-40  m. The SPICA/MIRMES is the instrument that is designed to fulfill those requests given above. Scientific Targets

6 Key Scientific Targets 1. Molecules and dust formation in the ejecta of Core-collapse Supernovae, Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) and WR stars 2. Destruction and survival of dust in Supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, and in Nearby galaxies 3. Molecular Chemistry in the atmosphere of AGB stars and PNe 4. Dust formation in recurrent Novae and Type Ia supernovae 5. Molecules and dust formation in dense clouds with embedded YSOs 6. Cosmic recycling taken place within nearby galaxies 7. Mid-infrared Spectroscopic diagnostics of ISM condition in remote galaxies 8. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of emission lines associated with warm (100- 1000K) gas in proto-planetary disks 9. Distribution and physical state of solid materials in proto-planetary disks and dust disks in the main-sequence stars.

7 Consistency with MRD 1. Multi-epoch MIR spectroscopy of Core-collapse Supernova, LBVs and WR stars  consistent with “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #1” in MRD. 2. Demonstrating Material Circulation in Supernova remnant  consistent with “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #3” in MRD. 3. Understanding the Chemistry in the atmosphere of AGB stars and PNe  consistent with “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #2” in MRD. 4. Measuring the Dust Yields by Nova, Type Ia supernova  consistent with “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #2” in MRD. 5. Understanding the Dust formation in Dense Interstellar Clouds  consistent with “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #4” in MRD. 6. Understanding the cosmic recycling taken place within nearby galaxies  consistent with “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #5” in MRD. 7. MIR Spectroscopic diagnostics of ISM conditions in remote galaxies  consistent with “Extragalactic Science; Objective #3 & #4” in MRD. 8. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of lines emitted from warm gas in protoplanetary disks  consistent with “Planetary System; Objective #2” in MRD. 9. Understanding the role of solid state materials for planet formation.  consistent with “Planetary System; Objective #6” in MRD.

8 Specification of MIRMES ARM-S ARM-L array format Si:As (2k x 2k) 25  m/pix Si:Sb (1k x 1k) 18  m/pix Wavelength coverage 10.0  m-19.9  m 19.9  m-35.0  m Spectral resolution (R= /  ) ~1400 ~750 pixel scale 0.409 (“/pix) 0.413 (“/pix) Slit width 1”.7 (4.2pixel) 2”.5 (6.1pixel) FOV size 12” x 8”.5 14” x 12”.5 Arm-S Echelle order min (  m) max (  m) 4 15.53 19.97 5 12.71 15.53 6 10.75 12.71 7 (9.98) 10.75 ※ min and max are defined as the wavelength at which the grating efficiency drops to 40% of the peak Arm-L Echelle order min (  m) max (  m) 5 29.4 35.0 6 24.4 29.4 7 21.2 24.4 8 (19.9) 21.2

9 Specification of Instrument Echelle Formats on detector arrays of Arm-S and Arm-L

10 Concept Study Current Status

11 Optics & Optical Elements Fore-Optics for MIRMES Image Slicer (with 5 slitlets) side view top view

12 Optics & Optical Elements Spectrograph for MIRMES/Arm-S Si:As detector Array (2k x 2k ; 25um) Pseudo Slit (60”.8) 30mm Collimator mirrors Camera mirrors

13 Optics & Optical Elements Pseudo Slit (70”) 30mm Collimator mirrors Camera mirrors Spectrograph for MIRMES/Arm-L Si:Sb detector Array (1k x 1k ; 18um)

14 Detectors MIRMES/Arm-S (TBD; same as that used for MIRACLE) Si:As 2kx2k (Raytheon) Pixel pitch; 25um/pix Dark current; 0.1e/sec Full well; 1.0x10 6 (electron/pix) Thermal output; 1mW Quantum Efficiency; N/A MIRMES/Arm-L (TBD; same as that used for MIRACLE) Si:Sb 1kx1k (DRS) Pixel pitch; 18um/pix Dark current; 1e/sec Full well; 1.0x10 6 (electron/pix) Thermal output; 1mW Quantum Efficiency; N/A

15 Volume & Structure Total Volume MIRMES/Arm-S; 300 x 300 x 150 MIRMES/Arm-L; 200 x 250 x 150 (in units of mm)

16 Thermal Design -No driving modules in MIRMES -Calibration lamp & shutter for dark measurements are shared with MIRACLE Detectors (parasitic) (active) Si:As 2K x 2K array x 1 (5K) 4.5K J-T stage ・・・ 0 mW 1 mW (TBD) Si:Sb 1K x 1K array x 1 (3K) 1.7K J-T stage ・・・ 0 mW 1 mW (TBD) Wire (20K) 12K 2ST stage ・・・ 1 mW 50 mW (TBD) Annealing function for each detectors ・・・ 0 mW N/A mW (TBD)

17 Expected Performance Assumptions; -Surface Brightness of the Background dominated by zodiacal emission (cf. Reach et al. (2003)); Low-background case; Zodiacal emission modeled by blackbody of T dust = 274.0K normalized at the 25  m flux of 15.5MJy/sr High-background case; Zodiacal emission modeled by blackbody of T dust = 268.5K normalized at the 25  m flux of 79.42MJy/sr -Spatial scale of 1 pixel in the sky; 0”.409 for Arm-S, 0”.413 for Arm-L -Effective area of the primary mirror;  (3.0/2) 2 x 0.8 [m 2 ] -Slit Width; 1”.7 (4.2pix) for Arm-S, 2”.5 (6.1pix) for Arm-L -Effective Image Size; 1”.7 (4.2pix) for Arm-S, 2”.5 (6.1pix) for Arm-L -Optical System Efficiency (including filters, mirror transmittance, beamsplitter, etc.); 0.3 for Arm-S, 0.3 for Arm-L -Dark Current; 0.1[e/sec] for Si:As 2Kx2K array (Arm-S), 1.0[e/sec] for Si:Sb 1Kx1K array(Arm-L) -Readout Noise; 10[e] for Arm-S, 20[e] for Arm-L -Maximum lamp time per exposure; 600 [sec] -Minimum lamp time per exposure; 2 [sec] -Full well per pixel; 1.0x10 6 [e/pix] for Arm-S 1.0x10 6 [e/pix] for Arm-L -Linearity warranty; 0.5 x full well -Maximum encircled energy fraction in a central pixel for a point source; 0.12 for Arm-S, 0.06 for Arm-L

18 Expected Performance SPICA/MIRMES Sensitivity for point sources

19 Expected Performance SPICA/MIRMES Sensitivity for diffuse sources

20 Expected Performance SPICA/MIRMES Saturation for point sources

21 Resource Requirements

22 Field-of-View Requirement FOV size for Arm-S; 12”x8.5” for Arm-L; 14”x12”.5 - Arm-S and Arm–L share the same field of view by means of a beam splitter installed in the fore-optics. - Each FOV is divided into 5 slitlets with image slicer. - The size of each slitlet; 12” x 1”.7 for Arm-S 14” x 2”.5 for Arm-L 12”.5 8”.5 12”.0 14”.0 FOV of Arm-L FOV of Arm-S

23 Thermal & Cryogenic Requirement MIRMES Requirement Remarks unitparasiticActiveTotal 1.7K J-T stage parasitic : instrument off active : ON, incl. parasitic temperature of stage1.7 K temperature range requirementK3K Temp. at detector Si:Sb 1kX1K x 1 Low temp to reduce dark temperature stability requirementmK100mK Average liftmW0.01.0 Peak liftmW0.01.0 4.5K J-T stage temperature of stage4.5 K temperature range requirementK5.0KTemp. at detector temperature stability requirementmK100mK Average liftmW0.01.0 Si:As 2kX2K x 1 Low temp to reduce dark Peak liftmW0.01.0 12K 2ST stage Heat sink for wire Pre-Amp at low temp. stage temperature of stage12K temperature range requirementK20K temperature stability requirementK1K Average liftmW1.050.0 Peak liftmW1.050.0

24 Pointing / Attitude control Requirement Requested pointing/attitude control accuracy; 0”.425 The widths of slitlet of Arms-S and –L are 1.7” and 2.5”, respectively. The pointing accuracy corresponding to the ¼ of the width of slitlet is requested; 1”.7 x 0.25 ~ 0”.425 for Arm-S 2”.5 x 0.25 ~ 0”.625 for Arm-L

25 Structural Requirement TBD

26 Data Generation Rate & Data Handling Requirement Simultaneous readout of data of Arms-S and -L 1 pixel = 16bit(=2Byte), 2K x 2K pixels = 8.4MB (Arm-S), 1K x 1K pixels = 2.1MB (Arm-L) (1) The case of longest ramp time (texp=600 sec) If we try to downlink the data sampled before and after the reset, the data generation rate becomes; 10.5(MB) x 2 / 600(sec) = 35KBps (2) The case of shortest ramp time (texp=2.0) If we try to downlink the data sampled before and after the reset, the data generation rate becomes; 10.5(MB) x 2 / 2(sec) = 10.5MBps If we calculate the differential between data sampled before and after the reset, integrate 4 exposures, and downlink only the result, the data generation rate becomes; 18bit /16bit x (8.4MB +2.1MB) / 2(sec) / 4 = 1.48MBps (preferred) Onboard computer that can handle the image operation is requested

27 Warm Electronics TBD (common among MIRACLE, MIRMES and MIRHES) Function Component #. Pcs. Power (W) Power Dissipation Power (W) Power Dissipation Focal-Plane Array 29999 observingstandby

28 Operation & Observing Mode Operation; TBD power data generation rate (W) (MB/s) Parasitic 0 0 Active -standby TBD < 0.01 -observing single t exp =2 (sec) ※ TBD 1.48 single t exp =20/60/120/600 (sec) TBD 1.05/0.35/0.18/0.04 step t exp =20/60/120/600 (sec) TBD 1.05/0.35/0.18/0.04 -calibration dark t exp =2/20/60/120/600 TBD 1.48/1.05/0.35/0.18/0.04 cal. lamp on t exp =2(sec) ※ TBD 1.48 ※ 4 exposure cycles are 1 unit. Single mode Parameters; T exp, n cycle - dithering mode required Step Mapping mode Parameters; T exp, d step, n step, m step, n cycle step offset d step / ・・・・・・ 12”.5 8”.5 12”.0 14”.0 FOV of Arm-L FOV of Arm-S ・・・・・・ n step m step 12”.0

29 Development and Test Plan

30 Key Technical Issues & TRL SPICA/MIRMES -optics design(I) ; almost completed. Volume reduction is under consideration -structure design(I); starting analyses with SHI (~ 30 Apr. 2010) -optics design(II); Not yet (scheduled from 1 st May 2010 ~) -structure design(II); Not yet (scheduled from 1 st May 2010 ~) -beam splitter / filter; starting analyses with JDS Uniphase (Feb. 2010 ~) -slice mirror; starting analyses of manufacturing the slice mirror - detector/ electric design; common with MIRACLE

31 Development Plan

32 Test & Verification Plan FM PM MIRMES Prototype Model(PM) test & Verification (2013/6—2014/6) Room temperature optical source test (optical alignment check) Cryogenic temperature infrared source test (infrared alignment check, detector electric circuit test) Room temperature vibration test Cryogenic temperature vibration test MIRMES Flight Model(FM) test & Verification (2015/1—2015/9) Room temperature optical source test (optical alignment check) Cryogenic temperature infrared source test (infrared alignment check, detector electric circuit test) Room temperature vibration test Cryogenic temperature vibration test Calibration (wavelength, flux) MIRMES FM combination test with MIRACLE (2015/9—2016/3) Room temperature optical source test (optical alignment check) Cryogenic temperature infrared source test (infrared alignment check, detector circuit test) Room temperature vibration test Cryogenic temperature vibration test

33 Development Cost Development Cost (x 1,000 JPY) Optical design(I) 1,000 (Arm-S) + 1,000 (Arm-L) [Photocoding, Cybernet] Structure design(I) 10,000 (Arm-S+Arm-L) [SHI] Optical design(II) 1,000 (Arm-S) + 1,000 (Arm-L) [Photocoding. Cybernet] Structure design(II) 10,000 (Arm-S+Arm-L) [SHI] Detector, Detector Circuits; common development system with MIRACLE primary investment 200,000 Si:As 2Kx2K 100,000 x 2 (FM + PM) [Laytheon] Si:Sb 1Kx1K 100,000 x 2 (FM + PM) [DRS] Beamsplitter, filter; 1 sample test 2,000 x 5 (TBD; negotiation with JDS Uniphase) Slice mirror; 2,000 x 2 (FM + PM) Mirror; common development system with MIRACLE PM x 2 + FM; 1,000,000 (TBD; negotiation with SHI) Test & Verification; 100,000

34 Observing Program

35 Observation Plan to perform Science Targets 1. Multi-epoch MIR spectroscopy of Core-collapse Supernova, LBVs and WR stars  see “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #1” of MRD in details. 2. Demonstrating Material Circulation in Supernova remnant  see “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #3” of MRD in details. 3. Understanding the Chemistry in the atmosphere of AGB stars and PNe  see “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #2” of MRD in details. 4. Measuring the Dust Yields by Nova, Type Ia supernova  see “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #2” of MRD in details. 5. Understanding the Dust formation in Dense Interstellar Clouds  see “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #4” of MRD in details. 6. Understanding the cosmic recycling taken place within nearby galaxies  see “Life Cycle of Dust; Objective #5” of MRD in details. 7. MIR Spectroscopic diagnostics of ISM conditions in remote galaxies  see “Extragalactic Science; Objective #3 & #4” of MRD in details. 8. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of lines emitted from warm gas in protoplanetary disks  see “Planetary System; Objective #2” of MRD in details. 9. Understanding the role of solid state materials for planet formation.  see “Planetary System; Objective #6” of MRD in details.

36 Outline of Ground Data Processing All the procedures used for the data processing of MIRMES are generally same as those of Subaru/COMICS. The data reduction pipeline and contribution softwares are prepared during the performance verification phase. The calibration datasets (monitoring standard star, flat fielding, ) are taken regularly (say, once a month) to check the stability of the on-orbit performance.

37 Organization & Structure for Development ※ Detector, electric circuit, mirrors; common with MIRACLE team General: I. Sakon (Univ. of Tokyo), H.Kataza (ISAS/JAXA), T. Onaka (Univ. of Tokyo) [adviser] Optical Design : Y. Ikeda (Photocoding) ・ N.Fujishiro (CYBERNET.Co.) Structural Design : Sumitomo Heavy Industry (SHI) Detector : T. Wada, H.Kataza (ISAS/JAXA) ・ technical staff 1 Electric Circuit : technical staff 2 Test and Verification of MIRMES (including development of beam splitter, filters, and slice mirrors, experiments and performance test) : I. Sakon (Univ. of Tokyo), 1-2 graduate school students, technical staff 3 Sciene Discussion : I.Sakon, T.Onaka (Univ. of Tokyo), Y.Okada (Univ. of Cologne), H.Kaneda (Nagoya University), T. Nozawa (IPMU), T. Kozasa (Hokkaido Univ.), M. Matsuura (University College London) [TBD]

38 Summary

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