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MASTER IN ECONOMIA DEL TURISMO. 2 Is internet technology the future of our business?

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2 2 Is internet technology the future of our business?

3 Internet Trends

4 4 Timing Of The Commerce Threshold Varies By Country Source: Forrester

5 5 European e-Commerce Skyrockets 2,000,000 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 200420032002200120001999 Pioneers >8% Early entrants 6% to 8% (millions) Late entrants <6% Source: Forrester

6 6 European e-Commerce Skyrockets Source: Forrester

7 7 Europe Web Users Turn Into Buyers Source: Forrester

8 8 Conclusions With over 386 million consumers, the 17 Western European countries represent the world’s largest potential online trading block  e-Commerce growth > 100% per year  Total e-commerce reaching 1.6 trillion  e-Commerce will represent 6.3% of total trade by 2006 Source: Forrester

9 Travel Trends

10 10 Online Consumer Travel Services Online Corporate Travel Service Online Supplier Direct Channel Growth rates Suppliers % of Total Sales by 2006 Growth of E-commerce in Travel 10% 23% 6-7% 295% 170% 200%

11 11 TravelerChannel % of Total Air Bookings Suppliers Travel Channels 40% 20% 15% 10% 74% 2-3% 0.1% 1999 2006 Traditional Travel Agency Supplier Direct (excl online) Phone Walk In Online Supplier Direct 22% 15% Online Travel Agency Online Corporate Travel Service Intranet/ Internet CRS

12 12 Conclusions Online travel is expected to be the single most purchased e-commerce item  40% of all travel will be purchased online  60% will not…. Result: Traditional agents are well positioned to leverage e-commerce Source: Forrester

13 13 Is internet technology the future of our business? NO... It’s the Past

14 14 Trends in Internet Usage Source: IDC

15 15 The internet / web browser was the world’s largest successful proof of concept.

16 16 Concept everyone everything everyone everything to generates profound opportunity  Increase productivity  Decrease operational expense  Build new business models Connecting

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