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Joe Famme Michel Masse Chang-min Lee Ted Raitch May 26, 2011 r4.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe Famme Michel Masse Chang-min Lee Ted Raitch May 26, 2011 r4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Famme Michel Masse Chang-min Lee Ted Raitch May 26, 2011 r4

2 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium Elevator Summary Design and Operate Systems with the Goals in Mind Objective Models: A chieve Purposes of User Reduce Manning Human Systems Integration Systems Assurance before Production Reduce TOC, or, Increase Return on Investment (ROI) Object Models used to Create Objective Models Physics based models of each component of the ship’s hull, mechanical, electrical and DC systems as “objects” modeled in physics equations Object is: pump, pipe, valve, generator, SB, motor, wire, diesel engine, GT Engine, tank, control element … 2

3 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium “Objective” Modeling: The Adaptive Lenses 1994 - 2011 “Objective” Model Designs to support of Navy Priorities 1994: Human Risk Mitigation Reduce Manning [USS Stark, Roberts, Princeton, Tripoli] 2003: Human Systems Integration Single objective model from design to training / operational decision aids 2009: Performance Validation for Affordability Dynamic V&V of design before release to production 2011: Reduce Total Ownership Costs Use Cost and ROI as object attributes 3

4 ASNE ISS 1994 4

5 ASNE ISS May 2011 5

6 ASNE ISS 1994 ASNE ISS May 2011 6

7 Run-Time Data Trend CAD ………………..“Does it Fit”? Physics ……………“Does it Work”? Automation Analysis Simultaneous Design & Control

8 www.ITEinc.US 8 Adjust properties ~85% Standard Navy HME Items

9 www.ITEin c.US 9 Integrated Product Data Environment (IPDE Example Total Ship Model Drill into Firemain by Deck & Section for compartment model, get

10 www.ITEin c.US 10 Click on Pump “Motor” link and Open the Associated and Open the Associated Electrical Model, then get Firemain System by Compartment (Deck and Section)

11 www.ITEin c.US 11 See Associated Motor (to right) then To switchboard (left) then To switchboard (left) Associated Electrical System

12 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium Content To Invigorate Discussion on TOC An Affordable Navy Early Design Decisions Control Cost Commercial vs. Naval Control Systems Example: Mining Enterprise OMB Design & Control Reduce TOC Concurrent Design /Control Systems / TOC reduction Commercial Enterprise (Mine): Objective = $ ROI Example Navy TOC Savings Conclusions 12

13 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium Ms. Stiller (DASN): TOC Reduction “Design for Affordability” - challenge requirements Contract for Affordability - competition Build Affordably - Navy and Industry work together Maintenance and Operational Affordability - explore to reduce TOC Affordability Tools - decision tools focus on overall affordability. Affordable Innovation - tell / show decision makers the return on investment (ROI ) Affordable Planning - Strategic planning beyond the FYDP allow industry to make stable investments Note: This DASN guidance for cost reduction is a continuation of NAVSEA shipbuilding cost reduction conferences conducted 2007 – 2009, summarized in ASNE Technical Paper, “Performance Based Design for Fleet Affordability,” ASNE Day 2009 – Published in Naval Engineers Journal, 2009 | Vol. 221 No. 4, p.117, copy at www.ITEinc.US, Tab Technical Papers. 13 ASNE Event, March 15, 2011

14 Early Design Decisions Drive Cost Feasibility Studies Contract Design Detail Design and Construction Cost Incurred Cost (and Performance) “Locked-in” 14 NAVSEA Ship Design Panel (SD-8) JHU-APL March 2011 ASNE ISS May 2011

15 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium Objective Models Objective Model refers to the objective purpose of the model Objective Purpose include: Operate the plant Operate safely Control costs Make a profit ROI environmental compliance Attributes of Supporting Physics Object Models: Physical Attributes: Size, Weight, Position Performance Attributes: Physics Volume, Velocity, Thermal, Watts … Control Attributes: Analog / Digital TOC Attributes: Cost$, LCC$, MTBF to support ROI Analysis 15

16 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium Object Models “Object” model in physics of each component of the plant or ship’s hull, mechanical, and DC systems as an “object” modeled in physics equations such as a pump, pipe, valve, motor, wire, diesel engine, tank Object Model Equation Variables / Attributes include: 16 Performance Attributes: Physics Models Volume, Velocity, Thermal, Watts … Physical Attributes: Integrated CAD – Physics Size, Weight, Position … Control Attributes TOC Attributes Available, but not used: Cost$, LCC$, MTBF(T) to support ROI Analysis

17 Commercial Enterprise: Mine ASNE ISS May 2011 17

18 Cost – Benefit Analysis to Objective ASNE ISS May 2011 18

19 Mine Strata ASNE ISS May 2011 19 Green = Bore levels for ore mapping

20 A CVN is a LARGE Design Model ASNE ISS May 2011 20

21 Size of Nimitz CVN Compared to a Nickel Mine ASNE ISS May 2011 21 333 m CVM = 333 m long Mine = 2,100 m deep, 40 Levels Mine is 105 years old 2,100 meters

22 Mine Cross Section ASNE ISS May 2011 22

23 ASNE ISS May 2011 23 Mine by Level

24 Mining ASNE ISS May 2011 24

25 ASNE ISS May 2011 25

26 Air Flow Control by Level / by Section ASNE ISS May 2011 26

27 Control Network: Know a Ship – Know a Mine ASNE ISS May 2011 27 Redundant Computing for Life Safety

28 Process / 5 Level Economic Control Model 28 ASNE ISS May 2011

29 Mass Balance Calculations & Economic - Environment ASNE ISS May 2011 29 8 Calculations solve differential equations simulta­neously in a matrix with fast convergence 9 Systems account for natural ventilation effect 10 Standardized Atkinson resistance and standardized friction factors are corrected for density change 11 Dynamic transient calculations permit real-time control 12 Compute Return on Investment associated with all capitalization and operation control options and actions 13 Compute economic cost and environmental implications, and costs for all control options and actions 14 Record and account and report environmental emissions Air Flow Mass Balance Calculations 1 Calculations are dynamic with transient and steady state response 2 Calculations use compressible flow physics 3 Calculations account for mass and energy accumulation 4 Systems perform a mass flow balance 5 Density is variable and is a function of pressure and temperature 6 CFM calculations are based on calculated density 7 The mass conservation law is applied at every point

30 Economic Model – Real Time ASNE ISS May 2011 30

31 Mine Control HMI: Bottom Line = $$ vs. Variable Speed ASNE ISS May 2011 31 Computed Variable OpsStandard Ops

32 Challenges: Culture – Miners are Human Too ! ASNE ISS May 2011 32

33 OBM Lifecycle Savings – Table 3 ASNE ISS May 2011 33 Table 3. Design and Lifecycle Phases Projected Savings Reuse PBDC Models 30 Ships in Class over Life Cycle of 30 Years ($M) Ship RequirementsGiven Concept DesignComplete Preliminary DesignComplete Automation Design Updates - Full Reference Model Avail. ($0.50) Contract DesignComplete Detail DesignComplete ConstructionComplete Tests-Trials - Full reference Model Available as Performance Standard ($1.00) Training PBD models embedded for Eng.-DC training reduces travel/time lost ($30.00) Decision Aids PBD models improve efficiency - support CSOSS-EOSS-EOCC ($50.00) Distance Support PBD models support NAVSEA trouble repair for reduced crews ($60.00) Modernization Ship- Alts - PBD Ref Models used to pre-validate modernization ($60.00) Savings per Ship 30 Yr.($201.50) Life Cycle Savings: 30 ships in Class ($6,045)

34 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium ROI estimate for DDG Model The cost of OMB object and objective design modeling for a class of ships as described in this paper might be in the range of $25M. The Navy return on investment is in the range of $242 for every $1 of model cost. To be conservative, the estimated cost of building the total ship object model was doubled 34

35 ASNE Intelligent Ship Symposium Double Equipment Life Reduce TOC 19% Doubling Equipment “Life” can Reduce TOC 19% A NAVSEA ROI model for the doubling of the life of “parts” showed a 19% reduction on TOC for the ship program (Strickland, J. at NAVSEA SD-8 Panel, JHU-APL March 2011) The submarine community seems to have already adopted this strategy to reduce TOC with the Virginia Class. 35

36 36 Thank You! Fair Winds and Following Seas!

37 Mine Control System ASNE ISS May 2011 37 Figure 2. OMBC Mining System

38 PBD = Design “WORKS” CAD = Design “FITS” Common Parts Catalog Integrate Ship Design Tools (Maritech) Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Use the Design Tools For HSI Spiral Design Process Conceptual Preliminary Contract Detail Achieve HSI objectives: Automation Reduced Crew Survivability Safety Deliver a Full Ship PBD Model to support Tests & Trials Validate Ship Systems & Model T&T using the PBD model “Virtual Ship” Before Dock & Sea Trials: All Systems, Separately & Together Electrical Fluid Gas HVAC Controls T&T of the “Actual Ship” During Dock & Sea Trials: All Systems, Separately & Together Electrical Fluid Gas HVAC Controls Tests & Trials Achieving CNO Sea Enterprise Objectives Transformational Ship Design Process – Improve Design, Reduce Costs The Ship Real-time Validated PBD Model of the Ship CAD Drawings Update all configuration part numbers to the ERP – TDKM IPDE Programs Deliver To the Navy Shore & Afloat Dynamic Eng/DC & Total Ship Training Real-time Readiness Assessment of ship & systems Engineering & DC Operational Decision Aids Distance Support Future Ship Modernization Re-use the PBD Model for HSI Objectives of: Seamless Data Exchange With all IPDE Programs ONR Smart Ship System Design Environment Physics Based Design (PBD) is a foundation for Navy Sea Enterprise Metrics: verifies systems performance (temp., pres., amps …) and timing. Will ENSURE that ALL ship systems “work” together and meet ship mission requirements before dock & sea trials. ITE Inc. 1507A N Colonial Terrace, Arlington,. VA 22209 jfamme@ITEinc.US Reduce RISK & COST 38

39 Integrated Object Design and Control Integrated Design Doctrine Ship Design Automation Design Simulation Based Total Ship-Crew Model Validate Automation - Reduced Manning Operational, Threat & Damage Adaptive Autonomic (M&S Based) Reconfiguration Intelligent Agents Autonomic Response Security Access Points Remote Monitoring Core Model & Simulation Embedded M&S Based Training / Decision Aids Networked BG to Shore Individual to Total Crew Simulation Based Acquisition & Operation Integrated CAD-Physics Smart Product Model through all design phases, with dock & sea trial model validation, reuse of the validated model that will run in parallel during operations, supporting decision aids, ship wide performance monitoring to support all functions on this slide and future Alts & modernization Mission Readiness Local & Network within ship & across Battle Force platforms Combat Systems Engineering Systems Damage Control Distant Support EHM & CBM Electronic Manuals 3D Visualization Crew Location / Monitoring Damage Control Autonomic Intelligent Agent SW M&S Based Reconfiguration Personal On-The Move Displays Combat Systems Engineering Systems Damage Control Electronic Manuals 3D Visualization Integrated & Distributed Command Capabilities Combat & Engineering Systems Personal On-Move PDA Communications & Control Electronic Navigation / M&S Based Decision Aids 39

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