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作品集 Zero Emission Scooter 4.5 Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter Fuel Cell Demonstrator Electric Vehicle Motor Nastreamer Front Bezel Lenovo UWB Dock.

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Presentation on theme: "作品集 Zero Emission Scooter 4.5 Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter Fuel Cell Demonstrator Electric Vehicle Motor Nastreamer Front Bezel Lenovo UWB Dock."— Presentation transcript:

1 作品集 Zero Emission Scooter 4.5 Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter Fuel Cell Demonstrator Electric Vehicle Motor Nastreamer Front Bezel Lenovo UWB Dock Smart Team

2 Zero Emission Vehicle 4.5  Pure PEM Fuel Cell scooter  Performance: 108kg/60kph/5.5° Department / Owner: APFCT My Main Job  Maintain the Electric Controller.  Fuel Cell system Control logic Test and Design.  Transmission Design.  Hardware / Tool: PIC16F877.  Time: 2003.10-2005.03

3 Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter  業界科專計劃:以生產 20 台燃料電池與 鋰電池混合動力為目標,進一步推動燃 料電池電動車的進程。  與材料所鋰電池實驗室合作開發燃料電 池與鋰電池的混合電力系統。  與台全電機合作開發傳動及車體。  Performance: 118kg/52kph/12°  Maximum 5KW, Nominal 1KW. Department / Owner: APFCT My Main Job  Project Owner.  Fuel Cell Controller.  Hybrid system Design.  Hardware / Tool: PIC16F877.  Time: 2006.01-2007.05

4 Fuel Cell Demonstrator  200Watt Fuel Cell System.  To demo how does the Fuel Cell system produce power.  高雄科工館 Department / Owner: APFCT My Main Job  Project Owner.  Fuel Cell Controller.  Hybrid system Design.  Hardware / Tool: PIC16F877.  Time: 2007.01-2007.04

5 Electric Vehicle Motor  In Wheel Motor structure.  Parallel Axial Permanent Magnet Motor.  IEEE journal Papers (Yee-Pien Yang, Member, IEEE, Down-Su Chuang, “Optimal Design and Control of a Wheel Motor for Electric Passenger Cars,” IEEE Trans. On Magnetics, Vol. 43, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp.51-61.) Department/Owner: Nation Taiwan University Mechanical Engineering/ Joson Chuang My Main Job  Electric Vehicle Motor Design / Simulation.  Software / Tool: Ansoft Maxwell EM-3D  Time: 2001.05-2003.07

6 Nastreamer Front Bezel Lenovo UWB Dock Nastreamer Front Bezel:  Storage Server  Process: Tooling Done  Time: 2008.04~Now. LENOVO UWB Dock  Wireless dock  Process: Mockup Done  Time: 2008.03~Now. Department / Owner: USI/CE/MD/MD1/MD1 My Main Job  Mechanical/Structure Design.  Software / Tool: Pro/E  Time: 2008.01-Now LENOVO UWB Dock Nastreamer Front Bezel

7 SMART TEAM SMART TEAM :  ERP / PDM Software.  ODBC Data Base Program. Department / Owner: My Main Job  Program Design / Debug.  Software / Tool: Visual C++ / MFC  Time: 2001.07~2002.05

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