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“This I Pray” Philippians 1:3-11. Paul’s Prayer for the Philippians Thankful for every memory of them   They were source of comfort in dark time  

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1 “This I Pray” Philippians 1:3-11

2 Paul’s Prayer for the Philippians Thankful for every memory of them   They were source of comfort in dark time   Paul prayed for them while he was afflicted Thankful for their fellowship   Ready to assist preaching of word from start   Continued in that evangelistic spirit to present Pray God will complete their good work   Paul recognized likeness of heart in them   In every way, they were co-partakers of grace

3 Your love may abound more & more You may approve excellent things You may be sincere & void of offence unto day of Christ You may be filled with fruits of righteousness And this I pray, that...

4 That Your Love May Abound... Paul showed this abounding love to them   “I long after you in the tender mercies…”   Participation in spiritual cause intensified love Thessalonian brethren had this love   1 Thess. 4:9-10Exemplified this love   1 Thess. 3:11-13Assisted lives of holiness   2 Thess. 1:3Grew even more with time If love of brethren does not abound…   Spirit of bitterness will breed evil (Jas. 3:13f)   Fail to be filled to God’s fullness (Eph. 3:17-19)

5 May Approve Excellent Things... Word translated “excellent” is combination   dia (through) + phero (carry, endure, reach...)   Connotes one pressing on beyond present place Several N.T. passage show this necessity   Eph. 4:13fReaching to attain fullness of Christ   Phil. 3:12fPress on, stretch forward to goal   Col. 1:9-11Filled with knowledge & increasing   Phil. 4:7-9Hearts & thoughts filled with truth   2 Pet. 1:5fVirtues must be in us & abound If no effort to excel, do not value the spiritual

6 Be Sincere & Void of Offence... Paul sought total purity of the brethren   “Sincere” = Purity of heart   “Void of offence” = Purity of action   “Until day of Christ” = Until heavenly salvation Goal of fellow brethren is that all be saved   Gal. 6:1-2To restore & bear burdens of others   1 Tim 4:12f Teach by word & life to save   Tit. 2:1-13Duty keeps in focus Christ’s coming Are we truly concern with salvation of all?

7 Filled with the Fruits of Righteousness Fruits of righteousness defined by context:   “Through Jesus Christ” = Authorized by Christ   “Unto glory & praise of God” = No focus on self Fruit of righteousness defined & commanded   Matt. 7:16fFruit judged by action vs. will of God   Jas. 3:17fFrom above & has effect in daily life   Gal. 5:22fOf Spirit & causes life of purity   Eph. 5:7fPleasing to Lord & reproving of evil Is our harvest of righteous fruit abundant?

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