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U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey BioData

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1 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey BioData

2  What is BioData?  Objectives  Development Highlights (Agile Methdology)  Future Directions


4 What Is BioData? An internet-accessible database application for managing, storing, and distributing USGS aquatic bioassessment data

5 Internet Application  All you need is a web browser  No VPN required  Updates from the data center (you don’t have to do anything)  Feature rich

6 Public Retrieval project data management BioData Input data distribution field datalab data field data input data exchange with labs data review public web site web data services application- specific output BioData is three systems Internal Retrieval Internal web site internal analysis finalized data preliminary and restricted data




10 BioData is an Internet application  Data management tool  Online data archive  Data-distribution system  Taxonomic harmonization system  Ecologist lab data exchange system

11 OBJECTIVES 1. Purpose and Scope 2. USGS Water Mission Area needs 3. Data Provenance and Quality

12 Purpose and Scope  Secure, web-enabled data management system for capturing, storing, archiving, curating, and distributing aquatic bioassessment data collected or compiled by USGS science projects  Data used to characterize and investigate the condition of water-dependent and water- related ecological resources

13  Water Resources Needs Assessment 2007  From 2000-2006 WSCs collected ~15,000 biology samples in 147 projects; Project data are stored electronically but are time consuming to discover and access  NAWQA Program has collected > 20,000 macroinvertebrate, algae, fish, and stream habitat samples at 2,200 sites (since 1994). Data stored in BioTDB

14 USGS Water Mission Area  Philosophically we recognize that certain kinds of data sets lend themselves to a more centralized strategy,  Similar goals to the NWIS QWDATA system;  Fundamental community composition data for stream bioassessments uses a fairly narrow range of methods and objectives;  Data integration needs.

15 Data Provenance and Quality 1/2 1. Data produced using USGS-approved sampling and laboratory methods a. data traceable to the methods used to produce 2. Automated data validation and verification checks flag erroneous and suspect data 3. Data must be coded as reviewed and accepted by USGS and must pass all validation checks before it is released to the public.

16 Data Provenance and Quality 2/2 4. Laboratory authorization process a. demonstrate compliance with business rules and data standards 5. Taxonomic nomenclature is controlled and managed by domain experts a. maintain name-validation rules b. map stored data c. curate stored data for scientific advancements 6. At this time, sampling sites must be in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS)

17 Extensible design Support for Bioassessment & Monitoring data CurrentVision StreamsLakes, wetlands, coastal areas, … Fish, macroinvertebrates, algae, physical habitat Mussels, crayfish, zooplankton NAWQA and NRSA protocolsAdditional protocols Retrieve tables of count dataBiotic indices, maps, graphs USGS projectsDOI bureaus, other agencies Integrate with NWIS water-quality and flow data through shared site framework Integrate with partners through NHD spatial framework Interactive data entry, lab batch loadsField data entry, mobile apps & devices

18 Data Management Support  Data Life Cycle Diagram  Data Management Working Group of the Community for Data Integration (CDI)  e

19 Quality management features  Auto data validation   Data Review tools

20 BioData Taxonomy  Developed Taxonomic Management utility  Data delivered using consistent, up-to-date nomenclature and hierarchy  All provisional/conditional identities are mapped to published names (ICZN, ICBN)  ITIS TSNs are reported for fish and macroinvertebrate data  Originally-reported (bench) identities are stored and delivered in result data tables Bench NameReferenceBioData NamePublished Name HydropsycheunspecifiedCeratopsyche/HydropsycheHydropsychinae HydropsycheWiggins, 1996Ceratopsyche/HydropsycheHydropsychinae HydropsycheMorse and Holzenthal, 2008 Hydropsyche CeratopsycheMorse and Holzenthal, 2008 Ceratopsyche


22 Organization  Steering Committee  Pete Ruhl, Project Manager  Biological Users Group (BUG)  Developers  Center for Integrated Data Analytics (CIDA), Middleton, Wis  Flexion Inc., Madison, Wisconsin (Contractor)

23 Timeline  FY 2007 – Planning starts  2009 February – Iteration 1  2011 March– Production release to NAWQA Program  2012 Spring – Available to USGS

24 Agile Development Approach  Individuals and interactions over processes and tools  Working software over comprehensive documentation  Customer collaboration over contract negotiation  Responding to change over following a plan  From – Rasmussen, Jonathan, 2010, The Agile Samurai: How Agile Masters Deliver Great Software: Dallas, Texas, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

25 From – Rasmussen, Jonathan, 2010, The Agile Samurai: How Agile Masters Deliver Great Software: Dallas, Texas, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

26 Release Planning Meeting  1. Write Stories (around broad themes)  A story is (who, what, why)  As a, so that  Example: As a data administrator, I want all batch uploaded data to be tagged with original record information so that we can maintain the provenance of the data  2. Assign Value  Vote, discuss, rewrite, consensus  3. Complexity  4. Pick Stories

27 Summary From – Rasmussen, Jonathan, 2010, The Agile Samurai: How Agile Masters Deliver Great Software: Dallas, Texas, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.


29 What’s in the pipeline?  Data management support for more sampling and laboratory protocols  More ways to bring data in to the system  Batch-loading data - Make more data available  Field apps  Expand Data Distribution, Sharing  Web services  Map interface for discovering, retrieving data

30 BioData For more information: Use the online form OR Pete Ruhlpmruhl@usgs.gov703-648-6841 Mitch Harrismaharris@usgs.gov217-328-9716

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