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Presentation on theme: "AMERICANS – FEATURES EDUCATION PROBLEMS ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Education VY_32_INOVACE_15-06."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who are Americans? immigrants who arrived hoped to establish a new life in a new world the USA - the most diverse country with its regional, ethnic and cultural differencies but all of them share certain values and historical roots

3 Freedom, individualism, volunteerism Freedom  Americans value political, religious, economic, personal freedom and freedom of speech  the freest society X slavery until Civil War 1861-65 Individualism  admire independent people  individual ownership X large corporations Volunteerism  people help each other rather privately than government agencies  immediate social need - charities – clothes, food, 6 of 10 American - members of volunt. organization

4 Abundance, mobility, progress,idealizing Abundance  rich in resources  farmers, hunters, fur trappers, gold miners, cattle ranchers Mobility  4-5 cities during their lifetime Progress  willingness to work hard  fulfilling the vision of grandparents = American Dream = dream of better, richer and fuller life X not open to all  ….segregation, discrimination of minorities Idealizing  they are natural-born-do-it-yourselfers  books on everything/how to built your car, to be your best friend…  comes from history  inventiveness of survival in wilderness

5 Other features classes society  fast – food nation multiculturalism  patriotism and  pride  religious people  like pets, sports,  travelling Autor: Len Rizzi, Název: NCI Visuals Food Hamburger.jpg Zdroj:

6 Pre -school education Nursery school  optional  age 4 Kindergarten  ½ day or full day  5 days a week Play groups

7 Primary education Primary/elementary school  age: 6 – 11/12  1st – 6th grade (class)  three ‘R’ Junior High school  age: 11/12 – 14/15  7the – 9th grade  English, social studies, science, maths, P.E.  7 lessons a day

8 Secondary education High school  age: 15 – 18  10th – 12th  core courses: English, maths, computer studies, science (choice), social studies, P.E.  electives: languages, art, music, business  extracurricular activities: drama, radio/TV work, events – dances, sport compet., parents` parties  High School Diploma – Graduation Ceremony

9 Higher education Technical schools  age 18 - …  3 -24 months, certificate in a skilled trade  SAT – for universities, GPA Colleges, universities  age 18 - …  no entrance exams  2-4 year associate`s degree, 4-year bachelor`s degree  Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, Washington, MIT… Graduate schools  age: 22 - …  after bachelor  master`s degree (M.A., M. S.)…1-2 years  Doctoral degree (Ph.D, D.Md)…3 or more years

10 Harvard University Autor: Daderot, Název: Austin Hall, Harvard University.JPG Zdroj:,_Harva rd_University.JPG

11 Students` life strong school spirit  logo of univers., cups, T-shirts, badges, stickers  fraternities and sororities (clubs) Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior scholarships, government grants, bank lowns ‘ Education is the key of our future. ’ ‘ You`re never too old to learn something. ’

12 Problems 9 th place for high sch. degree 7 th place college graduates near the bottom in maths and science (age 13) reasons:  improved education in the rest of the world  immigration  number of high sch. student  jobs  students speak, discuss, research, report, essay, presentation, group work, posters, the Internet, parents` participation  find information X memorize

13 Alternative education Public  supported by taxes, neighbourhood sch., co- education, no religious influence, Board of Education Private  charge tuition, supported by religious groups, dress code  12% Charter schools  special philosophy, plan, goals Magnet schools  focused on specific subjects (maths, science, art) Home education  2% One – room school  isolated villages and farming communities Online learning  at universities

14 AUTOR DUM: MGR. DARINA SIKOROVÁ Thank you for your attention.


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