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Parent Information Meeting.  Students should arrive at school at normal time.  Students should report to the East side of Stinson Field (near Key Street)

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Meeting.  Students should arrive at school at normal time.  Students should report to the East side of Stinson Field (near Key Street)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Meeting

2  Students should arrive at school at normal time.  Students should report to the East side of Stinson Field (near Key Street) with all of their necessary items.  Buses are limited in space. Pack lightly.  Duffle bags are preferred.  Pack bedding into luggage or in a labeled trash bag. No loose pillows or sleeping bags.  Be sure all bags and pieces of clothing are labeled with your child’s first and last name.

3  Location- Nestled in the piney woods of East Texas in Van, TX  903-266-3300- use only for emergencies

4  Students are assigned cabins with at least 2-3 chaperones in each cabin.  Students will be in mixed-advisory cabins to encourage new friendships and team building.  Each cabin is equipped with beds, showers, and restrooms. Separate cabins for boys and girls.

5 TIMEDAY 1DAY 2DAY 3 7:00-9:00Wake up Breakfast Wake up Breakfast 9:00-12:00Arrive at Sky Ranch Class 2Class 4 12:00-12:30Lunch 1:00-4:00Class 1Class 3Depart for MIS 4:15-6:15Rec Time 6:15-6:45Dinner 6:45-9:00Clue/GamesCampfire 9:00-10:00Ready for bed Lights out Ready for bed Lights out

6  We will provide alternative (Sky Ranch-like) activities for those students not attending Sky Ranch.  Your child will be counted absent if they do not attend school on “camp” days. Please inform the office if your child is sick.

7  Limnology- aquatic study of freshwater  Challenges- Team building activities involving communication, trust and cooperation  Orienteering- Teams practice orienteering skills by learning Geomatics and using GPS  Forces in Nature- Learning about gravity and friction and how nature changes our environment

8  Open rec time- field games, zip lines, water slides, etc.  Team games

9  Students will travel with mixed advisory learning groups as they participate in sessions.  12-17 students per group  Learning groups are led by experienced counselors.  Teachers and parent chaperones will be accompanying the students.

10  We need approximately 6 moms and 6 dads per team depending on class sizes. More is better!  Chaperones can sign up tonight or with advisory teachers  By Friday, September 12th for Olympians, Superstars and Team Genius  By Monday, September 29th for Titans, Patriots, and Chiefs  Chaperones that need to attend due to medical necessity must be included on sign-up form.  Chaperones are required to attend an additional chaperone meeting. Meeting times and location to be announced.  Responsibilities include supervision in classes, cabins, mealtimes, and bed time.  Must have ALREADY completed criminal history background check.  Cost $150 or $75 for split shift

11  Payment $215 per child (if not already paid online)  Checks should be made out to MIS and returned to student’s advisory teacher.  District Health History Form  Sky Ranch Participant Agreement  Medication Form (only if needed-available online)  Form and payment due dates:  Olympians, Superstars, and Team Genius: September 12  Titans, Chiefs, and Patriots: Monday, September 29 th  Due to time constraints, no late payment will be accepted

12  A registered nurse and staff will assist in the administration of medications to students while at camp in accordance with HPISD medication guidelines and board policy.  Guidelines will be sent home in communication folders.  Please review these guidelines carefully if your child will require medication at camp.  If you have questions, contact your child’s advisory teacher or the nurse.

13  Detailed packing lists will be sent home. Some items include:  Sleeping bag/sheets and blanket  Pillow and pillow case  Towels  Appropriate clothing (weather)  Swimsuit with swim shirt (t-shirt)  Toiletries  Watch  Backpack  Flashlight  Sunscreen and bug repellant  Refillable water bottle  Camera (disposable preferred)  $$$ for snacks and gift shop (no more than $40)  Please label EVERYTHING

14  Electronics, cell phones, eReaders, iPads, iPods  Valuables or breakable items  Prank materials

15  Students are expected to follow all school rules and camp rules.  Parents of students who fail to follow directions will be called to come pick up their child from the camp.

16  We have a twitter feed: @SkyRanch2014, for informational purposes- arrivals, departures, etc.  Fast follow by texting “Follow @SkyRanch2014” to 40404.  Following the twitter feed is especially useful to receive timely notifications about our arrival back at MIS.

17  Food is served family-style.  Kid-friendly menus  Salad bar is available at each meal.  Dietary needs are addressed.  Please let your child’s advisory teacher know through e-mail about any food allergies or other dietary restrictions.

18  Our estimated time of arrival back to MIS is 2:30-3:00 pm  We will update twitter with more precise arrival times, so please check periodically.  Students may be picked up from school after being signed out with advisory teacher.  We must have written notice if your child is going home with another adult.  Pick-up location will be on Stinson Field near Key street.

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