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Board Retreat Discussion and Review Non Profit Board Retreat Review and Discussion April 5, 2011 9:30 AM- 11:30 AM Diana A. Bing 4/5/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Retreat Discussion and Review Non Profit Board Retreat Review and Discussion April 5, 2011 9:30 AM- 11:30 AM Diana A. Bing 4/5/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Retreat Discussion and Review Non Profit Board Retreat Review and Discussion April 5, 2011 9:30 AM- 11:30 AM Diana A. Bing 4/5/2011

2 Successful Meetings Have you ever been a part of a successful meeting? Have you ever been a part of an unsuccessful meeting? What are the characteristics of a successful meeting? So, if you know what’s needed, why do you stay in meetings that are not being effective? The real key characteristic of effective meetings is when the stakeholders 1) Know the rule(s) and 2) have permission to call you out on them. It’s the context of agreement, not the right list that makes the meeting effective.

3 Topics for Today  Overview & Assessment  Preparation  Facilitation  Concepts  Completion Package


5 A Retreat Can:  Bring out problems to be dealt with by the board and its members  Enable the board to assess its capabilities and effectiveness  Be the spark of strategic thinking for the board So the Board Chairman has to be our client

6 Client Requests  “We need to be educated”  “We want to understand Fund Raising or do a Strategic Plan”  “We are having problems”  Attendance  Getting work done (commitments)  Inter-member tensions  Board-staff relationships

7 Assessing the Client’s Needs  Ask:  Why does client want a retreat?  What are their important issues?  What are their desired outcomes?  Are the Board Chair and ED in agreement?  Involved in all aspects of planning  Is the whole board going to attend?

8 Assessing Board Capabilities  How many members?  Regular meetings?  Attended by all?  Active Committees?  Meetings, reports, actions  Variety of skills, abilities and contacts?  Practices & procedures in place?

9 Self Assessment Tool  An email survey of board members  Done prior to retreat  Members identify their issues  Inform the retreat agenda  Provides an opportunity for follow up discussions prior to retreat

10 Discussion and Tips Lessons Learned Tips of the Road


12 Sample Agenda In Retreat Materials A “menu” of possible topics Includes Board operations and the first steps for a Strategic Plan Be creative!

13 Agenda Topics Each agenda is unique and flexible Structure around desired outcomes Take input from self assessment Use standard ESC materials or create custom ones Recognize need for formal and informal time – icebreaker; breaks Get client input and agreement

14 Consultant Roles For each section of the agenda: Which consultant leads? Who facilitates, who takes notes? What technique will you use? What issues might you encounter? Meet together!

15 Time Management Total time – Need to determine Estimate time for each section – include time for discussion Recognize that retreat is time for in-depth discussion of important issues Put actual times on agenda to help manage the clock Consider size of group Include breaks and lunch

16 Pre Retreat Communications 1. Make sure all participants understand retreat objectives 2. Send out: Agenda Self Assessment results Other pre-reading Logistics – directions, time, food 3. Confirm number of attendees and who they are

17 Materials and Set Up Power point projector and screen (or white wall) Copies of agenda and handouts Two easels with large paper pads Markers and masking tape Tent cards for names Conference tables in U shape

18 Discussion and Tips Lessons Learned Tips of the Road


20 Facilitation Benefits Finding the right mix of task accomplishment and relationship building Getting the best use of the organization’s resources Strengthening group bonds and trust Building group confidence

21 Role of Facilitator Set expectations Organize the retreat Put participants at ease Encourage everyone to contribute Manage time Take notes

22 Role of Facilitator Attend to the process” Structure the discussion Ask good questions Talk less, listen more Give ownership to participants

23 Discussion and Tips Lessons Learned Tips of the Road

24 Concepts

25 Important Basics Duties Board and Individual Responsibilities Committees Recruiting Board - Staff relations

26 Goals and Key Outcomes Member Issues Board Effectiveness Mission discussion Vision: brainstorm for a while Prioritize “dreams”

27 Discussion and Tips Lessons Learned Tips of the Road


29 The Last Steps At the retreat: Action steps Evaluations After the retreat: Final Report Client Follow Up

30 And Finally… Remember: everything we discussed here is in the manual. Seek advice from experienced ESC consultants You’re experienced consultants and facilitators Stay in touch with the nonprofit world.

31 Speaking of Advise from an Expert Additional Thoughts and Suggestions


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