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Groups Holy Comforter Lutheran Church — Introducing Small Groups Pastor Barb Bartling Karen Geffert and Arthur Murphy.

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Presentation on theme: "Groups Holy Comforter Lutheran Church — Introducing Small Groups Pastor Barb Bartling Karen Geffert and Arthur Murphy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Groups Holy Comforter Lutheran Church — Introducing Small Groups Pastor Barb Bartling Karen Geffert and Arthur Murphy

2 Groups Agenda Topics  What a “ Small Group ” is — and is not u The Five Purposes of Small Groups u When and Where they meet u A suggested Small Group schedule u Why small groups are vital to this congregation u Recent experiences and acquired wisdom for small group ministry

3 Groups What Small Groups are NOT u A games night u A place to meet other faiths u A rigid Bible study u Focused on one person

4 Groups What Small Groups ARE u Part of the Church body u A place for people to connect and provide love, support, friendship, and spiritual strength u A great way to build Christian relationships u A safe place to share and study  A way to carry out — and balance — God ’ s five purposes for our lives

5 Groups Five Purposes in Small Groups Fellowship - Providing opportunities to get to know members of the Holy Comforter Lutheran Church family and providing care for one another. Discipleship Evangelism Ministry Worship

6 Groups Fellowship Discipleship - Growing together in faith and obedience to God through the study of the Bible and prayer. Evangelism Ministry Worship Five Purposes in Small Groups

7 Groups Fellowship Discipleship Evangelism - Praying that God will send others to be a part of the Small Group and inviting others in faith. Ministry Worship Five Purposes in Small Groups

8 Groups Fellowship Discipleship Evangelism Ministry - Serving others through acts of love and mercy in and through ministries of the Holy Comforter Lutheran Church family Worship Five Purposes in Small Groups

9 Groups Fellowship Discipleship Evangelism Ministry Worship - Inviting the presence of God by worshipping together in Small Groups and encouraging worship with the entire Holy Comforter Lutheran Church family on Sundays. Five Purposes in Small Groups

10 Groups Where and when do they meet? u Homes, businesses, coffee shops or at church u Mornings, afternoons or nights u Once a week during the six-week kickoff u Perhaps less often thereafter  Target about 1 1/2 hours — 2 hours; some may meet up to 3 hours, at their option for meals, etc.  On going — some break for the summer

11 Groups u Opening - Fellowship/Membership - 3 - 5 minutes u Worship - 10 minutes u Discipleship/Spiritual Development - Bible study - 30 minutes A Suggested Small Group Meeting

12 Groups u Ministry/Service - Consensus, Plans, and Announcements - 5 - 10 minutes u Evangelism/Mission - Conversational prayers - 5 - 10 minutes u Closing - The Lord’s Prayer and Doxology A Suggested Small Group Meeting — Continued

13 Groups u Small Groups help people to move from outside the congregation into a Cross- Shaped commitment that includes: u A commitment to Jesus Christ u And a commitment to His Church through a local church like Holy Comforter The Congregational Growing Process

14 Groups u Small groups help people to grow in a Cross-Shaped relationship with God and a local congregation that includes: u Discipleship u Ministry u Evangelism u Mission u Worship The Congregational Growing Process

15 Groups How is a Small Group like the whole Congregation? u Small Groups seek to reflect the work of the whole Holy Comforter Lutheran Church family, but on a smaller scale. u They move people from outside the faith to inside the faith. u They fulfill the five purposes of the church: Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, Evangelism and Worship.  They fulfill Holy Comforter Lutheran Church ’ s Mission and Vision Plan.

16 Groups What I ’ ve Learned about Small Groups u Small groups are a base to act out the priesthood of all believers u They are a great place to receive care  They will work best if they imitate the congregation ’ s larger ministry u They need a champion to tend to the Small Group Ministry weekly  Perfect Small Group material doesn ’ t exist u Neither does the perfect Small Group u People choose a group based on meeting time

17 Groups What I ’ ve Learned about Small Groups — Continued  They don ’ t seem to operate like any book I ’ ve read - they are messy u Groups resist splitting in order to multiply u They will not grow naturally unless they have an Evangelism Champion u Groups have a strong pull to be Bible Study driven only u When groups get too large, someone stops listening, someone stops talking, and someone stops coming u They need a reason for being

18 Groups The End u Thanks for coming u Questions as time permits

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