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EP Preparatory Action for Eastern Macedonia & Thrace "Actual and desired state of the economic potential in regions outside the Greek capital Athens" European.

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Presentation on theme: "EP Preparatory Action for Eastern Macedonia & Thrace "Actual and desired state of the economic potential in regions outside the Greek capital Athens" European."— Presentation transcript:

1 EP Preparatory Action for Eastern Macedonia & Thrace "Actual and desired state of the economic potential in regions outside the Greek capital Athens" European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) – Seville 10 September 2014 Exploratory visit for the European Parliament Preparatory Action Kavala

2 Joint Research Centre (JRC) The European Commission's in-house science service. Serving society, stimulating innovation, supporting legislation. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Developing science-based responses to policy-challenges

3 Sustainable Production and Consumption Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Information Society Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Economy IPTS: 6 Units Industrial Research and Innovation Regional Modelling Modelling of fiscal reforms Smart Specialisation Platform Stairway to Excellence (EP Pilot) Knowledge for Growth EP Preparatory Action REMTh Innovation systems analysis Knowledge for Growth

4 4 Main activities of S3 Platform in support of the countries/regions preparing RIS3 2. Peer Review workshops & trans- national learning 4. RIS3 assessment and support to REGIO desks 3. Country- and Macro- region events and targeted seminars at IPTS 6. Interactive tools, S3 Newsletter and Website 1. The RIS3 methodological Guide 5. Thematic workshops & working groups 7. Research agenda Eye@RIS3


6 EP Preparatory Action will: facilitate the refinement & implementation of the RIS3 strategy in REMTh serve as a model for other convergence regions in Greece and Europe Duration: September 2014 – November 2015 Basis of implementation: Administrative Agreement (AA) between DG REGIO and JRC-IPTS Overview

7 Project objectives (i) Supporting MA in the further development and implementation of the RIS3, through: 1. Stocktaking & assessment of RIS3 - identification of barriers to ensure smooth implementation; 2. Testing and optimising entrepreneurial discovery process - governance structure and selection of the priorities for financing; 3. Supporting outward looking industry to seek technological solutions with R&D&I bodies in REMTh and beyond.

8 Project objectives (ii) Supporting MA in the further development and implementation of the RIS3, through: 4. Designing, testing and optimising measures to: - fully exploit available technological equipment in the region to serve regional business needs and opportunities; - support mobility research training with a view to adapt skills to the needs of smart specialisation concept (e.g. entrepreneurship, collaboration, creativity); - support engagement of highly qualified locals to maximise export potential of local businesses and help attract foreign direct investments.

9 Project objectives (iii) Supporting MA in the further development and implementation of the RIS3, through: 5. Encourage cooperation and exchange of best practices between the Managing Authority of the Regional Operational Programme with other EU regions successfully implementing RIS3 strategies.

10 Expected outcomes  Effective entrepreneurial discovery process and governance structure for smart specialisation;  Active cooperation between SMEs and RDI;  Refinement of a limited set of priorities;  New/enhanced measures to support and monitor RIS3 implementation;  Visible cooperation with other regions;  Establish good practices to be disseminated;  Identification of the legal and administrative barriers/issues that may adversely affect cooperation and RIS3 implementation;  Improve absorption capacity of structural funds

11 Benefits for the REMThBenefits for EU and other EU regions Speeding up RIS3 process More efficient process of entrepreneurial discovery Participation to EU networks and RIS3 events Information & guidance for R&D & business actors on local opportunities Access to international best- practice Prove effective cooperation of regional enterprises & RDI bodies Detailed feedback on processes currently in place In depth understanding of process of refining & implementing RIS3 In depth understanding of challenges of collaboration between the local & international levels In depth understanding of institutional shift required by RIS3 approach Opportunity to refine RIS3 approach for EU and target future activities Basis for replicable model for other regions Expected benefits

12 Implementation: Five Core Activities 1.Stocktaking and assessment; 2.Testing and optimising entrepreneurial discovery process and broader RIS3; 3.Supporting outward looking industry in seeking technological solutions with R&D&I bodies; 4.Designing, testing and optimising measures to enhance human resources and address 'brain drain'; 5.Cooperation, communication and replicability.

13 1. Stocktaking and assessment Exploratory visit (today) Kick-off visit Analysis of State of Play of RIS3 development Use of assessment wheel Metadata collection Identification of barriers and issues Refinement of work-plan

14 Self Assessment Tool Elaborated from the original proposal by C.Saublens, EURADA Monitoring Policy mix Priorities Vision Process Analysis RIS3

15 2. Testing & optimising entrepreneurial discovery process and RIS3 REMTh participation in Pisa workshop on entrepreneurial discovery process (Sept.) Organisation of in depth peer review focused on REMTh Mobilisation of stakeholders: public authorities, business, university & research, users and citizens Discussion of gaps and barriers Recommendations and support for RIS3 interactions between actors and structure evaluation and monitoring

16 3. Supporting outward looking industry in seeking technological solutions Strengthening links between industry and research Participatory events Stakeholder Guide Selection and implementation plan for pilot proposals

17 4. Measures to enhance human resources and address 'brain drain' Mobility research training Good practices across EU & fora for interaction Exploitation of technological equipment in REMTh Optimising R&I capacities Complementary human resource strategies Maximise export potential Assess capacities and identify tools Policy Infrastructure support for MA Cooperation with peers

18 5. Cooperation, communication and replicability Identification and mobilisation of stakeholders board of critical friends encourage cooperation and exchange of good practices Identify elements for replication Dissemination Continuous communication Translation and web-based Final events Evaluation study

19 Role of JRC-IPTS JRC-IPTS responsible for activities described in Administrative Arrangement between DG Regio and JRC JRC-IPTS team expertise in:  economic geography, economics, political science, foresight, marketing and law  wealth of relevant institutional expertise Synergies with various IPTS activities:  Smart Specialisation Platform (S3 Platform)  Stairways to Excellence  Analysis of transnational research cooperation  Analysis of national R&I policies  Participatory methods in policy design & implementation Project is a partnership!

20 Morning discussion

21 Discussion on refinement of PA (12.30-14.30) 1. Refinement of project planning and identification of next steps for each work-package 2. Next meetings – discussions of roles, expectations and practical aspects: 3. Identification of Advisory board and Critical Buddies 4. Communication: website (links RIS3 Platform & REMTh website translation) 5. Other issues emerging

22 1. Refinement of project planning and identification of next steps for each workpackage Questions for each WP: - Useful information from the region to move ahead? Relevant past events and documents? Relevant stakeholders? - What have been the key difficulties encountered until now regarding this WP? - How does the WP fit with the interest of the region?

23 2. Next meetings – discussions of roles, expectations and practical aspects  Project meetings:  Kick-off Meeting - identify dates, draft agenda, clarify roles & expectations  Peer Review - identify dates, draft agenda, clarify roles and expectations  Complementary activities from the S3Platform:  Participation in the workshop on Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (Pisa - Sept) - clarify roles and expectations  Participation in the workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation (Barcelona – Dec)?

24 In-depth Peer Review Event  Opportunity to openly discuss common issues related to smart specialisation with peers from other regions  Builds and expands on the existing format of RIS3 peer-review seminars in which regions and countries peer-review each other's work on RIS3 (open to all regions)  Which key questions would REMTh like to get answered in such an event? E.g.: - Entrepreneurial Discovery Process from different stakeholders’ perspectives - Barriers & challenges in interactions between different stakeholders - Challenges in developing a monitoring & evaluation mechanism. - How to motivate business to actively participate? - Cross-border or interregional collaboration

25 3. Critical Buddies type a -Longitudinal participation in project  Stakeholders/Experts facing similar challenges and/or developing good practices  Aim: share experiences with REMTh and provide feedback at key points in the project  Profile: Policy makers, academics, consultants involved in RDTI and RIS3  Geographical spread: Europe  Number: 4 -6

26 3. Critical Buddies type b – Work package-specific Stakeholders/Experts facing similar challenges and/or developing good practices Specific expertise on EDP (WP2); Industry-University (WP3); Human resources (WP4) Same profile and spread as type a Number: ~2 per Work-package

27 4. Communication issues  Website(s)  Communication with stakeholders  Translation issues  Other

28 Afternoon discussion

29 Key questions to stakeholders WP2: Entrepreneurial Discovery Process  Which concrete business ideas would fit under the pillars identified in the regional smart specialisation strategy?  Which technologies/research is available or could be developed by the regional economy to support these ideas?  How can the number of start-ups be increased in the region?  Can you share your experience with collaborations with Business/University?

30 Key questions to stakeholders WP3: Outward looking industry and R&D collaboration  How can the export succes of the top performing companies by of use for other companies?  What can regional research/technology offer to those companies?  On what research/technology topics could the region collaborate with other regions (in Greece, EU,…)?

31 Key questions to stakeholders WP4: Human Capital and Brain-Drain  How can students and researchers be convinced to stay in/come back to the region?  What could the academic centres in the region do to attract more (knowledge-intensive) firms?  How can entrepreneurship within the academic centres be increased?

32 Key questions to stakeholders Other questions  Which questions would you like to ask other regions in Europe, if you had the opportunity to do so?  Which challenges do you see in implementing the selected pillars for specialisation?  What recommendation would you make to improve the regional economy?

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