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Thank You!!! Thank You to all of our participants for your hard work and dedication! Thank You to all those who supported us, including friends and family!

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Presentation on theme: "Thank You!!! Thank You to all of our participants for your hard work and dedication! Thank You to all those who supported us, including friends and family!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Thank You!!! Thank You to all of our participants for your hard work and dedication! Thank You to all those who supported us, including friends and family! Make sure to grab a show booklet!

3 Show DVD’s! Reserve your copy of a DVD today. DVD’s are only $7 Include all acts, emcee skits, videos DVD’s will be available at MAD. YES! They are Copyright protected

4 SASA Scholarship What: This is a scholarship Essay designed for exceptional SASA members who combine the DePaul SASA mission, and Vincentian ideals. Eligibility: SASA Member, DePaul Student, Current Fresh, Soph, or Junior. Min GPA 3.0. Will be judged by senior members on board. Awarded a monetary value to be used for textbooks More information regarding this will be available Wed May 4th, including essay requirements DEADLINE is Saturday May 14th at Midnight

5 Field Day! When: Friday, May 13 th Time: 1:00pm Where: DePaul Quad Come represent your class! Games, prizes, and snacks! See Rushi Shah for questions Can sign up on the SASA/FFE website soon!

6 Member Appreciation Dinner When: May 17th Time: 8:00pm Where: Student Center room 220 Awesome Dinner, SASA awards and Elections Information about positions on SASA website

7 Election Requirements Elections will be overseen by the Executive board graduating seniors led by the President All nominees must be paid members as of the last day of Winter Quarter All candidates that have accepted their nomination are required to give a self-introduction speech, as well as their plans to enhance SASA to the general members prior to the voting portion. After such speeches, an open forum will be led by the Executive Board to provide for any questions by the members of the Executive Board itself.

8 President The President will serve to enhance and broaden SASA's exposure both internally within the DePaul community and externally. S/he will serve as a responsible, motivated, knowledgeable leader and provide guidance and structure to the organization. Requirements: 1 Year on board, and 2 years as DePaul SASA member. Additional: candidates running for the President position on the SASA Executive Board are not allowed to hold any other presidential (or similar) positions on any other Executive Board for the term that they will potentially be President of SASA

9 Vice President The Vice President shall first and foremost assume the responsibilities of the President in his or her absence. The Vice President is also responsible for the establishment of good relations with the faculty, administration and other intra-school organizations within the University. Responsible for the planning and organization of all events, activities, held by SASA throughout the year Add Requirements: 1 Year on board

10 Secretary The Secretary is responsible for recording attendance and minutes at all meetings. S/he will also inform all members of the details of the minutes. In addition, the Secretary is required to keep all records updated and stored in an orderly fashion. S/he is also in charge for ordering food for all events held by SASA. In addition, s/he will book rooms for all upcoming SASA activities/events.

11 Treasurer The Treasurer must keep track of all financial transactions regularly to ensure their availability upon request by recording all transactions in and out of all of SASA’s financial accounts. S/he should make certain that all payments and deposits are made in a timely manner. S/he is also responsible for finding and applying for as many different sources of funds for the organization. The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of all fees and payment owed to the organization and of the payment of all debts incurred by the organization as well as keeping the board updated

12 Executive Marketer (3) They will be responsible for all the advertising, networking, and recruiting for the organization. They are responsible to inform all members as well as DePaul community of any organizational meetings, events, and activities, the current status and future plans of the organization as well as any other pertinent information on a regular basis. Advertisement of upcoming events/activities can be made by creating flyers, handbills, banners, using chalk to write outside the doors of the Student Center, and/or creating a Facebook event. Use of Photoshop is a MUST!

13 Director of Member Services This position is responsible for coordinating all member recruiting activities for the year, including membership drives, incentives and giveaways. Furthermore, s/he will oversee the GBM program (ex: ice breaker games), keep the General Body informed through emails, and coordinate General Body meetings. During the summer, the Director of Member Services will work with the Executive Board in order to design the official SASA T-Shirt. Importantly, s/he will maintain an active list of all current members by working with the Treasurer

14 Social/Community Chair (3) The Social Chairs are responsible for primarily coordinating the social and community service activities of the organization. Two social/comm chairs will be elected to term at the general SASA election held in the spring quarter. The 2 nd Social Chair will be a first year student (freshman or transfer student), to be interviewed by the Vice President in assistance with the Executive Board in the fall. Both Social Chairs & Community Chair will work together with the Vice President in order to plan various social and community service events by creating a calendar of events. At each event, the Social Chairs are required to take lead on planning, coordinating, and effectively carrying out the event/activity by using the event check list.

15 Webmaster The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the SASA website. S/he will perform such tasks as: updating current information regarding SASA events and/or other information that may be important. S/he will also be responsible for the safety of the organization in web applications. Information, including names and identities collected through the site will be kept by the organization and shall not be released, sold, or in any way transferred outside the organization.

16 Historian The Historian is responsible for taking pictures of all SASA events/activities and will then upload the pictures onto the SASA website. Will provide the senior gifts/awards at MAD dinner Will take head of Décor for Garba and other events The historian will work with one or two Executive Board members in order to create the scrapbook that is to be given to the President

17 Basketball Tournament What: SASA Basketball tournament Where: Ray Meyer Fitness Center When: TBA

18 FEST When: May 27 th Where: DePaul Quad SASA will have a table with Games and Henna set up!

19 Formal! When: Friday, May 6 th Where: The Westin Time: Doors Open @ 7:00pm Dinner @ 8:00pm Tickets Prices: Single: $30 Couple:$55 Buy your tickets ASAP!


21 Will you go to formal with me? OH GOD YES!!!!!!!!

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