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June 24-26, 2015 Melbourne Australia NACADA International Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "June 24-26, 2015 Melbourne Australia NACADA International Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 24-26, 2015 Melbourne Australia NACADA International Conference

2 The Multicultural Advising Portfolio A global cultural assessment tool for advisors

3 Presenter Doris Wright Carroll, PhD Associate Professor Special Education, Counseling, and Student Affairs Kansas State University Manhattan, KansasUSA

4 Paying Honor This presentation honors and celebrates the traditions and spirit of the Aborginal peoples of Australia and supports their self-determination.

5 What is a Multicultural Advising Portfolio? The portfolio characterizes a student’s multicultural awareness, knowledge, or skills as they are related to advising professional activities. It is an assessment document to determine an advisor’s cultural competency.

6 What format can I present a portfolio? An electronic or paper document [traditional] Video streaming, podcasts, or film Artistic - Music, drama, spoken word, poetry Dance or other forms of movement Drawing, painting, and graphic representations Other formats?

7 What documentation can be included in the portfolio?  Personal narrative descriptions  Description of multicultural experiences or events  Drawings or artistic representations of events  Songs and any musical representations

8 What materials should be avoided?  Documents and artifacts that are illegal and violate state, federal, or international laws.  Copyrighted and propriety materials for which approval has not been secured.  Offensive language, as defined by university handbook and student conduct policies  Plagiarized items  Information obtained from academic integrity violations

9 Documentation to include in the portfolio  Photos, film clips, video presentations  Second language observations or transcriptions  Programs, fliers, or other scanned documentation  Journals or journaling activities  Personal narratives

10 What material should be avoided?  Pornographic artifacts and documents  Materials that are downloaded illegally or bootlegged  Documents that violate technology and data security policies  Materials that contain a virus or spy ware  Documents that violate Institutional Research Board (IRB) guidelines

11 Multicultural Portfolio Assessment Dimensions Strong evidence Some Evidenceminimal evidence Very little evidence No Evidence 5 4 3 2 1 1.Shows multicultural advising self- awareness. 2.Defines multicultural advising operationally. 3.Applies multicultural advising to curriculum & academic settings. 4.Applies multicultural principles to advising service delivery.

12 Multicultural Portfolio Assessment Dimensions Strong evidence Some Evidenceminimal evidence Very little evidence No Evidence 5 4 3 2 1 5.Understands how privilege shapes multicultural advising. 6.Shows how multicultural advising influences student retention. 7.Recognizes how institutional climate influences multicultural advising.

13 Exercise How would you document your awareness or knowledge of Privilege in academic advising?

14 Multicultural Advising Portfolio uses Professional development Program assessment Advisor self-assessment Cultural competency assessment One measure of institutional climate influences on advising.

15 Questions?

16 Thank You! Doris Wright Carroll, Ph.D. Associate Professor Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs 369 Bluemont Hall1100 Mid Campus Drive Kansas State University Manhattan, KS USA 66506-5312 Department: 785-532-5541 Office: 785-532-5941 Fax: 785-532-7304 E-mail: Cell phone: 785- 587-7423

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