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KANSAS LAND COVER MAPPING INITIATIVE: A 10-YEAR UPDATE Kansas GIS Policy Board, FY 2016 Database Development Proposal Dana Peterson, Stephen Egbert, Kansas.

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Presentation on theme: "KANSAS LAND COVER MAPPING INITIATIVE: A 10-YEAR UPDATE Kansas GIS Policy Board, FY 2016 Database Development Proposal Dana Peterson, Stephen Egbert, Kansas."— Presentation transcript:

1 KANSAS LAND COVER MAPPING INITIATIVE: A 10-YEAR UPDATE Kansas GIS Policy Board, FY 2016 Database Development Proposal Dana Peterson, Stephen Egbert, Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

2 Proposed Work Summary Produce a 10-year update to Kansas Land Cover Patterns (KLCP) – Source Data: 2015 Landsat and MODIS NDVI Collaborative effort with KDWPT and USFWS Region 6. Two phases: – Level I map (comparable to 1990 and 2005 maps) – Level III map (Crop type, grassland type— comparable to 2005 Level III map)

3 Accuracy Assessment If funded, will apply for MOU with FSA to obtain field level data for accuracy assessment. Request stakeholder data. Seek additional funds to support the mapping effort and field verification. – NTWF Super Fund RFP – USFWS Habitat and Population Evaluation Team (HAPET) (see support letter) May request Policy Board funds if above efforts are unsuccessful or data are inadequate to conduct statewide accuracy assessment.

4 Rationale National level products do not support the needs of all users in Kansas. KLCP used by USFWS for habitat modeling – USFWS found KLCP product more accurate than the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) KLCP used by KDWPT GIS applications, – State Wildlife and Action Plan (SWAP) – Lesser Prairie Chicken Regional Plan – KS Crucial Habitat and Assessment Tool (CHAT) – Natural Resource Planner (NRP)

5 Relationship to The GIS Initiative Land cover is 1 of 7 data layers in the KS Geospatial Data Framework – The dynamic nature of land cover requires updates – The need for updates are pitted against cost – ~10-year update recommended

6 Relationship to the State Water Plan Statewide land use and land cover data addresses three components of the water plan: Conserving and Extending the High Plains Aquifer (HPA) section – Mapping land use contributing to water use Improving Our State’s Water Quality section – Mapping land use within watersheds contributing to non-point source pollution – Monitoring temporal trends Securing, Protecting and Restoring our Kansas Reservoirs – Identifying upstream activities that are impacting or improving reservoir sustainability, identify target areas for improvement (e.g. riparian restoration, wetland conversion).

7 Proposed Budget GIS Policy Board KBS Cost-Share KDWPT Cost-Share FTE 75%Total Cost 12 mo 18mo12mo18mo Staff Salaries: Stephen Egbert Dana Peterson John Lomas $26,383$2,786$42,399$63,598 Fringe$9,234$975$14,840$22,259 Software$1,791 Totals$37,608$3,761$57,239$85,857$98,608$127,226 In collaboration with USFWS Region 6 to find additional funds to support the statewide Mapping effort, including possible field work needed for validation.

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